Frantic pace of everyday life exhausting and annoying so it is important, to a place in the house, where we could relax, to forget about your problems, experiences and enjoy the comfort and quietness. It is in this place a kitchen, where you spend a significant amount of time for cooking, or during a party with her family. kitchen space, where you spend a significant amount of time for cooking, or during a party with her family
To your seating area was comfortable, It should work hard. This article will tell you, how to make cozy home in the kitchen with the help of hand-made articles their own hands.
create comfort
For comfort, plan, what and where to put so, so it was functional and comfortable.
Getting rid of excess
The concept of comfort at everyone, for one it's clean and tidy, for another - favorite things. Make a cozy kitchen will not work, if it is cluttered with unnecessary items, especially if they are not combined with each other. These things just do a lot worse - the room seem cluttered and close, and about cosiness and can not speak.
The concept of comfort at everyone, for one it's clean and tidy, for another - favorite things.
No need to take up space in vain, see what you use less and that stands around, and dispose of.
We divide the room into zones
To all the inhabitants of the house to feel comfortable, and the hostess is also convenient, divide the kitchen into zones and analyze where it would be best to put. Refer to the rules:
Put working zone on either side of the gas cooler and plate.
Next to the work area, place frequently used products - sugar, cereals, pasta, spice, vegetable oil.
To all the inhabitants of the house to feel comfortable, and the hostess is also convenient, divide the kitchen into zones
Council: If you are a lover of spices, come up with a flat drawer on the wall kitchen units, in which you can store up to hundreds of small bottles. Also spices can be stored on magnetic tape bonded on the backside of lockers, This allows you to save a missing space.
Frequently used pots and pans in a store near the movable box, and a, that you use rarely, place in a distant locker.
The table is located in a place, so you can at any time to stand up and take the necessary subject.
Council: for the convenience of housewives need a shelf, where there will be a book with recipes. Near the working surface can be attached to the metal tube, where hang ladles, blades and other necessary items for cooking.
Relax in comfort
handsomely the kitchen is look wicker table with glass top, but you should always follow, so it is not broke. Therefore it is better buy a table made of solid wood, it is durable and long lasting. Top with smart and convenient tablecloth. Choose non-slip fabric, so it does not slide on the utensils. Good, if you know how to lay the table cloths - it will please your loved ones ingenuity.
Good, if you know how to lay the table cloths - it will please friends and relatives
Next to the table put a kitchen corner or a comfortable sofa - comfortable furniture and hanging out for a meal.
Council: buying such furniture, Choose among a, which can be further put things or technique, that you use rarely, as well as an extra bed in case of unexpected arrival of guests.
In recent years, a huge popular interesting crafts with their hands for the house. To create a cozy atmosphere in the kitchen, crafts with their hands can hang out there, where they will be needed in terms of convenience - at the table and work area. Keep, their style is matched with each other, otherwise the room will look ridiculous.
A great option - is pocket on the hook, where you place the working tools:
In recent years, a huge popular interesting crafts with their hands for the house
maybe, you will be surprised, because the cost of purchased pocket is different from self-made, but everyone will know, what you yourself have made Hand Made for home with their own hands, and the probability of finding the same in the store, just zero.
What is needed:
tissue segments;
Wooden cutting boards;
Tape for decoration;
big Stapler;
Needle and thread.
Fabric cut and put on the board, secure, end podsheyte. On the board is supposed to be a pocket. On each side garnish tape, hiding staples.
Council: If the kitchen is a sofa or couch, of the same fabric cushions posheyte, and napkins on the table for serving.
Forgery of his own hands for the house speak for themselves - guests enter the kitchen, very surprised to, what you kudesnitsa. You can make a stand for knives with their own hands.
To create a cozy atmosphere in the kitchen, crafts with their hands can hang out there, where they will be needed in terms of convenience
This will require:
Plywood or a small wooden board;
finishing paper.
surface polish, in the middle of the boards fix the rails, able to fit knives. Then all you need a good glue. If you want to put the knives in two rows, the top designs paste another board and a pair of rails. At the end of the loop to attach scissors.
Council: in the manufacture of supports for the knives select such material, which will meet kitchen interior.
Correctly incongruous detail and decoration will add warmth to the kitchen interior and comfort, dinner with your family or friends will be friendly and cheerful, and the preparation of culinary delights will delight.
important tips
Cozy atmosphere in kitchen design impossible without the crafts with their hands.
Curtains should be combined with the kitchen interior.
The same fabric is useful for sewing slipcovers for chairs or pillows on the sofa.
Fabric scrap posheyte apron or potholders.
On the walls hang the children's drawings, or still lifes painted by you.
On a tablecloth or towel embroider interesting pictures. Posheyte Case to Maker and cups, which will help maintain long warm drink and water.
Tie a lot of small circles, of which sew the mat and lay on the floor, it will be a source of pride in the realm of your culinary delights.