All about kitchens for apartments and houses

Kitchen for large rooms: the best plan


I want a spacious kitchen! This request is almost always voiced in the order country planning houses. The owners of city apartments, in turn, are not far behind. individual a large kitchen layout, redevelopment It affects just this part of the house: expansion due to the loggia, with living room, Kitchen - studio. These activities are aimed at one result: spacious large kitchen modern Housing has long ceased to be a place of cooking and food storage. This leisure center, communication, parties, psychological relaxation and relaxation.

The design of this kitchen, as a symbol of luxury and wealth

Extensive kitchen area offer potential for the design in designer styles from classic to contemporary modernism.

Why sometimes it happens, instead comfort is obtained premises, creating the impression of a chaotic clutter? The answer is: improper layout of the kitchen equipment and the distribution of functional zones. Paramount comprises design kitchens for family: place components must be so, so as not to infringe upon the interests of the different age generations.


Variants of planning a large kitchen: Easy and design

Selecting placement of furniture sets also depends on the shape of the room, placement of windows and doorways. If the apartment with a large kitchen most standard square or rectangular, the fantasy of the owners of private houses in this matter is limitless. Consider a variation of kitchen layouts.

big kitchen

Headsets for linear kitchen

Single-row placement of the kitchen work area often used for areas with little space. Enter an environment in the interior large kitchen it is expedient in the case of long and narrow floor space. The opposite wall is made in this case as a dining area and resting place. Such an arrangement is equally applicable for the kitchen - studio.

Linear kitchen in a long room is endowed with a visible lack of: movement in the kitchen during cooking causes fatigue. To avoid this,, with single-row layout of the line refrigerator - sink - stove set in that order, sharing only the working surfaces.

Council: plate can be replaced hob, combining it with one continuous countertop sink.

The most suitable design linear kitchen - a style of minimalism or modern. In these styles just important to underline the strict lines, a minimum of scenery.

linear kitchen
Ona elegant and simple, but at the same time attractive and aesthetic

Dvuhryadnaya kitchen

Placement of kitchen furniture and appliances along two parallel walls will minimize inconvenience walk-through kitchen, which meet in private homes. Two-row version is also decorate the long kitchen, in which a window or balcony are located opposite the entrance door. Features of arrangements in which case the:

Two-row kitchen for large rooms

  • Work triangle located so: stove - sink with one hand, refrigerator - on the contrary.
  • It is important to ensure free passage, and do not clutter the space around the front door.
  • At opposite corners of the entrance advantageously arranged narrow cupboards and open shelves.
  • To open the doors of kitchen cabinets do not interfere with free walk, think about the option of the lower shelves without doors, Vertical opening.

The disadvantage of such a plan - it is difficult to choose a place for dining table. We are talking about large kitchens, so can accommodate a dining area near the window, or one of the strings, provided, that it will not interfere with the movement. As an option - the dining table on wheels, which is no longer needed to move the wall, and will work.

Dvuhryadnaya kitchen
Two-row kitchen will expand the boundaries of your space

Council: convenient than the interior of a large kitchen, so it's an opportunity to work together, without disturbing each other.

L-shaped corner kitchen

The comfortable and spacious corner space is centrally located G-shaped kitchen. The most convenient way to create an ergonomic working area, arrange the furniture in such embodiment,.

L-shaped kitchen for large rooms

  • Corner provides an opportunity to draw a large kitchen design bar counters of all types and configurations, dividing this space functionally.
  • Opposite corner successfully executed a dining table with a corner sofa.
  • Angle does not have to be dull. successfully decorated window above the work surface will allow to get inspiration for cooking, watching the beautiful scenery. (Only if the window does not go to landfill!)
  • Design T - shaped kitchen accept all styles and their displacement.
  • When closed,, opposite from the corner of the window, great importance has additional coverage. Built on the backlight plate insufficiently, We need to add some lights in the lower panel hanging cabinets, over bar.
  • An additional light source will mirror design apron, metal or glass surface sparkling.

L-shaped kitchen
L-shaped kitchen will add a touch of glamor and elegance

Beautiful U-shaped kitchen in a luxury interior

Large modern kitchen, furnishing scheme which resembles the letter P, besides attractive appearance, distinctive convenience.

  • Dining area is generally moved to the fourth wall. Perhaps visual separation space via the walls and floor clearance different materials
  • The variation of the U-shaped decoration, complete with a breakfast bar, It allows without any additional partitions to divide the kitchen to the dining room and a working part.
  • U-shaped position of the headset and appliances tend to and for studio design options. In the design may use bar racks, different floor heights, separation by lighting.

U-shaped kitchen for large rooms

Disposition island cuisine

  • The island arrangement is not so much a craze, as the possibility to equip the workplace with maximum convenience. Large tables for kitchens, set in the center of, Tools cooking and working surfaces, sink, tables for storing necessary things.Island kitchen for large rooms
  • The remaining parts of the headset - cupboards, mounted and floor cabinets can be located along the walls.
  • Dining area, which is located a separate area or under the guise of the bar on one side of the island.
  • Making the island is somewhat different from the usual kitchen equipment. Communication paving the floor, in the middle of the ceiling will have to arrange the hood. This requires a separate area and lighting.
  • The shape and configuration of the island - just taste and style.

Not, This kitchen is equipped with is not on the island, It is just the opposite - an island located among the kitchen. This exceptional layout priority huge rooms.