All about kitchens for apartments and houses

What you need to know when choosing a kitchen corner Alenka different modifications


Every woman wants, the furniture in the kitchen has been practical and cozy, quality and original, It lasts as long as possible. When the purchase kitchen furniture, it should not be expensive, Yes, and do not want to buy cheap. As it is known in life "wisdom": cheap stuff for a long time does not serve, and quickly come into disrepair. Part of the purchase of new furniture - something expensive for the family budget. In this way, the question of choice of kitchen furniture with its apparent simplicity difficult and takes a lot of time dealing with. To reduce the waste of time to opt, enough to buy Kitchen Area Alenka, who is endowed with all sorts of modifications, satisfy the requirements of the most sophisticated hostess.

Soft kitchenette
Soft kitchen - a bright stylish kitchen design option

Kitchen furniture: Requirements doubles

From all list of atmosphere in the house the most intensively operated kitchen furniture. In this room, the food is prepared daily and washes the dishes. K temperature difference joins critical humidity fluctuations. Extractor hood sometimes can not cope with the vapors from the tanks on the stove, and fat particles deposited on the wall surface of the facade and. Consequently, except for washing dishes and floors, in wet processing needs and the furniture itself, including upholstery. He does not like inexpensive material, from which made some low-kitchen sets, because it absorbs moisture and swells, thus forfeiting the presentation.

Elements of kitchen furniture - worktops and facades. They determine the appearance of the kitchen, textural characteristics of their period of service depends cuisine. A length of the latter depends on the duration of preservation appearance of these two elements. Drawers and doors open cabinets in the headset also operated very intensively. This places high demands on fittings, loops or other fasteners.

Kitchen facilities in the interior
Stylish and contemporary furniture - almost the main component of home comfort

For kitchen design is suitable only high-quality furniture. Choice for affordable and budget is not recommended to stop.

Built-in or standard

In the kitchen room necessarily present input water pipe, sewage withdrawal, gas pipes and vent. It is preferred to hide. To hide some communication structure, classic kitchen or other standard headset undergoes revision. comfortable furniture for the kitchen - built-in furniture, or modular corner kitchen, which is more expensive than the standard model, but it blends harmoniously into the existing space, they can hide communication, practical to place the sink, plate, provide drawers and shelves for kitchen appliances.

Comfort and ergonomics

And if the mistress chooses his kitchen cozy nook, wherein it has an opportunity to relax between the incisions, the following requirements for kitchen furniture - compliance ergonomics. Identified various schemes right of interposition modules, considering a few centimeters distance between parts of the headset and appliances. Additionally provides guidelines for height and width of the table, seat and other elements garniturnaja

Kitchen furniture
Modern and nice looking sofa

Ergonomic kitchen is the one, which allows the hostess with a minimum of effort and time to cook food and produce some other action, down to rest (The minimum duration, but effective).

Comfort and safety

It does not matter kind of equipment, provided in the headset, directly to the material to meet a series of requirements:

  1. Obligation to make furniture from materials, not harmful to health.
  2. The content of volatile chemical substances does not exceed 0,01 % by weight. This rate manufacturers indicate in the data sheet on the headset. Existing technical guidance for the production of furniture sets prohibit the processing of raw materials volatile himsoedineniyami.
  3. The number of defects on 1 m2 raw no more 1-3 (It depends on the type of kit garniturnaja). Defect - a speck or uneven surface.
  4. In order to avoid fire wooden furniture elements are subjected to binding processing retardant compounds.
  5. Resistance to wear upholstery material.
  6. As used meblenapolnitelya foam or polyurethane foam material. In the process of buying a set of furniture is recommended to pay attention to the details in the data sheet and on the legal address and location of the manufacturer.

Kitchen in bright colors
Kitchen design in bright colors with furniture

"Alenka" as a legacy from the Soviet era

Soviet times, have left the apartment with a small-sized kitchen. In spite of this, owners are trying to transform a small room in a comfortable. definitely, It helps in this process kitchen "Alenka". Due to the optimal soundness of this wonderful mini kit is located in a small area. Corner Kitchen "Alenka 12" with dimensions 1650 X 1145 X 910 mm. (standard dimensions) It made of high-quality laminated chipboard, meet safety requirements, a filler foam used. "Alenka 1-3" would be appropriate for a small-sized kitchen furniture in 6 m2. Compact and versatile finishing options allows to make a choice for the stylistic design. As part of the headset: sofa (angled), table (dining), stools (2 PC.), angular sector (right- or left-hand) with the presence of the shelves. The color of the upholstery material and the widest possible.

A variety of options, "Alenka"

Kitchenette Alenka
Kitchenette Alenka create comfort indoors

Furniture manufacturers under the Russian name "Alenka" bothered, to each individual buyer purchased a kitchen corner. More 20 models are varied shapes and colors: from the classic version, representatives of which are the kitchen comfort "Alenka-17" and kitchen "Alenka-15", and modifying the model to "Alenka 5-1" with back rectangular shape and coated with white or brown color Eco, forming a gently rolling laterally inclined wave.

"Alenka-9" in addition to Kokoshnik provided round table and chairs. Modification "Alenka-18" is equipped with drawers under the seats, too, but retractable, in the armrest is retractable vertical drawer.

The extensive scope of models and price: from budget sets ("Alenka-1") to soft seats, decorated with multicolored eco leather, with corner shelf (kitchen "Alenka-20"), perfectly suitable in the stylish kitchen.

Kitchen corners Kitchen "Alenka" in the assembly does not require the assistance and advice of the master - anyone buying able to pick their own hands, detailed instructions DOD as a supplement to the furniture sets.

Cooking area with a fabric covering Alenka
Alenka with fabric covering and interesting coloring

Upholstered parts of kitchen units

In order to meet the wishes of customers taste, the manufacturer has at its disposal a number of modern upholstery. Their number can be selected with this design, which will satisfy even very demanding mistress:

  • Kitchen corners Kitchen fabric, characterized strength properties and various colors (kitchen "Alenka 10" and "20 Alenka").
  • kitchen corners, upholstered vinyl leatherette (kitchen "Alenka 17").
  • Leather kitchenettes, and as a modern representative - from eco-leather (kitchen "Alenka-19" and modification 2-18). Stopping the choice on the upholstery, made of eco leather, it is recommended interested in the quality of the internal mounting.

Combined "Alenka"

Kitchenette "Alenka 15" and modification 7, 14 join the design in the most diverse color palette. set modification 11 can be stylishly combined with any frame color. For example, classic kind of specification corner 15, configured in a black and white panel,, harmoniously looks in combination with various types of interior.


A great variety of designs, and complete sets of kitchen corner "Alenka" allows you to make a choice, which will correspond to design kitchens and food preferences for room owners and home.