All about kitchens for apartments and houses

5 advantages as a kitchen corner furniture


the shortage of space in the kitchen decides to install a kitchen corner. Corner Kitchen - is compact corner sofa. Its typical design involves a corner piece with two sofas oversight. The composition typically includes a dining area sofa, dining table 3 chairs or stools.

Kitchenette in the kitchen
Kitchenette light oak original looks in the kitchen

Modern kitchen corners - this is a special approach to the aesthetic and functional organization of space. Corner sofa is a mandatory attribute of a cozy and comfortable kitchen. Choosing furniture for the kitchen for decorating the dining area, preference is given to a seating area thanks to its qualities:

Kitchen Area

  1. density. The small size, corner location occupies minimal space, and his seat will house more people, than the same space in chairs or stools.
  2. Practicality. The amount of space, which occupies the sofa, fully available for use. Under the seats are arranged boxes, that the mistress uses to store household items.
  3. multifunctionality. Corner of the kitchen set not only for a comfortable meal. Kitchen Area kitchen with pull-out system will turn back to the sofa sleeper.
  4. Versatility. If earlier stylish kitchenettes considered forced necessity, dictated by the small size of the kitchen, the current variety of shapes and design makes it possible to use them to create an environment and in large rooms.
  5. Aesthetics. In the design of a kitchen interior couch to the kitchen plays a key role. After that, as the hostess was eager to optimize the space and set in the kitchen area, redevelopment premises ends with the complete reconstruction of the interior in accordance with the appearance and settings corner sofa.

Sofa on kun
Semicircular sofa is well suited to the round table

Types of kitchen corners

Corner construction for food are classified on grounds:

According to the degree of softness.

  • Soft Corner Kitchen. Seats trimmed with foam.
  • Hard kitchen the kitchen. The seats are long hard benches.

Important! The design with a solid seat called kitchen bench, and such options - this is an exception to the rule. Beautiful kitchen corners without upholstery found outside the home - in a cafe or at the cottage. classic sofa It suggests a soft upholstery.

Corner Kitchen

According to the used material for body:

  • Made of wood or composite wood-based materials.
  • With metal frame, which is made of chrome-plated or powder coated stainless steel.

To size:

  • standard, designed to the size of an average kitchen. This serial models, which have a standard aspect ratio between attachable sections. Such models are a reference point for potential customers, who subsequently bought the product liked to-measure design.
  • Shortened or lengthened sofas, which are made-to-measure. These embodiments are used with non-standard dimensions cuisines. An ordinary kitchen into a spacious room interior gets lost, but in a small kitchen, he does not fit.

Kitchen Area

in form:

  • L-shaped. It includes two sections. This is the most demanded type of construction, which is used for small spaces;
  • U-shaped. Composed of 3 straight sections. Models of this form is used for arranging the dining area deadlocked narrow and long space, in niches, placing it in 3 walls. Large kitchen corners in U-shape set anywhere, wherein by means of such a structure divide the space into separate zones.
  • Odnosekcionnye. Design, which, in fact, similar to the shop. In the presence of the upholstery and the lower boxes are called kitchen sofa.
  • semicircular. These models are expensive, since they are produced by complex technology.
  • combined, including both direct, and semicircular modules. Stylish kitchen corners Kitchen - representatives of this category.

Leather kitchenette

By way of bundling:

  • Depending on the location of a short section of a relatively long corners are right and left. In symmetrical sets of sections have the same length.
  • monolithic, when the sofa modules tightly engaged with the corner section.
  • modular, when the sofa is not fastened, and the hostess has the opportunity to reshuffle the short side from left to right and vice versa.

By the presence of additional components:

  • Kitchen sofas Sleeper.
  • On the shelves, spaced from the rear side section.
  • With drawers under the seats.
  • oriel. Models of sofas on 99% are available on request, since the shape of a bay window in each room unique. This type of parts has the largest number of possible designs for this.

Sofa sleeper
Sofa sleeper convenient and practical in the kitchen

Dimensions of kitchen corners

Dimensions kitchenette, which is available commercially, focused on anthropometric parameters of an average adult area and a specific type of cuisine.

The difference between one model from each other is determined by different design, the material used and the dimensions. Among other technical data, provided by the manufacturer in the accompanying documents, specified size parts and on such parameters:

  1. Overall height,
  2. seat height,
  3. seat width,
  4. Length seat.

stylish corner kitchen

Important! manufacturers of kitchen furniture kitchen corners produce certain models, characterized by design type, and within a single model offering options to the difference in the length of cushion sections in increments 10 cm. But in any corner of the kitchen model Seat height remains unchanged.

The distance from the floor to the point of bending the knee joint of the human 40 to 50 cm, so the seat height make the corner in accordance with these parameters. The width of the seat is also comfortable seating, which corresponds to 45-70 cm. In those cases,, When sliding system provided for in the design, allowed wider seats.

The dimensions of the backrest and the length of the sections depend on the size of the kitchen, design features or customer requirements. Dimensions kitchen area kitchen area 9 m2 up 1,8-1.9 m long section. Produce shortened and elongated options, length greater section in which within 1-2,5 m.

Mini-corner to the kitchen
Mini-corner is ideal for small sized kitchen

Small sofa sleeper, table and chairs: mini versions with drawers

Modern corner of the kitchen with a sleeping place called "universal". Outwardly, this sofa is not different from the ordinary, but due to the sliding mechanism, it is transformed into a full sleeper. Because of this length greater universal couch section should be no less human growth, which corresponds to 1,9 -2 m. Universal corners are equipped with modern roll-out or sliding systems "dolphin", «Evroknizhka», French or American clamshell, therefore unfolding without difficulty.

even a small kitchen with Sleeper come to the rescue in the event, when it is necessary to arrange for overnight guests, and the beds in the apartment for all lacking.

Kitchen area with sleeper Kitchen has one drawback: for, to expand the sofa, have to endure the kitchen table.

corner of the kitchen

What materials are used for the angular sofas in the assembly with his own hands

The basic material for the manufacture of corner sofa housing - is wood or chipboard. In order to optimize the cost starting materials are combined in one construction expensive wood, laminated chipboard and rough. From fine wood or chipboard laminated operate visible part of the structure, and hidden parts are made of rough chipboard, MDF furniture, dry wooden beam of low grades.

Important! The particleboard manufacturing technology, MDF, today do not use resin, that after the rejection continue abundantly emit formaldehyde, so they are environmentally friendly.

Upholstery materials used kitchen sofa, abrasion resistant and are easily cleaned.

beautiful kitchen

Upholstery leather couch makes it look noble. The operation of this material practical and hardwearing. But because of the high cost in mass production it is not used. Sofas with leather upholstery are presented in the exhibition salon brand. Typically, design kitchenette such model is the conceptual. In the mass production start of its simplified versions, for upholstery use chamois leatherette or floc jacquard.

Natural leather and its synthetic substitutes have almost the same strength values. Unlike fabric materials, leatherette does not absorb moisture, so it can be washed.

those housewives, who wish to obtain the original color combined with practicality, They prefer to use for upholstery fabric, having in its composition, natural and synthetic fibers. Presence in the cotton fabric helps to keep the pigments, so long drawing wiped. This material is breathable, and a special impregnation repels dust and water.

gray-white corner kitchen

As a filler for soft upholstery foam lay (polyurethane foam). The service life of high quality material is 8-10 years old. Cheap foam, which is used in low-end models, through 3-5 years of extruded and loses its shape, and upholstery should be changed. Kitchen area for large kitchen along with the foamed polymer has a spring, whereby a durable construction is obtained.


When choosing a kitchen corner sofa in the first place take into account the possibility of comfortable use you like a model in a particular cuisine. It is not always an attractive area is ideally fit into the dimensions of the room, It will be in harmony with the suite.