All about kitchens for apartments and houses

Features of Russian stove made of bricks: comfort and beauty


Heating in wooden houses is difficult to imagine without the stove beauties. Modern technologies and far gone forward progress offer electric and gas boilers for heating. But there is nothing warm and inviting this furnace of bricks not yet invented. Today let's talk about the oven for the kitchen from brick.

Russian oven in the kitchen now experiencing an extraordinary boom of its revival

Russian oven - not just a source of heat, It is the soul of Russian cuisine. Russian stove - is heating the whole house, hearth for cooking and comfortable place to sleep and rest.

Every house has its own wood-burning stove

Interior country-house with the stove - this is an interesting design, plus the economic benefit. Wood less expensive gas, and the design allows air in the House all day to stay warm.

Furnace for the house with wood require special care, but the advantages and opportunities the use of cover so insignificant flaws.

Oven for the kitchen from brick

Brick furnace differ in purpose:

  • Heating stoves of brick heat one or two rooms in the house (if to the draft tubes water around the perimeter of the room, then heated the whole house). For comfort, only one or two a day protopok.
  • Cooking intended for cooking. In size they are less heating or combined. This mini oven ideal for small spaces.
  • Combined oven for cooking or heating of bricks combine both functions. structure dimensions allow to equip it with a warm stove bench, Storage shelves for kitchen utensils etc. You can change the seasonal, if two of the chimney are provided in the construction - summer and winter. In winter, the stove in the house is warm and, and prepare, and in the summer just to cook.

Beautiful stove
Kitchen made of brick has a lot of advantages - from the exclusive design to numerous essential functions in the home

The main difference between the classical Russian furnace - a thick-walled construction. This thorough and cumbersome structure is not always suitable for small houses or baths. Here, often use lightweight construction of small dimensions.

Types of furnaces for small spaces:


  1. Swede. Used for space heating and cooking. It consists of refractory bricks. Chimney - a vertical or horizontal. summer and winter chimney can be in such an oven. Cooktop plates made of cast iron.
  2. Dutchwoman. It is intended only for heating. Small size does not affect the heat transfer. Within the whole system of chimneys. Speed ​​of movement can be adjusted within the gas. One gets the Dutch ceramic bricks. Cooktop offline.
  3. Stove. It combines the functions of the oven and fireplace. Usually, in this configuration, one chimney. In some designs provided hob, in some furnace hearth furnace and connected to a door and provided with a refractory glass.
  4. Russian mini oven. The main difference - no couches. Due to this significantly saves space. This model is suitable for small spaces.

Russian oven

Regardless of the room size, if you want to include in the interior of the brick oven is always possible to find a suitable option.

The oven will not only heat

Classical Russian oven - is a multifunctional building. Apparatus Russian furnace can significantly extend the possibilities, not limited to cooking.

space heating: The first most important feature. Minus the usual Russian furnace - heat is on human waist level, ie at least one meter from the floor. Evolution touched this point. And the chimney is today so, that the entire surface worked, and indoor air is warmed up evenly.

Oven made of brick in the interior of the kitchen creates comfort in the entire house

Wood heating private house - a budget option for heating.

Practical experience shows, that birch wood better. Birch refers to the hardwood timber, namely the dense wood gives more heat.

Cooking food. Features of Russian cuisine - Cooking, quenching and vexation. Therefore, the dishes are very fragrant and the most beneficial for health. Russian cuisine - it soups and porridge. Cooked in the oven, they retain all their beneficial properties. Here you can make preparations for the winter: dried mushrooms, fruits and berries. Russian oven - it is also mini bakery at home. It has a 15 kinds of design. Some models have a special oven for baking bread.

Russian stove made of bricks

If you are cooking in the Russian oven, then to the kitchen utensils need to be sure to add the tongs and poker. Cast iron is used for cooking pots and clay. To move them in need tongs. Coals have occasionally stirring to maintain the temperature. To perform this task, use the poker.

Russian oven performs another function - Health. Sleeper - bench - is integral with the oven. Constant warm temperature heats the renders action. Very useful to sleep on the heated bed continuously for colds, or pain in the joints.

Russian stove made of bricks at the cottage

Where better to put the oven

With proper arrangement of heat enough around the house and it will be convenient to prepare. Even at the stage of the furnace design for the house with wood brick is necessary to consider its purpose. Will depend on, how it will fit into the design space and how much will be left for dining and recreation areas.

Heating furnace brick home place completely indoors. If one or two sides of the masonry wall propped up on the street, and the heat not only gets home. To heat several rooms, placed in the furnace wall between them. The front part will be in the room, and laid the wood and care work will be carried out from the kitchen. A large Russian stove with stove bench and a stove is just such a principle of accommodation.

If the oven is designed for heating one room, between it and the wall should be a minimum distance of one and a half meters. It is necessary for maximum heat transfer.

Contemporary stove
Oven made of brick requires more care, but this is compensated by its unique strengths and capabilities

Masonry brick furnace of: tips for beginners

Fold the oven for the house of bricks with their hands quite possible, if you have free time in sufficient quantities. Professional setter puts furnace brick home with wood for the week. Lover before you hit the ground especially in the first best practice. To get started on the layout, and skill to fix on the prototype smaller (necessarily protopkoy after construction!). It is not necessary to undertake a laying without preparation: something will go wrong and all have to redo.

cooking design plate on the wood with their hands simpler, her able to cope newcomer. Oven to heat the house with his own hands is much more complex structure.

beautiful Russian stove

Material, which will need to, to build a wood-burning stove with his hands:

  • Brick, ceramic, and refractory for the furnace,
  • Solution (clay, cement or lime),
  • grizzly (grid on the bottom of the firebox),
  • cooking hobs,
  • Oven,
  • Metal doors (Combustion, ash-pit, wastewater treatment, ventilation),
  • Corners to enhance design,
  • Roofing material for waterproofing foundation,
  • Predtopochny sheet,
  • Dыmovaya actuator.

The furnace in the apartment
Oven in this design will please its comfort and the soft warmth

Instruments, which will be needed in the process of stacking the oven for a private house with his own hands:

  • Solution tank,
  • shovel,
  • Mochalny brush and spatula,
  • Bushhammer (hammer, pickaxe),
  • metal trowel (Master OK),
  • Tape measure and level.

Russian furnace dimensions

Briefly, the algorithm of actions for self-laying looks:

  1. Be poryadovkoy (all series drawing).
  2. lay the foundation. He is at 10-15 cm wider than the furnace in all directions and below subfloor. On the foundation laid for the roofing waterproofing.
  3. Lay out the first two rows of the solid. The width of the joints - 3 mm. In the combustion chamber the seams width - 5 mm. Vertical necessarily make dressing series. Horizontally to perform a partial ligation series.
  4. Poryadovkoy perform according to plan. embed grate, door, plate, oven and valve. Form a flue gas channels.
  5. Construct smoke output pipe of bricks. Additional insulation is required, in contact with the ceiling of the pipe.
  6. lining.

Beautiful design
The furnace is a unique and indispensable element in the house

Tips for, to brick oven heating wood with his hands turned out not worse, than that of a professional:

  • To use a special masonry brick kiln. The ban on keramzitobloki, slot and used bricks.
  • We need to monitor the evenness calculations. In this case, the level of help or stretched vertically rope.
  • The distance from the roof to the chimney overlap - at least 15 cm.
  • The next series is best to lay out without solution, align, and then laid on a solution of.
  • Ceramic bricks prior to applying the solution to dip into the water to better tenacity, for refractory, such a procedure is prohibited.
  • Previous excess solution is not used again.

rustic oven
Burning stove emits soft heat, so that in the house creates a particularly pleasant climate

secrets of the finish: How to decorate an oven in the summer and the home kitchen

Oven made of bricks with their hands can make practical and very beautiful objects in the house. The most popular methods of decoration: plaster, tiles, tile or stone.

Plastering - the easiest and most affordable way. In this case a special heat-resistant plaster.

Tiles - on the contrary, the most expensive and reliable of the existing methods. Tile on the rear side has a projection (rumpu), with the help of which is mounted to a brick wall. Such finishing is carried out in the process of laying: by means of wires attached to the brick tile. Between a trim part connected with special metal clamps or wire.

designer Russian furnace brick

If you want to decorate the stove tiles yourself, you can simplify the laying technology. The seams between the rows need to screw the screws, and to them using a wire tie lining material. The space between the masonry and the tiles is filled with a mixture of fireclay.

Tile stoves and fireplaces is no less luxurious, What izrazec, but inferior to the latter on the functional properties. Used for cladding tiles. Before lining tiles carried plastering surface reinforcement. Tile adhesive too special - resistant.


The smaller the tile size, the stronger it will stay.

Fold the Russian oven according to the rules - very interesting, but difficult task. Of course, better to entrust this work to professionals. The value of their work is quite high, but as a result you get a heating system of a private house with his own hands environmentally friendly material - wood. In addition, a full plate for cooking and baking, and a good rest at the end of the working day. Oven for the kitchen of bricks today - it's stylish and fashionable.