All about kitchens for apartments and houses

What makes furniture fronts for the kitchen - the idea of ​​home worker


massive furniture fronts Natural wood - it is reliable, durable, beautiful, ... and incredibly expensive. The owner of an apartment or house, considering kitchen sets from leading manufacturers, understands, Such variations are not everybody can afford.

Furniture facades for kitchens
Furniture facades - a popular solution in kitchens

There is a solution - pay attention to the facades of the cost of materials, not inferior in quality, and sometimes superior first-class raw materials.

No - let's deal.

raw material options for the kitchen facade

traditionally,, furniture fronts - a timber. but, its different variations. for example:

Furniture facades for kitchens

  • array. The high cost of the material due to its natural origin - valuable varieties and related work translates into an impressive price. But, before sighing of the inability to purchase headsets for unspecified costs, it is worth remembering the shortcomings, inherent in all wood - a reaction to the humidity and the effects of, need varnish, which over time if not properly care, loses gloss. The doors can crack, crack, darken. Furniture fronts for kitchen wood - fun ruinous. If the owner has the opportunity to make the kitchen furniture with their hands, it is important to know, that birch or conifers do not have adequate strength for aggressive media - domestic premises such is. A valuable varieties - oak, ash, acacia, beech - available in its origin, or of the same value.

Furniture facades from an array
The more valuable tree species, the more expensive furniture

  • hardboard fines - MDF. A common material for the construction of interior - MDF facades for kitchen furniture, not an exception. dignity: environmental friendliness, uniformity, strength, durability. Among other things,, color palette represented a wide range of. the back plate, naturally, has no decent appearance - it is coated decorative raw material. The most common colored facade - MDF covered with polyurethane enamel. Smoothness and various effects - nacre, aging, Metallic - make it a leader in the application in the design of furniture.Furniture facades for kitchens MDF
  • polyvinyl chloride film (PVC) - optionally covering panel. MDF facades in PVC film a variety of different looks, but, popular, Only if there is nothing more expensive than the owner can not afford. A very significant drawback - the fear of high temperatures and humidity - put the raw materials to the end of the list of acceptable materials.
  • Veneer. thin fiber, similar in composition to the MDF. Applied to the surface, pre-milled using glue. The coating looks spectacular, but independent process requires experience - as a result of interaction with the adhesive, thin sheets can delaminate, exposing the panel profile.
  • acrylic plastic for furniture - fun and easy solution. On the surface of the polymeric panels is applied in advance a desired pattern, picture, pattern. They are then glued to MDF panels and facade ready. But, material fickle, It deforms itself and contributes to this base. Gets scratched easily spoil the appearance of the kitchen.

Furniture facade of acrylic plastic
The acrylic coating has a presentable appearance, and is often used in modern styles

  • Laminated wood panel - chipboard. Exterior The facade of the kitchen looks good and does not lose arrays. The most frequent use was in the design of kitchens modern styles - high-tech, minimalism, Japanese. Differs from chipboard MDF only processing the finished panel - thermal way it gives gloss. The material has a significant drawback - the inability to use the angular and curved designs. If the owners of the adherents of traditional forms, the kitchen with facades from chipboard - the best solution. The new material is used in combination with the plastic elements. This method is to update an existing headset and resolve the issue - from what makes facades for kitchens their own hands. The combination gives a good result. It is important to note, that the cuisine of chipboard - fun for everyone's pocket, in spite of the multiple stages of preparation of raw materials.Furniture facades for kitchens from chipboard
  • Multiplex. This is new wood material by composition reminiscent glulam. For the production of thin veneer used kitchens, glued in multiple layers, why the durability of wood at a height. Such headset can not be used in small kitchens - large percentage of moisture is able to stratify expensive material. Otherwise kitchens MDF, PVC film, will be stronger.

It is important to approach the issue of product selection for future kitchen facade scrupulously. The room is equipped with a respective corrosive medium quality furniture, can withstand changes in temperature, mechanical damage and load. MDF or chipboard meets the requirements to a greater extent.

Furniture facades made of MDF
MDF is a versatile material, which combines price and quality

metal facades

Usually, used for the production of an ordinary aluminum profile frame, characterized strength, as opposed to any kind of natural wood. He does not respond to climate change, inert to corrosion. The following materials act as a filler:

  1. Glass. Normal or with photo printing, fluted, acrylic, tempered. Out of him, at all, make kitchen furniture - tables, countertops, cupboards. In the frame of the metal frame, facade looks stylish and subtly.
  2. Plastic. Color inserts make the kitchen bright, positive. Since most of the family life is being held there, the raw materials can be very useful. Besides, It is cheap and available material, if the owners often change the interior.
  3. MDF or material for the kitchen - chipboard. Raw strengthen already solid design tog + headsets will receive high-quality look. If the work on the design and assembly will be celebrated alone, it is better to choose the first view, because the ends of the laminate to receive at home is difficult. Facade chipboard hands - troublesome option kitchen.

so, facades for furniture are different. Choose their own taste and budget is difficult because of the diversity of the proposed. It is important to pre-submit their own headsets, peruse the information on this account, view the options and agree on them with the household. Only then will the joy of the new interior will be a total and complete.