All about kitchens for apartments and houses

Kitchen in the style of Provence: Secrets of style popularity


Translated from the French "Provence" means "province". This home style is popular among the residents of city apartments, tk. Create a cozy interior, filled with romance. To achieve the effect of, it is not necessary to adhere to all truths, enough to hint at the presence of the kitchen Province.

Kitchen in the style of Provence
Kitchen in the style of Provence like all women

Any room in the style of Provence emphasizes the comfort of home. And if this is the kitchen, the effect is doubled. Style common among the urban population for several reasons. It is considered as a budget and secured option.

Features of style and interior Provence cuisine

Designed in the style of Provence is not without elements of decor. This is all kinds of wicker baskets, boxes, jars with spices. Kitchen tools and utensils paraded, they do not need to hide behind the boxes and cabinet doors. Everywhere there are little things - charms, figurines Angelov, brownies, fenechki etc. Welcome diversity frames with photos, desirable artificially aged.

Kitchen Provence

Clearance does not happen without the trimmings. And they have to be luxury, made of cut glass. Combined with simple shapes and details, rustic country transformed, there are hints of French style.

Provence in the interior popular for reasons:

  1. Environmentally friendly. When you create a decoration and furniture are present performing natural materials.
  2. Versatility. Suitable for small apartments and large homes. It looks good in the studio apartment.
  3. Availability. Design Provence in the furniture and decoration is achieved by the independent approach. You do not need to buy new items, enough to work with the old.
  4. Convenience. Since items do not hide the boxes, the tools are always at hand hostess.


Suitable color design

Provence interiors are kept Pastel. But a uniform hue is not welcome, or lateral moving surfaces should be darker.

Repair in the style of Provence achieves harmony, if the colors based on rules:

  • The process uses bright colors and pastel shades;
  • When the white walls are not suitable for kitchen design, you can use pink or blue color. But we can not allow them to saturation, excessive brightness;
  • Accent furniture performed bright, then it looks a winner against a pale headset and finishing;
  • The successful combination - blue with pale yellow. welcome everywhere, from accessories to accent.

beautiful kitchen in the style of Provence

Interior doors, when the next room is done in a different style, It can be mixed, here helps the effect of soot, it allows for a smooth transition.

materials: walls also have the value

Apartment in Provence style is done mainly from natural materials. The walls are covered with plaster. Their forms intends to give negligence, to emphasize the mess. Further, they are painted pastel colors - blue, pink, yellow. Rough stones or raw brick is also well suited for walls. Allowed the wallpaper with a floral pattern.

Floor made of wood, and with a pronounced texture. Sometimes it may be a stone or tile in the style of Provence, soaked in brown. Laminate is also nice, if it coincides with tree texture.

kitchen in Provence style

The surface of the ceiling executed white with gray spots (aged effect). the interior will add liveliness

Furniture made of wood. It is rarely stained, often lacquered, to keep the color and texture. traces of antiquity (scrapes, cracks) do not hide, in front of, designers try to emphasize their. Make old furniture can be yourself, but carefully, not to bring it into complete disrepair.

Be sure to use textiles. Designed in the style of Provence is complemented by curtains, embroidered cushions, various panels, etc.. Advantageous to look floral print and design - it saturates naturalness.

beautiful kitchen

Forged products give the style its charm. You can not use too many of them - the legs of chairs or a pair of lamps sufficient.

Basic elements for a small corner kitchen in the living room: small-sized kitchen with his hands with beautiful paintings

The interior in the style of Provence It is based on several basic elements:

  1. The use of natural materials.
  2. The predominance of light colors.
  3. The use of prints and floral ornaments.
  4. Abundance of indoor plants, bouquets with fresh flowers.
  5. Multifaceted textile items - pillows, napkins, towels, tablecloths, etc..
  6. The use of natural light. If there are curtains, curtains, they are made of transparent materials Air.
  7. The abundance of ornaments, accessories.


Design means easy. Therefore it is easy to make furniture in the style of Provence with their hands. Taken as a basis the standard options, obshyvayutsya over textiles, or decorated with other natural materials. Mandatory requirement - the presence of clear simple lines, no elaborate forms.

The dining area is given special attention. There is a massive wooden table and chairs in the style of Provence (antique). It is covered with an embroidered cloth, decorated with hand wipes.

Dark surfaces - massive furniture or Door in the style of Provence easily done with the help of artificial aging. You need to rub them with sandpaper, top lacquered. Presence of chips, other defects welcome.

Provence style

General recommendations entourage in the house, apartment

The interior of a country house in Provence style is kept in pastel colors. Light shades visually increase the room. So the house is even more spacious, comfortable. Important, that when the design uses natural materials, or artificial, but created with the simulation of natural surfaces (a rock, tree).

It is easy to make the interior in the style of Provence with their hands, tk. He admits errors, defects, spalling, cracks. Even if a person never did repair, he will cope with maintaining the style.

The room in the style of Provence

The room is complemented by the variety of open shelves, or with glass doors. They can not add items, soaked in bright different colors, tk. impression "visual ripples". But the lack of color of accessories, too bad for the interior.

Sometimes used for finishing walls such material, like colored clay. He does not require additional staining, but it is difficult to initially pick up a shade.

Elements of proper design of white and blue decor : blinds, wallpaper, tree, tile, furniture, apron, chandelier, facades with Decoupage

To create an interior with their own hands Provence, you need to choose the right curtains. Lightness and weightlessness - their main parameters. For the smooth penetration of sunlight should be selected translucent materials. It is better to dwell on one-color, Slight floral print.

Beautiful kitchen Provence
Beautiful kitchen Provence - a worthy solution for the home

Kitchen design is complicated by the Provence, it is difficult to choose lighting fixtures. There should be a lot, because they are an essential attribute. with fabric design is complemented by a central chandelier wall sconce.

Kitchen utensils placed in a prominent place. For this purpose open shelves or hanging device. They can be combined with a textile decoration.


Interior design in the style of Provence is popular, tk. in the bustle of the city can not create an island of rural comfort; he is not picky about accents and details. And all the charm of provincial life are achieved with minimal financial investment. Kitchen interior in Provence style is forever.