All about kitchens for apartments and houses

Whether or not to combine the kitchen to the hall: positive and negative decisions


Open plan lounge - a great alternative to apartments in small sizes. Today, such an option is often found in so-called rooms, studios and private homes. Also, this method is used in the one-bedroom apartments, are "loaded" by the presence of walls and partitions.

Open plan lounge
Combined facilities must be at least obosnavany interest residents

main nuances

One of the main points, which is required when combined room and kitchen, - the demolition of walls. This process necessarily agreed with the relevant authorities. If you do not pay attention to this, the consequences of such hasty action will be irreversible.

It is worth saying, that any structure consists of load-bearing walls and partitions. so here, if you carry the latest, then the probability of violation of integrity of the building is quite large. Little of, the structure could collapse.

So it is only allowed to demolish walls, performing the partition function. To determine the load-bearing wall in a brick building, should see the plan at home, which is taken in the management bodies, dealing with major stroitelstva.Ne bother legwork and queues - invite a specialist or contact BTI.

Important: appeal to the BTI should be followed without fail, if you live in a high-rise structure. Combining the room and kitchens private house compliance with this paragraph shall not require.

If it is a renovation of the kitchen and hall, it is worth noting, that the kitchen - it is a wet zone, that does not involve the transfer to other parts of the apartment. Such a solution would entail a huge amount of financial, documentary and technical difficulties.

Kitchen with lounge
Leave the kitchen on the spot, because there are all communications, which will be difficult to carry

Interior coincident area

After that, as permission for the demolition of the walls obtained, and the hardest work has been done, worth thinking about, What will be the design of the kitchen, with the adjoining hall. On this account the views of professionals disagree. Someone recommends following the same style, so as not to disturb the harmony, and someone stops on the opinion on the use of different ways to design with the highest combination of all the elements of decor.

Anyway, everything should be planned in advance, not to raise any difficulties.

first, that draws attention, - a line of demarcation kitchens and living rooms. In this case, different solutions used weight, which not only underline the individual style of interior design, but also perform a variety of functions.


Combining the small size of the hall and the kitchen does not mean, that the room must be the same and ravnofunktsionalnym. In this case a space zoning: To do this, use:

  • setting the bar, which serves not only as an interior decoration, but countertops (dining table);
  • multilevel ceilings, which help to visually enlarge the area;
  • Floor installation bilevel, which is equipped with means of applying different materials (room and kitchen in the same room at the same time visually separated);
  • the use of different floor coverings (kitchen - stove, for room - carpet and laminate);
  • decorated wall between rooms (from glass, plasty, wood), which is removed, if desired;
  • breaching the wall arches, which will create the design of the hall in a house in a modern style (decorating decorative lamps or creating an arch in Greek, rustic).

a great option, which involves the design of small-sized halls, - zoning of the premises with the help of furniture. To do this, set the rack, which not only delineate the kitchen area and lounge, but also will be used in the right order for the economy. The same applies to the sofa. Such an embodiment is suitable in the case, if the repair of the hall and the kitchen is held in a small apartment.

Kitchen with room separated by a breakfast bar
Barstand great island between the kitchen and a living room

adequate lighting

What should be the lighting in the room and in the kitchen? Correctly chosen way of lighting will not only get an unusual design decision, but also visually increase the area of ​​rooms. Of course, you can create the design of the hall in the apartment with his hands, but should take into account, that an incorrect allocation of light visually reduce the size of the room. Therefore it is better to take advantage of professional services.

It is worth noting, that the working area in the kitchen should be illuminated intensively. For this purpose, suspended decorative lamps, instantaneous switching from the main power source.

The lighting of the hall in the apartment in any case is not recommended to dim or too bright. It must promote relaxation and pleasant conversation.

It should take into account the, the correct design of the hall and the kitchen, when mating is, not much to distinguish between the two areas with the help of lighting, and skillfully underlined the difference between the kitchen area and the seating area.

If the repair of the hall with his hands involves the creation of a working zone, then this area more appropriately located in a place of natural lighting (near the window).

Lighting the room combined with kitchen
Make sure that the lighting was one with the location

color solution

The color design of the hall in the apartment must not differ from the kitchen. The difference may be only in shades. For example, blue kitchen combined with a room with blue wallpaper.

Designers offer contrasting options and interior design. For example, beige room is complemented by a kitchen, made in bright colors. But in this case the kitchen, Combined with the audience, You must have some resemblance to the living room. The creation of such a tandem serve as furniture the same color, the same pattern, ceiling trim, curtains, etc.. d.

The design of the hall in the apartment with his hands held only, If all necessary formalities are stipulated with competent people, and every detail is thought out in advance of the future interior.

Advantages and disadvantages of combining the kitchen and living room

When connecting the two rooms is worth considering all sorts of problems and difficulties.

  1. To get permission to demolish the wall, you need a lot of time for documentation and planning.
  2. Any repair requires serious cash outlay.
  3. kitchen, Combined with the audience, It requires regular cleaning himself, so as not to get lost on the background of general.
  4. The smell when cooking food will enter the rest area. Therefore, in this case it is recommended to install ventilation.

Benefits association

  1. Increasing the size of the kitchen (or hall) due to the demolition of the wall.
  2. A visual extension of the area of ​​the apartment.
  3. Organization of the dining area.
  4. I am in the kitchen, you can chat and watch TV.
  5. It is convenient to receive guests.

Generally, to combine the kitchen to the hall, in spite of the little flaws, - a profitable and smart decision.