All about kitchens for apartments and houses

Making the kitchen enchanting: stained glass for windows, designer tips and recommendations


Unfortunately, stained infrequently found kitchens, and it is in vain. Stained glass for kitchen complement the interior and becomes its central theme. Even a simple kitchen acquires an exquisite and spectacular view, if a suitable pattern to decorate. Soft light, pouring through the stained-glass paintings on glass, enliven the interior and create a compelling atmosphere of comfort and relaxation.

Витражи для стекол на кухню
Stained glass apron serve original decoration for your kitchen

Stained glass in the interior of the kitchen

Kitchen stained glass add light, space in the room, It will become a bright accent. One of the obvious advantages of this element of decor - the diversity of species, shapes and colors. The shape of the glass is not only direct, but the concave curved or shaped. By type - matt, color, acrylic, seasoned. What can be decorated using this technique? The mass of options: windows and doors, work aprons, septa. Tiffany technology allows lamps, lampshades and vases. But most of the glass with a pattern found on the doors of kitchen cabinets.

Which interior decoration is fit, as the stained glass? Art-Deco and classic style come to mind first. But drawing on the glass looks not only at the luxurious interiors. There are neutral patterns, able to fit in just any kitchen. Most advantageous stained glass look in style:

  • classic;
  • modern;
  • Gothic;
  • Art Deco;
  • Provence;
  • country;
  • Mediterranean.

Among the advantages of glass mosaics can be called a humidity resistance, which is very important for the kitchen, practicality and aesthetics. For stained-glass windows are easy to care, they do not fade in the sun and keep their appearance.

Витражные стекла в кухонном гарнитуре
Stained glass is not only suitable for any style of registration, but also successfully underlined its

Among the disadvantages of this option decor is commonly called the high cost of, but, it is not always so. On the market there are both expensive, and low cost options. You can also make a stained-glass window with his hands, then only need to purchase materials. The price is influenced:

  1. the decorated area, that is, the size of the stained-glass window.
  2. The complexity of the figure.
  3. Number of colors.
  4. quality of materials.
  5. mounting method.
  6. The presence of illumination.
  7. Manufacturing technology.

Methods for producing stained glass

Stained-glass windows began to make many centuries ago. The first mention of this technology belong to the sixth century. Fabrication of mosaic of colored glasses then constitute a complex and laborious work. Over time, there were new methods of making stained glass, and combinations thereof.

Classical technology

Classic stained glass manufacturing method is also known as type-setting. This ancient way, originated in the Middle Ages. See classic examples can be in the old churches and castles. Today she mosaic manufacturing technology has not changed, used only modern tools and materials. First projected sketch, on which is laid a metal H-shaped profile. picture elements are inserted into the profile grooves, and then fixed by soldering. The robust metal base classic stained-glass window for the creation of large structures.

Средневековый витраж
classic stained glass


Facetted stained glass is made similar to the classical, using a metal profile. The composition usually simple, with geometric shapes. Beauty faceted stained glass in its radiance, which appears due to the specially faceted surround glasses.
Tiffany style

Popular products in the Tiffany style. This technique uses small parts, concave or convex glass. Such high-end masters are stained and are expensive art. They are used to decorate not only kitchen, but baths, saunas - these products are not afraid of changes in temperature. Sketch, drawings for the stained glass on glass, become the basis for the stencil, which will accurately process each element. The glass parts are cut and polished to the desired shape. All elements wrapped copper tape, and brazed together.

Tiffany stained glass is ideal for the kitchen - they are durable, not afraid of the heat, and technology allows you to not only insert in lockers, but of great beauty lamps, ceiling, vases.

Fusing technology

Widely used Fusing began recently, Although technology is known ever since the Pharaohs. It allows you to create a fine work picture glass without the use of metal and rough seams. drawing elements are fastened by means of baking in special furnaces. Figures stained glass obtained tender, if fusing.

Фьюзинговый витраж
Fusing - glass sintering technique, in that no metallic compound stained glass between the glass, glass sintered at a temperature 800 ° C and becomes a homogeneous

Colored ornamental elements are glued to the transparent glass-based and are covered with a second glass, and then sent to the furnace. Fyuzingovye stained glass can be embossed and layered.


Self-adhesive film on the glass stained glass with a pattern emerged in the seventies of the last century. Raised stained glass window - a thin colored film, which is applied on a smooth glass. To simulate the profile and create circuits using lead tape on the adhesive-based. Stained glass picture are what you want, the wizard generates or processes the image on the computer-to-order.

Vosmisloynaya stained glass adhesive film on glass is rich in colors. The joints are closed with special metal broaching. For decorating the stained glass crystal used Bewley. A high-quality film stained glass imitates, It looks expensive and elegant. It is simple to manufacture, durable (life to 20 years old), It does not fade and does not lose brightness of color.

Самоклеющаяся витражная пленка
Self-adhesive film stained glass - a great option for a limited budget

sandblasting stained glass

This technique appeared in the nineteenth century. Created by sandblasting stained glass using a special apparatus, which removes the top layer of abrasive glass, then there is the frosting. The master creates pattern on a smooth matte or frosted pattern on the smooth surface. Besides, using this technique are performed smooth transitions, tones and semitones. Glass treated with the stencil.


Another popular method of making psevdovitrazhey - painted with special paints. Initially created drawing sketch of a full-size, made stencil, by which are applied to the glass contours. After drying paint contour elements are painted in different colors. Some stained glass paints require baking. bright, expressive painted glass resemble paintings.


Jellied imitate stained glass Tiffany style. manufacturing method is similar to painting. according to the sketch, made stencil, applied polymer contour, resembling metal broach. After drying, the elements are filled with a special lacquer or paint. Contour is applied using equipment, managed by computer.


Decoration in the form of stained glass will bring to the decor of your kitchen individuality, certain zest. With a variety of techniques, styles, kinds of pattern, easy to pick up the product, that satisfies in quality and price.