All about kitchens for apartments and houses

What better stone sink: what to choose?


Modern manufacturers provide countertops and sinks made of artificial stone, which in many ways superior to products made from other materials. Which is why is this happening? And because the liquid stone durable, eco-friendly, durable and suitable for any interior. Stone sinks for the kitchen - in style, though of course, and expensive.

Corner sink made of artificial stone

Features of artificial stone Sink

Liquid stone sink - a cast products. The composition includes 80% crumbs of natural stone (marble or granite), 20% binding resin and a minor proportion of dyes. Liquid consistency allows you to create products of different shapes and sizes. Including curly countertops and faucets for sinks stone.

artificial granite or marble - durable material, Therefore, products made of it will last 10-12 years, without losing the initial appearance. This feature adds material demand in the market of sanitary ware.

Advantages and disadvantages of stone sinks

As with any product, built-in sinks made of artificial stone has its pros and cons. Consider them in detail.


  • material strength. Stone kitchen sink is resistant to mechanical stress and strong chemical compounds. any detergents used for washing, and the surface itself countertops and sinks of artificial stone does not absorb dirt.
  • Fixer. On stone products or no finish on the surface of the colored layer, therefore, they are subject to repeated polishing and elimination of mechanical damage (it is advisable not to carry out their own, and seek help from professionals).
    stone countertop
    Stone countertop sink with integrated cast
  • Molded top with Kitchen sink It connects seamlessly, therefore, it does not allow to penetrate the liquid and dirt. Besides, liquid formulation allows to create decorative countertops and shaped elements for the kitchen.
  • Manufacturers produce different sizes of sinks, shapes and colors. So the client without any problems select the desired option. Besides, carries out individual orders, for which there are no restrictions.
  • acrylic stone, used for kitchen sink, It has protective properties against dirt and harmful substances, therefore meets hygiene requirements.
  • The use of stone in a kitchen interior adds restraint and current trends. Sink made of natural stone kitchen costs more, Therefore, designers prefer to use molded shell.
  • In comparison with cast iron shells, artificial liquid stone is resistant to mechanical stress, such as the fall of kitchen utensils.

corner sink
Kitchen with stone worktops and corner sink cast


  • Density and heavy weight material has soundproofing, but it requires a professional approach to installation. Excessive severity obliges, to stone countertop with a sink for the kitchen was on the stand, therefore, need the help of.
  • Sink made of artificial stone is worth more than the shell of stainless steel of the same size.
  • On the surface of the stone products forbidden to put hot objects and pour boiling water into the sink.

Which to choose a stone sink

Washing sinks made of artificial stone are available in different types. In form are: oval, corner, round and rectangular shell. Besides, performed with a bowl, with two or three, with wings and other additions. The choice of the owner does, based on the size of kitchen units and worktops. To acquire a spacious kitchen sink with two bowls and auxiliary wing. Product color is also selected by customers or designers start from the color gamut space. It is worth noting, that the molded articles are shown in various shades, so easy to choose. Besides, to wash immediately sold mixers for the kitchen under a rock.

sink with two bowls
Sink stone GranFest QUADRO Q610K with two bowls


Installing stone sink in the countertop It is performed for 1-2 hours by mortise. We will share the installation step by step directions and a list of necessary tools.

First we need to prepare the following:

  • special pattern or a sheet of paper, from which it is cut with the size of the shell portion;
  • pencil or marker;
  • roulette;
  • drill;
  • jigsaws;
  • sealant (it is desirable to clear the gun).

Now we begin to work:

  1. You need to properly measure and mark the spot on the table, where the sink is mounted. With roulette put 3-5 cm from the wall, but the distance may vary due to the size of the mixer and the handle. From the free edge pull back 10-12 cm, this distance enough for comfortable use. Leave a mark marker.
  2. In the marked locations to put the pattern on the countertop and cut around the marker. If the shells are not included packaging paper template, Make your own paper. Note, if the sink to put on a sheet and cut around, size is greater real. Therefore it is necessary to reduce the side 1 cm.
    Apparatus bore worktop pattern delineated by
  3. Drill a hole in one corner of the encircled template. Note, that can not overstep the line, so move the drill bit on the inside of the fabric. Then walk jigsaw drafted on the lines of. Does not supplant the edge LINES, such an error will remain in sight. Dust and chips during cutting directly remove by vacuum.
  4. Use the sealant edge process felled seams and countertop installed near the sink. Excess silicone immediately wipe cloth, and press evenly on the sink.
  5. The last step you install the mixer. Allowed to start to use after 3-4 hours.

Installation of artificial stone sinks simple process, but it is better left to professionals, with experience in this matter.

Installation of artificial stone countertops is similar to other material mounting technology. The main difference - the weight, therefore need help and care.

How to extend the cleaning service

Washings stone resistant to chemicals. Nevertheless, such as chlorine, acid, solvents or caustic alkalis should not be long in contact with the stone. They damage topsheet, why plumbing loses original form. If strong chemicals got on stone, wipe sink soapy water and drain.

gray wash
Washings are formed from stone chips and special resin (polymer)

Sink and worktop made of artificial stone - heat-resistant products, but it is not suitable for contact with hot dishes or pour boiling liquid in the sink. To avoid damage, open the valve with cold water, to boiling water was mixed to a low temperature.

artificial stone technology makes durable material, but during the operation gets scratched, that stand out on dark colors. They eliminated restoration work, about which we will talk later, but do not use the stone as a cutting board.


Let's see, than clean stone sink in the kitchen. Liquid stone is durable and has not been, so pollution remains only on the surface. Besides, Bacteria and fungi are not able to accumulate on Stoneware. For regular washing suitable soapy water or detergents, as part of which there is no abrasive substances.

On the shelves are offered special facilities for the care of such fixtures. On their packaging indicated the type of material, which is recommended to wash them. But for daily use is better to buy a mild soap made from natural components. It will cleanse the surface from contamination, without damaging or scratching it.

stone wash, as well as other items, Wetted, periodically calcifications. Special cleaning products are designed to deal with it. They are applied to problem areas for 2-3 minutes, and then washed with water sink. Besides, plaque purified and a solution of ethyl. He also applied to the limestone plaque, a few minutes wiped with a cloth and rinsed with running water. It is desirable to not overexpose acid and abrasives, so as not to damage the upper layer plumbing.

Articles made of artificial stone
Artificial stone products are hygienically, because it does not accumulate fungus and bacteria

To use the washing disinfecting agents containing chlorine. They completely remove bacteria and will not damage the surface of the stone plumbing. Nevertheless, artificial stone products comply with hygiene requirements, because it does not accumulate fungus and bacteria, so they do not need strong detergent formulations. How to prevent, use intended for disinfecting liquids stone plumbing. In their composition does not contain chlorine, acids and other abrasive substances, therefore suitable for regular use.

Once washed the sink, it is recommended to wipe the surface dry. Dried drops soon leave stains, which are clearly visible in the dark countertops and plumbing.

Repair of washing

And with due care for the sink, she may suffer. So what happens when hitting or fall of a heavy object on it. As I mentioned earlier, plumbing the artificial stone has the advantage - mechanical damage on the surface to be restored.

Repair of artificial stone sinks eliminates cracks, chips and deep scratches. work performance technologies differ, depending on the size of the area and depth of damage.

Repair sinks made of artificial stone includes grinding. It aligns the upper surface, eliminating the scratches and faded colors. Since the color of the stone is present not only on the surface, after repeated grinding procedures stone sink for the kitchen will look like new.

Consider the sequence of work, needed to eliminate the cleavage:

  1. Milling. Cut portion correct shape around the damaged surface.
  2. Removing dirt before bonding. Suitable special sprays, liquids and pastes, which are able to clean the surface before applying the adhesive.
  3. To create the desired shape element, which is suitable to the place of damage. Made of the same material and color chosen. Note the shades, so that the stain is subsequently allocated.
  4. Glue the finished item on the prepared area. Clay selected in accordance with characteristics of the stone.
  5. Grinding for planarizing.

Restoration - simple operation, therefore cope themselves with the necessary materials and tools. However desirable experience for such activities, therefore we recommend to seek professional help. Give us the privilege of manufacture of your washing, or local representation in case foreign manufacturer. If the city has no representation, then contact with other manufacturers, that perform installation of stone for kitchen sinks.

If during the operation broke part of the sink or countertop, Use acrylic adhesive, and then grind fine sandpaper surface.