All about kitchens for apartments and houses

stylish kitchen The secret to choosing the right tile: expert recommendations


Environment in the kitchen aggressive - the temperature drops, high humidity, chemical detergents. For this reason, the requirements for modern building materials are especially high, and ceramic tile answers them. But the importance is not only the physical properties, but also the design of the tiles in the kitchen. important color, invoice, format, method of laying tiles and design for the kitchen.

Кафельная плитка на кухне
Tile must perform not only a protective function, but also decorative

The choice of tiles

At the hardware store assortment of finishing materials is huge. But how to choose quality tiles on the kitchen, also suitable for you? There are a few moments, that need to pay attention. To lay wall tiles on the floor is not recommended - it will quickly lose appearance and erased. marked palm. But products with foot markings, ie floor, wall finish can be. Tiles on the wall in the kitchen can be more subtle.

The kitchen is often spilled water, butter. It is therefore important, to the floor was slipping. Again, you need to look at labeling, at this time - the friction coefficient. If it is less than 0,4, then buy this tile is not necessary. But the product by a factor of more than 0,75 safe and suitable for the kitchen.

Longevity and durability - are also important indicators. The wear-resistant flooring marked hatched stupnoy. The kitchen is better put the tiles third grade hardness PEI (It corresponds to the fifth class according to GOST).

If you prefer to use for washing floors aggressive detergents, then pay attention to the class of resistance to chemicals. Pottery marked AA protected against any household chemicals and dirt repellent.

Надежность кафельной плитки
The correct choice of tile-class reliability - the key to its long-lasting service

On a smooth tile is visible dust, scratch, dried droplets of water, so the kitchen is best suited matte material. But you should not get carried away - to the relief surface is too will stick dirt.

color solutions

Even tiles for kitchen from one collection may vary in color, it is impossible to avoid it. Manufacturers carefully sorted products and label each box alphanumeric code. Before buying, check the tone. If the desired color is not enough boxes, then we can take a close in meaning, but after a personal check. What color to choose tiles? There are a few tips:

  • Bright floor makes the room more spacious and ideal for small kitchens. Dark colors suitable for large area, but then the furniture or walls, choose light colors.
  • tile design you need to think with the surveys kitchen layout. The north side of love warm colors, and the south - cold.
  • By the style of Art Nouveau and hi-tech suit tiles with geometric pattern, monochrome or unobtrusive patterns. Strict gray or white tiles to the kitchen in high-tech style fit perfectly.
  • Kitchen in classical style will suit the floor look like marble or with ornament.
  • For Provence and country arises artificially aged, metlahskoy or cotto tiles.
  • natural shades, Gray, beige, brown, looks advantageous and highly practical.
  • Bright tiles for the kitchen will be appropriate at work apron.

Белая керамика
Kitchen in the style of hi-tech ideal white or gray tiles

Size and dimensions

Thinking design tiles in the kitchen, we can not forget about the format and size. The usual formats - square and rectangle. You can find six- octagonal and options for traditional and classic interiors. lot sizes, from large pieces to the puzzle. Often there are also non-standard, for example, not 30 × 30, and 33.3 × 33.3 cm. When choosing a tile must take into account several nuances, related format.

  1. Laying tile is much easier and cheaper, if it will have to undercut the minimum. Therefore, the selection of the format and size of paramount importance. Ideal will tile, whose width is a multiple of the width and length of the room. For example, to most effectively cover a square meter, need squares 33.3 × 33.3 cm. Part of the collection is repeated in several sizes.
  2. Specificity of production is, that make the tile size can not be perfectly smooth. The difference can be significant - up to 7 mm from the nominal size. Responsible manufacturers calibrated output size with indication on the packaging. The rectified tiles for kitchen is cut to size at the factory, but it costs considerably more expensive.
  3. When choosing the size of the tile need to be taken into account evenness of floors and walls. If the surface has defects, then you need to choose a small size - 10 × 10 or 20 × 20 cm. Look on uneven surfaces such tiles would be better, and the probability of damage due to decrease of voids.

Укладка керамической плитки
Traditional styling ceramic tiles

Application Method

Tiles perfectly complement the ceramic plinth, and the unusual method of laying emphasize the geometry of cuisine and the beauty of the tiles. Important and the color of grout. For monochromatic tile choose a contrasting color, for two-color - in tone. Examples tiling in the kitchen:

  1. traditional styling. The most common way - it is a simple, cheap and fast. Tile is laid parallel to the walls. The method is suitable for large and monotonous tile.
  2. offset. Laying offset coating poberezhet, in which often go. With this arrangement, there is no joint of the four corners - the weakest point of the tile. Hides minor defects.
  3. diagonal. Complex and costly, but visually attractive way of lining. It is suitable for monochrome square ceramic. Diagonal styling makes the room visually larger, floor - Exactly.
  4. herringbone. Options for laying tile in the kitchen It depends on the form of tiles. this method, reminiscent of parquet laying open, is performed using a rectangular tiles. Herringbone is suitable for premises of irregular shape, or in cases, when the tiles on the walls has a different format.
  5. Herringbone with attach. An attractive embodiment herringbone using small square plitochek contrasting color or texture of the original.
  6. modular grid. This irregular repeatedly repeating pattern ideal for the small room. It looks good mix tiles of different sizes, billing, colors.

Style and fashion trends

It is not just the color, but the texture of ceramic tile.

  • For kitchens in rustic and urban style suitable design of tiles with imitation brickwork.
  • Imitation wood suitable for both floor, so for the walls. This pattern is practical and simple in.
  • Tiling for kitchen textiles as authentically simulates fabric, It recognizes that it can only be touching.
  • Popular texture tiles for floors and walls, imitating stone. Such decorations suited for the kitchen in a rustic style, with massive wooden furniture.
  • exotic flooring, imitating the skin of reptiles, It will be appropriate in the kitchen in the African style.
  • The texture tile can mimic metal, that fits perfectly in high-tech style.
  • If you choose tile bright colors or unusual print, then trim it monotonous calm color furniture.
  • In combination ridge tile fashion with panels, bright patterns, paintings and mosaics.

To repair pleased, and the kitchen was cozy and comfortable, you need to consider every detail.

Черно-белая плитка
Classical colors (black and white) It fits perfectly in any design

A wide range of modern stores allows you to choose a tile, which will emphasize style kitchen and your taste.