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Comments about gas cooker with oven from ordinary buyers 2017 year


Nowadays, people use less embedded gas cookers, preferring electric, However, many bribes low cost plate, working on gas. And though in the minds of gas stoves are still quite outdated on all sides, Nowadays there are a large number of really high quality, both in terms of design, and on the effectiveness of their work, plates. Today we will analyze feedback on gas stoves from ordinary people, the same, like you, and save, any gas stoves better to buy a family with a certain income. Let's get started.

What manufacturers are good at customer reviews?

First it should be noted, which of the boards producers, working on gas, They are the most popular:

  • Among others in its popularity favorably Slovenia and the company Gorenje. This company are advised not only to buyers, but even gasman.

  • Good budget brand of gas stoves Darina, Flama и De Luxe.

  • Apart stands firm Gefest, which boasts popular models bought up in all price categories.

  • Special reliability and availability differ Zanussi and Bosch, however, they often have too much of the cost according to the average buyer.

Today we will look at not only these, but also other members of the, supplying its products to the market of gas stoves.

Gefest «3200-08»

It was very important to find a low-cost gas stove, and it is my choice fell on this. We can say with confidence, for your money (about 6 thousand) the best option you will not find.

About a plate can be said, it is easy to use, not to set the Thames on fire, but their work is done qualitatively. You may notice, that it is very reliable and sturdy handles quality enamel, wherein the entire body is covered, and these two qualities are essential for a gas cooker.


Enamel, by the way, perfectly cleaned conventional means for washing dishes and sponge, so that the dirt does not it eats. Works fine and oven, thanks to the thermometer, you will not miss time, when you need to remove your dish, a reliable and robust oven door will not allow the gulf to your efforts.

Of course, one can not talk about the shortcomings and. Grate over hot plates is quite slippery, so your pots can begin to ride on the plate, but on the other hand, you can safely move the full pan without turning the eyes. And the problem with slip corrected after the maximum year, when the grid is more or less obgorit.

Also, in the oven, Unfortunately, no lighting, and although it helps security, it is rather inconvenient for cooking. Another is to add about a compartment dish under the slab, he, Unfortunately, a little too small, enough for a couple of pans. And despite all these cons, I know for sure, that advice, when I am asked about, how to choose a gas stove for the kitchen.

Darina AS GM521 001 W»

This is the option we choose among a large range, including among popular foreign gas stoves. Only this can be said with confidence, that its price is fully consistent quality. Domestic budget stove attracted me most of all its dimensions. It fits perfectly into any small kitchen, and it will be quite enjoyable and a nice addition. Despite its size, Oven quite roomy, besides backlit, and through the door with tempered glass can be great to see the whole process of cooking. Clean the stove is very easy, because it enameled, moreover, over burner grill is conveniently removed.

Of course, the stove has its drawbacks. The rear wall for a long time operation starts to heat, and very little smoke stove. Problems will and cleaning out the wall near the stove, since it does not have the protective wall, but because specks of fat probably soon appear on all around. Therefore, we recommend to put a plate, where there is an apron, which is easy to clean. You, possibly, confuse and scarcity of design, because the plate is presented only in a rather dull white. Scarcity is present in the, that only two burners, although it is written off against the plate small size.

Summing, you can say for sure, that this plate is the most ideal one for garden. This place does not need popular gas stoves, and all, that is, in this model,, It is quite enough. Enough for only one mode in the oven with the absence of the grill, and two trays, which are included. It will be a great addition gas control system, automatically shuts off gas to its minimum, since it is much secure your cottage. So that, I will strongly recommend it.

Gorenje "GI 52339 RW»

Very aesthetically beautiful gas stove, which is very popular due to the simplicity of its use and the quality performance of their work - this is exactly what, I want to prove this model. Let's look at the pros and cons alone.


  • At the plate is very easily ignited gas, the handle is released after five seconds after turning. Only two burners, but they are of large diameter.
  • No complaints and a lattice of rings, which is made of cast iron, but because none of the pan or griddle falls.
  • Special love I was soaked to the oven. First of all, This gas oven has its own thermostat, which is very helpful in baking, when it is necessary to slightly open the door. Important, that when cooking in the oven, even for three and a half hours of tempered glass in the door is not red-hot. This glass, by the way, very helpful to monitor the food manufacturing process.
  • Glass in general is the main element of the trim plate, since the entire front panel as glass. Made of glass and the cover, which protects the wall from the kitchen fat drops during cooking. If it is not needed, it can be easily removed. In general, the plate design is very stylish and really interesting.
  • Another very important point - the oven has a grill function. It is for the grill, and I have chosen this option, and the right decision. Grill operates on gas, which saves electricity and does not burden the grid. As to the oven, and to the grill there is absolutely nothing to complain about, they bake well.
  • Finally, You can also add about transporting plate. She came to me fully packed, protected by special foam and wood frame. Stove itself was absolutely clean and free of any obstruction, well as all the details have been packaged in neat packages.

I can talk about the different gas cookers, my rating it is precisely this leads. How view, I could not articulate a single minus, because in my opinion they are not. Stove deserves your money and is a quality product.

Hansa "FCMW58221"

If we summarize all, What can I say about this plate, Get a handy multi-purpose and inexpensive stove, which, Unfortunately, heated rather quickly at the maximum cooking level. This stove has an oven, atypical working on electricity, which can significantly burden the grid in the kitchen, but it is much more convenient for cooking.

This model has a large number of interesting features for cooking in the oven, which provides just its electric type. The oven has its own thermometer, which is very helpful in baking, and in addition to all of this is sometimes very necessary timer. Well, talk about the grill and not have to.

The advantages of an external include very stylish design. Plate itself is made of hard metal, which the, by the way, convenient to wash. Iron grille over burner, because it is not necessary to be afraid of the movement of her dishes. Handles very reliable and do not dangle. Well, the control itself, as a stove, and oven, quite complicated. This plate must be written exactly in the best gas stoves, since it does not have any complaints on my part.

Flame "ПГ4 1465 RG»

Good stove, working properly, but having, its pluses, and minuses. I will try to dismantle them.


  1. Plate can truly be called a cheap. This is obtained due to the fact, that the domestic manufacturer, therefore, the average price for it does not exceed six thousand.
  2. Model completely enamelled. It's a nice advantage for design, because it turns a neat black and white classic stove, that organically fit into the interior of the usual kitchen. But enamel is good and the, which is very good and easy to clean with ordinary detergents and sponge.
  3. Also stove has four burners and all different sizes.
  4. There is a separate compartment under the bowl, but it will not open.
  5. Well, in the end,, Plate very well, and gets transported into the kitchen model.


  1. Unfortunately, grill and burner caps quite burn after the first few uses. This is a minus rather aesthetic appearance, although in addition to the kitchen there is a strong unpleasant smell of burning.
  2. The oven door is quite unreliable, and even if you are very careful with it do, then it is no longer enough, than four years.
  3. Baking in the kit to the plate does not rely, and it is very inconvenient.
  4. Oven without thermal insulation, so you can not open the door for a long time.
  5. The oven does not have backlighting, that is a big problem for the hostess.
  6. And light the oven is often difficult.

Overall, When we viewed various gas stoves, customer reviews on this were not the most flattering, so it happened. But, plate covers the cost of all its disadvantages.

Zanussi "ZCG559G»

I really enjoyed this sweet petite plate, so I want to tell you more about it. I will try to make out its basic functions and important aspects.

  • Plate dimensions allow it to naturally wake up in a small kitchen. But these dimensions also play a bad role, because sometimes it is impossible to install all the necessary utensils on the hotplate. it seems, that the pan is about to slide off the grill. But the grating can fully support the weight of two kilograms and more.
  • At the plate nice design, it is very convenient and pleasant to use in cooking because of the quality of its execution details. Also, plate has a basic and standard components, such as electrical ignition burners, different diameter burners, robust handle, baking oven and grill, oven auto-shutdown.
  • Oven works flawlessly, It has a backlight, though not very strong, and the door is multifunctional, because specially fixed in several positions for different cooking functions. Also, the door is decorated tempered glass, allows you to monitor the, how to prepare meals. It is very convenient. true, there is a minus, because the glass is heated strongly enough, and on it is easy to get burned.
  • We have a grill plate function, which is very important for modern housewives. Specifically for this function in the bundled offer separate panel for oven, which must be inserted between the door and the oven itself, exposing a special inclination of the door.

Generally, if you ask me, What is the best stove, I will show no hesitation to this. It is completely knock your price, It is very functional and pleasant to use. Well, among other things, It fits very well into the interior of any apartment.

Bosch "HGV645220R"

massive, comfortable, qualitative, versatile and very stylish stove appeared at my house recently, and I can not stop looking at it. Advantages of this plate I can enumerate a long time, now and start.

First of all, plate very broad, therefore, it is possible to put any size of pots and pans at the same time. four burners, and all the different diameters. Apart from the standard glass lattice, protecting kitchen walls from grease stains, eletropodzhiga and control gas function, which does not allow gas to extinguish, the stove there are plenty of advantages.

Stove equipped with an electronic display, where you can set the time of preparation, timer. There you can see the tips of the cooking time and the thermometer. I have a timer beep and auto shut-off function oven. You can even put a Service.

Oven electric stove, moreover, with the convection function, allows you to cook the best cakes. There is also a grill, I like very much. For each function, as well as advice on the preparation of various products, its attached guide.

I once heard, that the best gas stoves - Turkish, and, it seems, I totally agree with this opinion, It is better to this plate, I do not know.

Greta «1470-00»

I read many reviews on the gas stove, and that this was a very worthy, and now I'm writing my. I decided to support domestic producers, and bought the plate. Now I try to understand its advantages and disadvantages.

The merits of the plate a lot. Stove quickly installed in your kitchen. You can immediately assess the quality enamelling, which in the future will be good to clean and wash. Grille at the stove of cast iron and very durable, so it can be put on any weight of any bowl. Regulated gas to the burners is very convenient and easy. How are burners, and in the oven, has a gas control, so you can safely put on a little fire, anything without fear. Bake in the oven for a pleasure, It helps in this and good lighting, and even fire.


The disadvantages are very, very few. Although the plate is installed quickly, but prepare it for cooking rather laborious. It is important to have to take off all the whip, not only outside, but also within a grid. And she, by the way, removable, and you will need to roll out its, before you remove the film.

Review of Sea «MGN 52103 FW3.5 »

This plate we got from the owners to the new apartment, but we have nothing regret. Cooker really good, and I'll try to describe its advantages:

  • In the plate there is a lot of useful, but standard features: ELECTRONIC, monitoring gas in the oven, lights in the oven.
  • Handles really comfortable, as are burners. By the lattice and no complaints, they really steel, rather than cast iron, so here it comes in vkusovschina.
  • Oven works is also very high quality, giving tasty and flavorful dishes.
  • Price per plate worthy and justified.

there are shortcomings, although not as much. Unfortunately, No normal timer, as there is no monitoring gas burners in themselves. The instructions are written in different temperature regimes as recommendations, but they do not always correspond to the truth.

Finally, I want to include this in the best plate gas stove with gas oven in my not so humble opinion.