All about kitchens for apartments and houses

Interior, layout, Colour: all the secrets of the narrow kitchen space design


Space for cooking in the apartment It has the shape of an elongated rectangle and furnish it with standard furniture can not be, because they do not have enough space, or the room too cluttered.

Long and narrow kitchen
Long and narrow kitchen also has the right to be beautiful and original

It is therefore important to properly consider such a room interior, layout, the color scheme. Then it looks cozy, beautiful and functional at the same time.

We are offering valuable advice, how to plan the most efficient narrow kitchen, and the design of the narrow kitchen - pleasant.

Disposition narrowed kitchens

Kitchen furniture is such a plan:

  1. L-shaped;
  2. U-shaped;
  3. linear, located on one side of the wall.

at plan kitchen length of placement of furniture one wall is inconvenient, but if it is narrow, then use one such arrangement of furniture. If a the width of the room allows, then make U-shaped set.

Council: make countertop smaller, to increase the space between the pedestals, but it should be only on the side, where there is no technology: wash, hob, oven.

Option - Design a small kitchen in a narrow L-shaped form - then nothing in the width of the countertop will not have to change.

Disposition narrowed cuisine
Harmoniously arrange the furniture, accessories and technical funktsioanal - all, what to do and you get candy

plate, sink and refrigerator is important to place near each other, it was convenient to cook and butcher products. Sink and stove set close to each other, but not too close, otherwise use them uncomfortable.

Council: refrigerator or place next to a gas cooker or hob sink near. The distance from the sink to the refrigerator, and not less by washing until the plate 50-60 cm. Make and L-shaped suite, then nothing in the width of the countertop will not have to change.

When planning narrow kitchen is important to consider these details, so the room will melt functional during operation. follow, that there are no unnecessary parts or shelves, and at the same time the room was not cluttered with furniture.

Furniture for premises disproportionate

To make the design of the narrow small kitchen pleasant and relaxing, consider the following:

  • furniture for narrow room should have two layers - the lower cabinets and upper row of boxes;
  • technique in the lower pedestals place them, to plate, sink and refrigerator were not in the same row, and luchshestoyali opposite each other, if it is U-shaped set. If L-shaped, the refrigerator is located in the corner or against the wall;
  • fronts cuisines such important choose not smooth or patterned and strongly projecting handles, so they do not interfere with the movement in the kitchen;

The design of the narrow kitchen
Comfortable place to rest vpisyvaetya very clearly in the concept of the design space

The top mounted kitchen cabinets with glass facades choose patterned or frosted glass with a pattern (for such glasses if necessary crockery, only the outlines visible), Glass also choose different colors, it will create a play of colors and contrast for a good mood.

Council: not all colors are appropriate in the classical style, minimalism and Provence. Keep this in mind when creating a design.

Choose for every taste and color of the glass gets to the general idea of ​​the kitchen units, taking into account the color of the lower pedestals Headset. So the number of glass facades on the upper cabinets will visually increase the room space, create light and visually expand the space of the room. Besides, this furniture for a narrow kitchen looks very stylish. Another hinged upper cabinets can be opened without facades or in part without facades, and thus effectively furnish a narrow kitchen, filling open shelves kitchen sets or vases, whom housewives always enough.

Dining table in the design of long and narrow kitchen to make a breakfast bar or sofa with folding table top, to remove it at the time of cooking.

Disproportionate importance in the kitchen can be not only the placement of furniture, but also a selection of colors.

Planning a long kitchen
General background color, tone and harmony krsaok must be chosen with taste

Design Tips: color scheme, and not only

If the narrow kitchen furniture is made in the light, beige, it will expand the space of the narrow walls. If the lower pedestals kitchen unit may be dark tones, the top is better to make light. Such a combination of original and fashionable. To narrow the room better suited kitchen sets, formed in the peach color, creams, pastel blue and pastel green.

Wall color, choose light, pastel and avoid large patterns. Focusing on one or two vivid detail. It may be a few bright facades, somewhere in the middle headset or accessory bright. Or hang a picture on the wall, making her accent, it can be catchy and vibrant, if everything else is bright.

Ceilings make tension, at the present time it is fashionable and at the same time suitable for narrow small kitchen - reflecting surfaces create depth. And it is important to take into account, lower ceilings, the lighter they do, to visually expand the space.

Light narrow kitchen
More light, do not spare energy

Lighting, textiles and accessories

Illumination is better not to make mortise in furniture, and remote hang lights on the bracket, to direct the light in a dimly lighted place. To make the comfort of a long and narrow kitchen
it is important to design the interior of a long and narrow kitchen accessories, can be handmade, or from natural clay - figurines, vases, panel, flowers in pots and things like that - they create designs, warmth and charm to your kitchen.

How to make a long, narrow kitchen?

It is important to take into account the, to box it was not too much heaped curtains, it is better to draw with light curtains, reported to natural light in the room. If you choose curtains, only light and airy as the design, and in color. Chandeliers in the narrow kitchen may be located off-center, and can be, that there were two or three. Make lighting in the narrow kitchen, so as to divide the space into zones, and each chandelier highlights them, working or dining.

If you have a small and narrow kitchen you can arrange it functional, to feel comfortable in it. To make a long narrow kitchen, It requires effort and time, to think through the design, layout and color of the furniture and the room.


All this can be done with your hands or invite professionals, them to help you plan your furniture arrangement, wall color, gender, kitchen furniture and make a cozy room.