All about kitchens for apartments and houses

Secrets and subtleties of cleaning the kitchen


Order on the kitchen - a guarantee of good mood every woman. But sooner or later the room is polluted, and hostess begins to prepare for the long procedure called "cleaning the kitchen". Tips, presented in the article, help to organize their own work and to minimize inconvenience.

general cleaning in the kitchen
Weekly cleaning service in the kitchen

spring-cleaning: steps and features


General kitchen cleaning begins with dishes. Remove all of the lockers and lower items in a dishwasher or a basin with hot water.

Wash the dishes can be not only industrial tool. With fat easily handle baking soda, diluted to a paste.

Scorched pans otmoet mustard powder. Leach in water, add 2-3 tablespoons mustard, Leave for a few hours.

Coffee or tea stains can be removed with soda or toothpaste.


While drying dishes, Engage in lockers and shelves. Clean them from dust, mud, wipe solution of vinegar or citric acid and dry. Cleaning the kitchen will become easier, if pre "obtyanut" shelf transparent film. It is easy to clean by any means and does not scratch the canvas.

Check the bulk products availability pray and beetles. At all, cereal is better to keep in a tightly closed glass containers.

Shoe cabinets in the kitchen
Shoe cabinets in the kitchen- mandatory procedure


The next stage - scrubbing the kitchen table, tiles, apron, other surfaces.

The quality of cleaning depends little on brand detergent. It is often more effective drugs is simply improvised with a small amount and low content of "chemistry".

Baking soda - ideal for cleaning ceramic surfaces. It needs to be diluted to a paste and apply on the tiles. The mixture copes with grease stains, easily washed off with water. Bring the tile to strong light can be citric acid or vinegar.

Smudges, and stains from the facades remove soap lemon juice or soda. solution is used for washing of kitchen apron 1 l. water and 3 st.l. vinegar (75%).

Seams between tiles purified vinegar essence. Dip it in a toothbrush with soft bristles and treat the surface.


Before, how to start cleaning the kitchen, remove from the refrigerator contents and disconnect it from the network.

  • Conduct an audit of products. discard spoiled. Wash with soap and plastic containers, containers, shelves.
  • Glass and plastic will acquire original appearance, if you use a few drops of ammonia during rinsing.
  • To cope with fatty stains help solutions with the addition of soap and soda.
  • Yellow remove plaque toothpaste.
  • wash refrigerator, that there was no odor can be water with vinegar. Get rid of unpleasant odors help slices of brown bread, charcoal, salt. For this purpose you can use freshly ground coffee or bags of silica gel (they are investing in the package with the shoes).

wash refrigerator
Refrigerator should be cleaned regularly to prevent unpleasant odors


Modern ovens can be equipped with self-cleaning function. If it is not, then wash the oven in several ways:

  • mix 500 g. water and 4 st.l. soda, solution was applied on the wall, leave for an hour, rinse with water. If necessary - to repeat the procedure.
  • Wash the soot and grease helps ammonia. Wipe them an inner surface and leave for the night.
  • If heavily soiled, use a mild cleanser car windows.


Clean the inside of the microwave will help lemon juice or baking soda:

  • Dissolve in 200 g. water or lemon juice 2 ch.l. citric acid. Place the mixture in a microwave, turn on the device at maximum power (on 10-15 min.). Wipe dry cloth.
  • Lemon can be replaced 3 st.l. baking soda.


Wash plastic windows can be by means of a neutral composition. Not recommended to use drugs, containing abrasives, acetone, acid, gasoline!

Clean the box with warm soapy water, wipe dry with a soft cloth. Glass can be used for kitchen paper towels.

wash the windows in the kitchen
Typically, the windows in the kitchen washing twice a year, with the arrival of spring or early autumn

inveterate dirt, yellowish spots, plaque from the gas oven perfectly "removes" special solvent for cleaning a plastic profile.


For quick cleaning cleanse close the stopper and cover with hot water and a little bleach. An hour later, the water can be released, a shell with a pair of sponge wipe detergent drops.


Genuborka not considered complete without wiping chandeliers, ceilings, hood, wall, ceiling. Wet cloth should "touch" absolutely all surfaces. Cleaning is better to use a material made of microfibre: it consists of a plurality of small hooks, all perfectly clinging mud deposits.

Hood and other metal parts are easy to clean with vinegar diluted in water. Shutters washed with warm soapy water or a liquid dishwashing.


floor washing - the last stage of purity guidance in the kitchen. Particular attention should be paid to the district boards. Usually this is where most of the dirt and fat drops.

linoleum on the floor
Cleaning of linoleum on the kitchen floor


To maintain order in the house - not an easy task. Do not break out forces during the general cleaning can be, if every day to carry out certain rules in the kitchen:

  1. Wipe clean all work surfaces. It does not take much time, but it will help clean the kitchen quickly.
  2. Wash dishes after each meal and cooking. The sink should not be a "reservoir" of dirty bowls, cups, knives, cutting boards.
  3. Regularly check the quality of the food in the refrigerator.
  4. wash plate. Even the most accurate cooking does not protect it from food residues and grease. Cleaning may need a working surface, the side walls, oven.
  5. To release a bucket of garbage, change the trash bags.
  6. wipe the floor. If for some reason you can not wash, easy to sweep and clean the crumbs.

Restaurants self rule: stay up, until it is hovering cleanliness in the kitchen. The result will be not only the order in the room, but your good mood in the morning.

If you adhere to these rules, the final cleaning will turn into quite a pleasant experience. A woman, whose kitchen sparkling clean every day, can rightfully bear the title of the perfect housewife! Cleaning the kitchen, can say, completed!