All about kitchens for apartments and houses

White and gray kitchen: harmony and elegance in your home


Each and every color in a rich palette of colors in his own inimitable and unique, Any shade deserves to become a dominant interior. But gray many wrongly believe faceless and ordinary. Designers use it, to give a clearance of tranquility, lightly dampen too deliberate contrasts and bright colors extravaganza. But imagine his first violin in the orchestra, writing a kitchen interior, I dare not everyone.

White and gray kitchen
Gray white luxury kitchen room

Luckily, for a long time covered with dust those times cuisine, where it was impossible to imagine a pearl gray or marengo, ashy or metallic color. Today kitchen in shades of gray - it's elegance and gentility, restraint and at the same time izyskannost.Nezametnost and expressionless gray finally assessed on merit - the, which was considered a disadvantage, It turned to advantage.

Possible combinations of gray

The versatility of steel-gray palette enables designers to implement this neutral background stunning in its depth and expressive interiors with a different mood and temperature perception. This effect is achieved due to the ability of gray create a harmonious combination with any colors and shades.

There are two main types of color combinations:

  1. with muted light colors;
  2. with juicy, active dye.

A first embodiment involves the combination with soft, razbelonnymi flowers:

  • alebastrovım;
  • opal;
  • ecru;
  • cream;
  • beige;
  • wheat;
  • honey.

Gray with Derov
Gray with Derov - elegant combination

This design creates a sense of elegance and comfort, It soothes and relaxes.

In the second embodiment, the neutral-gray space filled bright, sometimes even causing accents:

  • amber;
  • orange;
  • carmine;
  • Fuchsia;
  • sirenevыm;
  • cerulean;
  • jade.

The main advantage of such combinations - strengthening the expressiveness of color interior with the help of quiet gray background.

Kitchen in white and shades of gray

psychologists say, that the gray color helps to calm down and relax, It has to contemplation and reflection. Shades of white to bring the ease of room, light and purity. Therefore, white-gray space at the same time make the kitchen spacious and comfortable.

Kitchen with light colors and gray
Light colors diluted verified and make the room modern

This has several advantages inlay:

  1. The room in gray and white colors, eg, kitchen white metallic, always looks elegant and at the same time gently.
  2. Popular combination of white top - bottom gray adds air and simultaneously very practical due to the non-marking part of the bottom.
  3. kitchen silver colors combined with alabaster walls, Classic and elegant look.
  4. Kitchen Colors Metallic combined with white walls and floors create a feeling of purity and freshness, which is important for this type of premises. And to avoid any association with hospital sterility, add color detail, eg, blue curtains.
  5. If you are on the metallic soul of the kitchen, in the interior of which is too much cool, This feeling is easily mitigated with light wood or imitation on the floor, in furniture, tabletop or decor elements.

Council! An overdose of dark shades, make the room boring and dull, easy to avoid, adding white curtains in the interior or bright and rich decorations.

Curtains for white and gray kitchen

Textiles in interior design plays an important role. In the kitchen, the main representative of this important element are curtains. Thanks to them easily and without serious material costs changed the mood in the room. White curtains refresh and accentuate dark gray background walls and facades. But the space to look festive and energetic, white curtains for the kitchen, however, as well as shades of sand, эkryu or biscuit, choose not to be. Stay Orange, red or bright pink. Blue curtains in the interior make the room cooler and more severe.

blue curtains
Blue curtains in this case are the subject of modern style

Gray and white color in the interior

Gray often disturbing and even frightening ordinary citizens, but the designers have long appreciated its versatility and many associated benefits.

  • This color - "magic wand", when it is necessary to soften the gaudy color palette or to emphasize the expressiveness of clear tones.
  • Kitchen metallic interior irreplaceable, when creating a contemporary, minimalist space in a young man stilehay-tekdlya.
  • Silver kitchen combined with pearl-white, pale pink and light purple flowers turn the kitchen into a wonderful magical place, where soaring aromas of violets and girlish dreams.
  • Pearl gray shades in textiles and walls, give the room luxury, especially if their depth is correctly set off bright elements of the pattern or color trinkets.

Important! When you create a monochrome interior in shades of gray do not forget, that it is perceived in large quantities monotonically, therefore it requires the use of different textures and other non-ferrous parts.

If Gray softens and soothes, White space gives the clarity and evidence of prosperity owners. Despite, that for some people it is associated with a hospital ward, White has many indisputable advantages.

  • He is simply irreplaceable for the cramped and dark rooms. With opal or ecru you easily manage to push the wall and make the kitchen lighter.
  • soft shades of white are set for the perfect background color accents. for example, white curtains for the kitchen, you can choose almost any, your favorite color.
  • Furniture and white tones, choose a simple and elegant form without frills decorating.

light furniture
Light furniture should be chosen with taste

Council! Not only Make room in white. Such an abundance of light is too much for our vision. Add color to a white kitchen curtains or soften the interior of calm shades of gray.

Methods of combining colors

To choose the right color combinations of gray and white for your kitchen, following guidelines.

  1. If the combinations used cool colors, the interior received a strict and elegant, and warm colors give energy and dynamism.
  2. White furniture against the backdrop of the walls Marengo looks dominant color, and pastel walls will emphasize the sophistication of light gray headset.
  3. A combination of dark and light bottom top creates a sense of stability, and the reverse combination will give a gray top lightness.
  4. If there is a design decision of kitchen island, it is better to do in a contrasting color.
  5. If you make a mix of two colors, one of them must prevail, and the other - appear only in the form of accents.

Council! Combining the two colors in equal quantities, very hard to keep the right proportions. If you are not a professional designer, it is not worth the risk.

2017-04-26 22:45:57
Подскажите,пожалуйста цвет плитки фартука кухни соломенный, выбрали фасад верхний цветом белый металик, низ белый забрано, какого цвета выбрать столешницу серый камень или в тон нижним шкафам?