All about kitchens for apartments and houses

Kitchen design in hruschevke 5 on 5 m


In Soviet times,, a simple majority of the population of the country lived in communal flats, simple apartment buildings or barracks. People lived and rejoiced in his life, meeting with their neighbors in the communal kitchen.

Kitchen design 5 photo

With the growth of our country there was a question of expediency in construction of a new economic plan, comfortable housing for ordinary citizens. This was the heyday of our country, at that time and the first astronaut in space visited. A charge of our country, "legendary" Nikita Khrushchev.

Hence the name of panel houses. In these times, it was a miracle, because as mentioned earlier, people lived with their families in the dorms, where food and other "important" places were shared. And it was not quite comfortable. And when the family got their own apartment, with private bath and separate kitchen, joy knew no bounds


No one even thought to discuss issues of space and usable area, which has a kitchen 5 on 5 m. in the Khrushchev, the design of which was as meager as its space. In itself, its presence has been a cause for joy. But gone are the days, when the presence of a separate kitchen in the apartment was a luxury.

Kitchen design 5 meters photo

And Khrushchev's long gone. And there are modern people, who live with it. The theme of this article will design and kitchen renovations a total area Khrushchev 5 quarter. m. questions of a kitchen selection will be considered, design solutions, practical tips, questions, associated with repair and finishing.

Features kitchen design in the Khrushchev

If you are the owner of the kitchen in the "Khrushchev," do not be upset and worry. There is a saying, that there are no situations, of which there is no escape. At the moment, high-quality kitchen remodeling in Khrushchev 5 5m., the correct design decisions, Proper location of the furniture and kitchen appliances can solve this, at first sight, an impossible task. Possible even euro renovation of the kitchen in the Khrushchev. And the challenge is, you need to use the least useful place, and perform a maximum of functionality.

This will help a special compact appliances and kitchen furniture, specially designed for large areas not. Plus, the aid will be the optimal color and lighting solution. Light and Color in the room is one of the most important parameters. Cozy kitchen in Khrushchev should be not only convenient, but also pleasing to the eye. To the cooking process was more harmonious.


Also question a comfortable stay at the table for meals is equally important. This further. The first is to do what you need, after the decision to change the kitchen environment was made, is the development of their dream kitchen plan and furniture layout plans, washing zone, art location, dining area.

Usually food situation in the Khrushchev is characterized by the arrangement of objects in the form of the letter "G". In the corner is a wash, next to her stove, desk with drawers, Well, we can not forget about the refrigerator.

To make changes to a familiar look, you need to understand one simple thing. Do all things needed in the kitchen and used. for example, to increase the usable area, can be transferred to a dining area to another location, a bar in a small kitchen in Khrushchev will look much more stylish than the disproportionate table. Although a round table in the kitchen of Khrushchev small size can be a good alternative.


Remove from the kitchen bulky refrigerator, You can also question competently beat the location of sinks. for example, place it along a window. Yes, a useful place in the window. That it should be used wisely. Also, if there is a door to the kitchen and it opens inwards, it can be replaced folding door. You can also install a decorative arch instead of a door.

Fitted kitchen in the Khrushchev is impossible without the proper selection of furniture. It must be the most comfortable, practical. This will be discussed later. To date, there are opportunities to turn to professional designers or firms, are engaged in the repair and decoration. Kitchen furniture in Khrushchev will be custom made. the required size, Colour, all forms of furniture can be selected individually.


It should be understood, that every task requires a properly sized solution. To summarize this section, it can be concluded, that there is a solution. And your goal is competent arrangement of furniture and equipment, correct color and lighting solutions. It is advisable to involve a professional designer, or at worst, see ready-made solutions on the Internet. Next issue will be discussed in the article, concerning the decoration of the kitchen space.

Finishing and maintenance

When planning a renovation in the kitchen in the Khrushchev, should pay special attention to the quality of building materials. Nowadays, a lot of different options presented in the construction market. On something you can and save, but without affecting the repair design Khrushchev.

Decorating a small kitchen in the Khrushchev simple matter. Seemingly not a large room, but this is the whole complexity. Materials require considerably less, but also turn around here will not be easy.

It should take into account a number of issues and features, which relate to the kitchen. for example, temperature and humidity extremes. This still applies to the choice of special decorative materials. In their selection, ultimately, important is the final result.


This includes security and finishing materials and appearance. Designed in Khrushchev requires serious approach. This article focuses more on practical advice and how to deal with this process, and not about what actions you need to do to repair.

clear, that the repairs necessary to fully clean the room and prepare it. You can make your own repairs and, but it would be better to turn to a specialist firm. hiring, professional can save you a lot of time and effort.

When finishing is better to use light colors to visually expand the kitchen space.

A necessary condition will be correctly matched spotlights, fixtures. But it's all common elements. What are all the same materials should be used when the kitchen decoration? How to decorate the walls, What is the ceiling in the kitchen? What will happen to lie on the floor?


Let's start with the floor. On the floor you can lay ceramic tile. This material has a number of pros and cons. The minus is the cost of laying and the most tiles. There is also the downside can be attributed, that is a cool tiled floor (although it is possible to make heating, but again costs). Accidentally fallen cup will be divided exactly. This is also a minus. As for the pros, it is a pleasing appearance and durability.

There are options to lay high-quality linoleum and laminate Special. Such materials are also suitable for the finishing of the floor.

Let's talk about finishing the walls. Here, too, many options. From tiles to decorative plasters. And you can just pokleit washable wallpaper. When choosing a ceiling material also has a lot of options. But it is recommended to make the suspended ceiling in the kitchen, because he does not like temperature extremes.

The conclusion from the above, the following: finishing options are many, it follows a few simple rules that govern the design of the kitchen in the Khrushchev. Important bright colors. It is important to the quality of the material. The floors are better to do tile, The walls are decorated with decorative plaster or small tiles, Ceiling any format, just do not stretch.

Furniture and appliances for the kitchen

When choosing kitchen furniture should pay attention to the size. It should be as compact as possible. The optimal solution is the production of furniture for a specific cuisine. This will save useful centimeters square.


It is worth paying attention to the kitchen sets to the location "under the ceiling". In such furniture can be placed optimally built-in appliances and utensils. It is also recommended to use sliding surfaces, folding tables, etc.. Avoid standing and acute angles at the selection of furniture. Everything should be rounded. It will be good to look in the interior of the kitchen round table.


Not unimportant is such detail as the color of the furniture. It is recommended to use light-colored furniture. Also worth noting is the importance of manufacturing material. it's desirable, that it was clear glass, or materials with shiny surface, chrome elements. It visually expands the space and it does not load.

Definitely important point is correctly to beat a small kitchen in the Khrushchev. for example, it is not recommended to put a stove, sink and refrigerator in a row. This constrains the space. The best option would be to place the sink in the window. A gas stove to replace the embedded hob.

If you can not, remove the refrigerator to another room, the refrigerator should be selected small. There are options already finished furniture with integrated appliances, including fridge. Such an option for a small kitchen will be preferred. The main advantage is that a single design kitchen 5 × 5 Hruschev time period and the optimal location. If there is no need for a large kitchen table, you can use the oval table folding.


Summarizing the article makes sense to list the most important issues in the design of the kitchen facilities in the "Khrushchev," an area of 5 m. It is better to turn to professionals in their field, which accurately calculate and pick up all. Use the built-in furniture and equipment. Choose the design of the kitchen with a round table. Apply light colors and mirror surfaces.


Proper positioning of items in the kitchen, lighting. With these tips in design, Khrushchev in the kitchen will please the eye. The process of cooking will be healthier.