All about kitchens for apartments and houses

Turquoise kitchen: some creative ideas for your home


Turquoise - a beautiful and deep color. But in the interior should be used with caution. The selected tone has the caller, and calming effect. Color turquoise carries freshness, beauty and inspiration. In the interior, made in any style, This color is used as a bright accent. This tone is used for any room, including kitchen. It is ideally combined in the interior of glass and metal surfaces of devices.

Бирюзовая кухня
Turquoise - cold. Ideal for the decoration of kitchens, perfectly combined with metal and glass surfaces

Interior design in turquoise tones

Turquoise create two elements: air and water. It weaved green and blue shades. Tone refers to the cold palette and is used to design kitchens. Viewed color visually expands the room space, turquoise if used in small doses as bright inclusions. Turquoise motif creates a favorable atmosphere, making a note of comfort and harmony. It is recommended to be handled carefully selected shade. To the room was not oversaturated with turquoise, It proposed to the interior of the soft and soothing colors. For this, the Council is correct to combine furniture, textile, decorative elements.

The combination of colors with blue and turquoise

Turquoise in the interior - a favorite design solution, Since this tone is combined with the entire palette of colors and allows you to create interesting combinations. As used with blends tone shades cold and warm palette. In combination with the blue, the chosen solution to create a design in marine style. For those, who like the nautical theme, are invited to experiment with shades of blue.

Сочетания цветов на кухне
On the left shows the color table, it is combined with these colors best turquoise

Sky blue color in the interior symbolizes life changes, helps relax, It gives a sense of security and has to rest. Blue walls of the kitchen help to reduce appetite, so this solution is suitable for those, who want to find an alternative diets. Psychologists recommend to use the blue range in crisis situations and in times of uncertainty.

This range is advised for kitchens, made in a classic style or high-tech. Blue is advised to combine with wood, metal, pottery.

If the decision in question prevails in furniture design, advised to use a blue tone for the walls of the room. Calm and neutral blue emphasize the depth of turquoise. Recommended and blue ceiling in the interior kitchen turquoise. He will soften the design and visually enlarge the space. Delicate shade of blue is able to make to the design of the freshness and lightness of premises.

Blue is advised to use for decorative accessories: curtains, napkins, vases, kitchen towels, tablecloths, lamps with shades, crockery. Against the background of a bright turquoise-like accessory looks impressive and plays a mitigating role in turquoise kitchen design.

Сочетание голубого цвета с бирюзовым
Try to use the kitchen at the turquoise blue accessories

Blue and green

Since the decision in question - a combination of blue and green - the latter is recommended for the kitchen in turquoise colors. Blue is recommended to combine with the green fruit of the palette. Green in kitchen design - good color scheme. It is intended to set off, soften or emphasize the basic tone of the design space. Green is able to make the room quieter turquoise, less calling.

In combination with the blue green has a positive effect on psycho-emotional state of family members. Such combination calms the nervous system, but, respectively, improves mood, It causes positive feelings, also stimulates blood circulation, improves metabolism. Recommended turquoise-green housewife, who are struggling with excess weight and appetite. Viewed color reduces sugar cravings. To properly combine turquoise with green and blue, It recommended to follow the rules:

  1. Light blue - the base color. Turquoise - secondary. Green is used as an accent. Such a scheme is universal and applies to premises, made in any style.
  2. Green and blue may be used equally. To do this, you should choose light colors, to the room did not look gloomy. Viewed tone advised for headset, dining group. Recommended turquoise curtains.

Сочетание бирюзового и белого
The use of bright colors set off the profitable turquoise set and visually increase the space of the kitchen

The black, white and celadon

Turquoise kitchen combined with many shades. Union considers hue with other pleasing end result. In this respect it is recommended to stick to the main rules: prevails in the interior of the chosen solution, and two adjacent hue of its complementary. The right combination of colors with a turquoise interior achieves impressive results. By combining the colors should take into account the following:

  • Popular combination with white color. He stresses the room cleanliness, visually expands the space, making a note of tenderness. White and turquoise kitchen - a good solution. Effectively looks white trim and turquoise room furniture. Such a solution is associated with the sea, white sails, summer sun and waves, which predisposes to rest. White serves as a backdrop for furniture in bright colors and decorative accessories.
  • Tandem black and turquoise complex and requires the intervention of experts. It looks so exotic and unusual variant.
  • If you have no idea about the right combination of colors - it is not recommended to make the black in turquoise interior.
  • We recommend combining turquoise and brown in the interior of the kitchen. Brown decorative elements emphasize the turquoise color in the interior of the kitchen.
  • One of the unusual and rather winning solutions in the interior of the kitchen will be a combination of turquoise and silver. Unobtrusive chrome "silver-plated" beneficial fit into any room situation, creating an illusion of frosty coolness and cleanliness in the most "hot spot" apartments. Silver color is very important in the interior of the kitchen, as it blends with both technical devices, and glass surfaces of various lockers, which are equipped with such facilities.
    Кухня в стиле хай-тек
    Turquoise color and its shades are often used in the design of space in high-tech style
  • Another striking combination with turquoise - the highest octave of silver - all sorts of shades of gray (from the very pale pearl river to lead, coal). It all depends on personal preference, but still profitable to make a note of it in the gray textile detail, floor coverings, furniture, that dictated not only by aesthetic relevance, but for practical purposes.
  • typical summer, different from a lot of turquoise blue, is an aquamarine. With this shade should be handled with care. The combination of the two bright and saturated colors can cause supersaturation effect. celadon recommended for decorative accessories: towels, napkins, vases, tiebacks.

The kitchen design is recommended to use a multi-faceted shades of the color palette. Are invited to make small touches, textiles, which accentuate the selected shade.

Accessories for interior decoration in turquoise colors

For wall design recommended wallpaper or paint. On one wall is proposed to put an interesting picture or wallpapers. Such a solution will provide a bright accent. Ceiling inking turquoise or aqua is not recommended. It is proposed to use a neutral white tone.

Обои на кухне
The original combination of turquoise kitchen, well-chosen wallpaper and accessories will create a unique atmosphere in your kitchen

The floors in the room is recommended to issue by laying floorboard, linoleum or laminate. As an option offered to use modern technologies and apply self-leveling flooring types with 3D effect. When making the kitchen walls in a turquoise shade is recommended to choose furniture in neutral colors. It is proposed to stop the choice on the kitchen headset milky, beige, sand or cream shade. Such color scheme makes it possible to soften the turquoise, dilute it with rich tone.

Greater role in the design of the room plays textiles. If the walls of the room are made in neutral colors, something to decorate the premises are offered curtains turquoise. It is recommended to give preference to lighter materials. If there is a desire to hide from the sun's rays, then fit the curtains on the eyelets of soft and hard tissue.

Kitchen textiles special attention. Turquoise for the kitchen will be relevant embroidered napkins, towels, tablecloth, chair covers, made in discreet and neutral colors. Complement the interior of the small details: metal products, glass, mirror, wood. To do this, fit figurines, vases, pictures, dishes.


Complement the design exhibited at the show pots and kettles of gleaming copper, chrome roof rails, on which cooking utensils are placed.