All about kitchens for apartments and houses

We select the best material for kitchen: the secrets of beauty and practicality


at purchase of kitchen units you need to pay attention to many factors. design, Colour, Accessories play an important role, not the most important. Superiority in choosing the material belongs, because that's what he characterizes the reliability and quality of the furniture.

Red furniture
Red furniture blends well with an apron

Which material is best for the kitchen

Often, many wonder "what material better to order the kitchen and which material is best for kitchens?». Unfortunately, a clear answer to this question does not exist, as each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. But most people prefer laminated chipboard and MDF. Why and what materials have won the championship in the construction market, It will help you understand our article.

Laminated chipboard - modern choice

kitchen made of laminated chipboard

Chipboard - laminated chipboard plita.Ispolzuetsya many companies to furniture manufacturing. Different strength and acceptable cost. But in order, to understand, Why is this material to choose for the kitchen offer to analyze the advantages and disadvantages.


  • Range colors. A wide selection of ornaments under the tree», a variety of colors allows of chipboard create incredible headset, able to decorate any room design. That is why this material is best to choose for kitchens.
  • price. Due to its affordability can get even people with little financial income.
  • moisture resistance. melanin film, glued to particleboard, It creates a water-repellent effect. He is not afraid of hot temperatures, It does not melt.
  • Assembly. When ordering the headset of chipboard is not necessary to worry about the assembly. assemble furniture the power of even a person, not having the skills.
  • Versatility. All the accessories and fittings for such headsets sold separately, so they can be replaced in case of damage.

light furniture
Light furniture beautiful combination with the tiles on the floor


  1. Toxicity. One of the components constituting the laminated chip - formaldehyde resin, which vaporizes the harmful substance to the human body.
  2. insecurity. Compared to others, Chipboard loses strength wood and MDF.

In order to choose the right material for the kitchen should pay attention to the possibility of milling and strength. Price plays a role, but it can not act as a decisive factor when choosing a, so in some cases it is better to overpay for quality.

set of laminated chipboard


For many would be a novelty, that are made of plastic kitchen. But it's true. It should be taken into account, that plastic is not used for the production of carcass, and for topcoats.

Plastic surfaces used for manufacturing countertops. Plastic-covered furniture facades.


  • Strength.
  • Water resistance.
  • shockproof. Material damage is difficult subjects.
  • Resistance to hot temperatures.
  • Various colors. This allows you to take vivid headset. On the facades of glossy plastic looks, which gives it more originality.

light furniture
Light furniture with a beautiful pattern original looks in the kitchen

If you want to make unusual cuisine, it is necessary to select materials for the kitchen made of plastic. This is the only material, having such a variety of colors. Plastic is used for the manufacture of furniture with style or Art Nouveau. facades, coated with plastics, beneficial to look at the Art Deco style.

If desired, the effect of gloss from plastic is removed and it becomes frosted.

Finely-dispersed fraction for facades

Perhaps, MDF kitchen is already known to all. This material for kitchen furniture has won appreciation a few years ago due to its environmental friendliness. Finely-dispersed fraction is made on the basis of particle board production. But the differences between them - a bonding agent. MDF is used paraffin, lignin or urea resin. These substances are safe and can not harm children even.

MDF durable, not afraid to shock and water. Therefore, when there is a desire to have a durable and attractive garniture, worth of this material to choose kitchen.

Kitchen from MDF

He is treated, It does not crack, not stratified. If desired, there are small carvings. MDF does not require additional processing, but if desired, it is painted and laminated. Therefore, this material kitchen facade better to choose.

Compared with chipboard, MDF cost up 20 percent. This makes it less accessible and consumed among the people.

Aluminum is the best material at hand

In order to choose the material for kitchen furniture should pay attention to reliability. The most reliable and durable - this aluminum. It is used for the manufacture of parts of the facade and washing sinks.

The service life of aluminum and stainless steel products is calculated in years. They do not rust, not scattered. Aluminum is completely safe, in its composition does not present toxic components.

The disadvantage of stainless steel is, it fades with time.

Classical furniture green is perfect for the kitchen

Wooden array for countertops

Furniture made of wood - a classic headset. Wooden furniture It looks elegant and expensive. Therefore, most of the people from these materials make the kitchen. soft rock used for the manufacture of shells of trees, like pine, linden or chestnut. Furniture made of rocks belongs to the budget class. Therefore, if desired, have a good, but inexpensive kitchen of this material is better to make the kitchen.

Rugged rocks for furniture - oak, birch and beech. Products such sawmills, as the locust, Kizil and walnut, They are very expensive, therefore made exclusively to order.


  1. naturalness.
  2. Environmentally friendly.
  3. Color spectrum.

kitchen wood


  1. Sensitivity to water and hot temperatures.
  2. Deformation.
  3. Heavy weight.
  4. High price.

Chipboard is designed to build with their own hands

DSP has previously been one of the most sought-after materials. But today this material for the manufacture of kitchen withdrew into the background. Instead, he used chipboard. Chipboard characterized strength and stamina.

The disadvantages are the thickness. Compared to others, DSP broad and massive. The average thickness of the sheet is 17 cm.



Each of the materials is good. But if we consider each, we can distinguish, that the kitchen furniture made of plastic looks more elegant MDF or SAD. MDF and laminate kitchen practical and durable. Wooden kitchen-quality and durable. But the price of wooden sets are not happy, it is too high for people with average incomes. An alternative to wooden furniture - MDF products. MDF headset, amazing accuracy. Kitchens LDRI, last for no more than ten years, but in appearance it resembles natural wood. Therefore, the laminate- it's a good alternative to solid wood.


Should choose based on the design of interior spaces and the alleged. Headsets plastic interiors are decorated in the style of hi-tech, and wood furniture organically fit into the style of country music.

2017-03-18 14:54:40
Я себе из массива дуба кухню заказала. Смотрится просто великолепно. trust, никакой пластик даже рядом не стоит. И не нужно думать ,что это очень дорого стоит. Вот к примеру на фабрике Бобр, сейчас идет распродажа образцов, так кухню из массива дуба , можно с огромной скидкой купить.
Анна Кремер
2017-08-19 22:17:58
У нас кухня из МДФ в пленке, пользуемся уже 6й год, нигде ничего не отслаивается. Состояние фасадов отличное. Besides, у нас еще гарантия от производителя 12 years old, так что надеюсь, что еще столько же кухня нам прослужит. Кухню покупали от фабрики Zetta. Читала, многие жалуются на то, что уже через год-два пленка начинает отслаиваться. Видимо, все зависит от конкретного производителя и от используемых при производстве технологий.
2017-05-16 16:26:53
array, of course, хорош.. Но под модерн или лофт его стилизовать сложно. У нас был современный проект, подошел только пластик. Сначала немного смущала эта идея, но теперь обжились, и кухней я довольна. Среди плюсов - простота уборки. Заказывали в "Фабрика кухни".