All about kitchens for apartments and houses

Red and black kitchen: the modern trend in the interior of the apartment


Sophistication and Style, Classics on the brink, duet of passion and luxury - it's a combination of black and red. Designers opinion, the duo of colors in the interior is too dark. It is rarely used for the decoration of domestic premises, as it is far from a combination of comfort and harmony. In addition, make this couple in the interior not everyone can. Maintain a balance between the two aggressive colors - not an easy task. therefore black and red kitchen not common. Despite this there are those, who are able to evaluate the combination of passionate and bring her to life.

Red black kitchen
Red black kitchen - a room with character

The nature of the bright duo

Red black kitchen - a room with character. The main role in it is given to drama, life of luxury. Red color - the embodiment of strength and energy. This "hot" hue is very friendly and is easily combined with other. therefore red kitchen found everywhere. But the black - it is another story. He is full of aggression and dynamics. His role in this duo adds drama and stiffness.

To make friends two active shade should follow a minimalist design and clearly prioritize. Each of the pair pulls the blanket over himself, It is therefore unacceptable to season the mixture excesses and aesthetic liberties.

The kitchen in red black - a sample of brevity and balance. The only thing, what will allow to experiment these colors - it invoices. In the design of such facilities relevant chrome, matt surfaces, mirrored facades or rough materials.

To smooth the color saturation and added interior comfort, Replace the red on the terracotta. This significantly soften the working range, design add softness and temper the aggressiveness black.

Pitch dominant color can dramatically change the character of the interior. For example, replacing the red walls on maroon, the designer will add luxury to the composition, and in scarlet - aggression.

Red color
Aggressive design because of the abundance of red

The supplement?

This duet is grim combination. But his right to issue and to frame, it acquires energy and comfort. For this black and red shades are complemented by other:

  • White - creates contrasting trio. Depending on the priorities arranged, changes, and the overall mood of the room. The successful combination made of the simple premise, design refinement.
  • Beige - shade, capable to mitigate the intensity of the other two colors. Red kitchen is often supplemented with that color, but with black it does not lose its relevance. Beige with walls or furniture design make the interior lighter and lighter.
  • Gray - a perfect fit for a given combination. It is used, as an additional paint and chrome parts as furniture and appliances. This color is used for framing and non-ferrous parts of kitchen units.

Surprisingly, but in the design of the kitchen in red and black, It fits perfectly into the tree. The natural texture of the material ennobling interiors. In this case, natural wood easy to replace high-quality imitation. Even the pottery with the characteristic texture complement the black and red design.

Decoration Materials

Since this range overly aggressive, designers are advised to dilute its neutral shades. They are suitable for wall design, floor or ceiling. Thus it is necessary to select materials without saturated or small picture. For example, counterbalances red black kitchen ceiling is cream-colored with a smooth geometry.

light background
red top, black bottom, light background

When making the floor and walls using quiet shades of gray and beige. But the bright white should be used with caution. This increases the color contrast of the kitchen in red. This coloring is suitable for office space, but not for the kitchen. pearl shades suitable for home, including white.

An embodiment of the black interior - tiles. Working surface, Made in this color, It looks extravagant and emphasizes the warmth of red.

For tiny kitchens, this duo is best embodied in the design of a red top and black bottom. If to it to add bright colors - this will expand the space further.

If you are considering a kitchen corner for the red color of the room, Pay attention to the models with inserts of color, but on a neutral background. This will keep the balance of design. Another variant of the red kitchen furniture - cupboard. This product will be a focus of the room, It retains the overall character of the interior and do not overload it.

The classic combination - red with a black kitchen countertop suitable for rooms the size of not less than 20 quarter. m. In this case the space dilute the depressing impression of the headset and keep it emotional appeal.

kitchen with black worktop
The classic combination - red with a black kitchen countertop

In the high-tech style, designers offer embody the black and red colors in the dining groups. In this case, the color they are not necessarily a. Black table and red chairs fit in this style of room. Made such kits are often made of plastic, making them affordable price. In this case, they are resistant to abrasion and suitable for intensive daily use.

Red kitchen interior - the current trend. It's more of a fashion statement, not harmonious design, suitable for this room. And materials, when its decoration, pick "glossy" and cutting edge.

To pick up a tile floor, stylized dark stone. If you want to use this part of the light colors - pearl suit clarified tree shade. This will complement the contrasting concept kitchen.

Red ceiling room is used more, as an accent, instead of the pitch. Because of the increased emotion and aggressiveness of this paint, it is not easy to use, especially in combination with black. It is important to choose the right color incarnation.

Red, itself, used for warming the room. In tiny kitchens, ceiling painted it makes the room cozy and bright. Special, if it is complemented by white.

It looks great black stretch ceiling in the kitchen. Due to the fact, it reflects the surface, increasing the height of the room. "Lost" Ceiling, it is difficult to immediately determine the height, especially when properly chosen lighting. Such a design ode there are other benefits:

Black stretch ceiling
Black stretch ceiling in the kitchen. Due to the fact, it reflects the surface, increasing the height of the room

  1. Adds interior shine and conciseness;
  2. Absorbs skylight, which is useful for rooms with excessive lighting;
  3. Black ceiling design emphasizes the brightness of the lamps, enhances their effect;
  4. Embodied in any configuration.

note, that by using this color for the ceiling, you should not choose it for a wall or floor. Excess black unacceptable in a duet with red. This will lead to excessive darkness of the interior. In order to complement and emphasize the black top, make the floor a light or even white.

Acceptable use items, connecting the base colors. But their number should not be a big, otherwise a "score" Interior red kitchen.

Design furniture and fittings

If the choice of colors you're staying in this dynamic duo - worth thinking about his incarnation in the Furniture and Furnishings. Suitable styles for this combination will Classic Japanese minimalist and high-tech.

Black and red furniture, stylized in the spirit of the country of the Rising Sun., It gives the interior spirituality. Clean lines and graceful silhouettes associated with aristocracy and restraint. Kitchen in the red style is perfect for decoration of the interior.

For design in a classic style suitable mahogany furniture. Another complement carvings and textiles violet. To fit such furniture forged products and decorative items with the effect of gilding. In this kitchen interior with red suite counterbalance light-colored walls with a calm ornament.

mahogany furniture
Furniture of mahogany color always looks festive and elegant

Modern design full of metal parts, glass and shiny accessories. They are used in the design of the room in a red and black scale with caution. An overabundance of details make the room clumsy. Exception - the space style, but it is not well suited for the kitchen.

Varieties of red

Kitchen design in red colors change based on the color used. Each of these affects the character of the room, its stylistic features.

This color, in any embodiment, It excites the nervous system and stimulates the appetite. Rooms with a dominant red hue is easy to deduce the equilibrium of the human. scientists have proved, such a traumatic cuisine. Therefore, in the interior in this scheme, it is recommended to smooth out the bright colors of scattered light and restrained colors.

How to act on the human shades of red? What are the feelings they cause? Consider their characteristics more.

  1. aristocratic burgundy. This color is associated with luxury and wealth. This is used to impart hue room solemnity. Therefore, complement its carvings and gilding.

If we combine kitchen burgundy design with red suite - it will give the room pomp. But it is necessary to take into account, what design is used exclusively in spacious rooms. The tiny kitchen, she would be too gloomy.

  1. cheerful orange. By itself, this color is suitable for kitchen design. But in combination with the black should be used with extreme caution. Otherwise, the room will produce the impression of mourning. Orange hue is easy to make friends with caramel. This combination is suitable for the kitchen, giving it a sunny mood. The black color is an additional role and strictly limited.
  2. Bright scarlet and crimson. These colors have a positive effect on a person's mood. They - the optimists and do not mix with dark black. Therefore, raspberry kitchen interior suggests a minimum of paint in the form of minor items of decor. Lighting in a room set soft and muted.

Black and red design does not tolerate negligence. You need to consider all, down to the last detail. therefore, If you decide to use the duo to design the kitchen - use the services of a professional designer. Red and black kitchen probably more on the amateur, but it looks quite nice and is strictly.