All about kitchens for apartments and houses

The ceiling in the kitchen with his hands: Tips from the pros


The ceiling in the kitchen must meet a number of requirements. This is due to the fact, that kitchen facilities aggressive environment: temperature changes, vapor, spray, steam. In the bedrooms and living room ceiling covering - a decoration. Therefore, the finishing materials must first be beautiful. Kitchen - a room, where the cooking. This implies the other priority requirements: practicality, wear resistance, the possibility of purification.

The ceiling in the kitchen with his hands
Even the most delicate ceiling in the kitchen you can make your own hands

Before you choose a cover, you need to decide, a ceiling for the kitchen is better and why. To do this, examine the features of the kitchen facilities:

The ceiling in the kitchen

  1. Temperature and its variations. Especially brightly this phenomenon is observed in winter, when the windows slightly open for ventilation, and the food is cooked on the stove. Finishing material should expand and contract, without deformation at the same time;
  2. Scents. The materials should not absorb them;
  3. Humidity. Considering this factor, immediately exclude materials, of which the ceiling is better not to do in the kitchen: wood, MDF panels. Facing this type absorbs moisture, which affects its appearance;
  4. Spray with fat splashes. Kitchen is a phenomenon not uncommon. Therefore, the covering material must be easy to clean, be easy to care for. To wash the walls and the ceiling will have to use cleaning products, so you need to choose the cover, which will not enter them in the chemical reaction and is not deformed;
  5. Finishing materials shall not be flammable. In order to fire safety is best to choose a finish, which can not catch fire, and if he can, it will not release harmful toxic substances;The ceiling in the kitchen with his hands
  6. It is important to choose eco-friendly kitchen, non-toxic materials. In this room, preparing food and harmful elements will cause harm to health;
  7. Humidity resistance. Kitchen flood risk is not higher, than in other areas. It may be leaking roof or flooding the neighbors from above. materials, having water repellency, dignity will suffer flood;
  8. If you plan to make the ceiling in a private house with his own hands, then you need to choose the easy mounting materials, with which the strength to cope alone, without the involvement of specialists and special equipment.

Materials for the installation of a lot of the stores

In order to determine, What better to do the ceiling in the kitchen, We must take into account such factors, as:

  • area kitchen facilities, its height;
  • room style;
  • kitchen lighting, window position.

Types of ceiling coverings for kitchens

What is the ceiling in the kitchen is better to do it depends on the above factors and personal preferences of the owner. There are several options for finishing, which are optimally suited for the kitchen facilities. Consider the main ones.

Plasterers and shpaklyuem: to do time-consuming, but it turns out beautifully

choosing, What do the ceiling in the kitchen, and take into account a time, as the economy. Budget option is considered to be plastered ceiling. Such a method has several advantages: environmental friendliness, the ability to hide defects and irregularities of the ceiling, using non-combustible materials. Minus a finish - the complexity and the impossibility of washing.

Before we proceed to the decorative trim, surface is cleaned from old pavement, which is removed prior to the plaster or concrete slabs. Further, the ceiling plaster, if necessary, and small cracks and irregularities are removed by means of putty. If desired, one can create a perfectly smooth coating, rigorous and concise. But you need to know, how to putty ceiling, possess certain skills and experience. Otherwise, perfectly flat surface is difficult to obtain.

puttying ceiling
Do everything carefully, the surface is smooth

If you want to get a more interesting surface, then create a relief texture. Textured plaster from the usual fillers and may be reproduced with their own hands, it's much easier, than creating a flat surface. Simple reliefs to create not so difficult, more complex shapes may be beyond the power. The texture can be created a special embossed roller. Buy roller can be in the store, or make your own. For this purpose, a conventional roller wind the clothesline, cord, plastic bag. The direction of winding, its frequency, roll movement - all this is at the discretion of the author.

Ready ceiling, smooth or textured, inked. You can paint the surface in one color, you can link two or more tones or to make smooth transitions.

The ceiling in the kitchen

Wallpaper - the best budget option for the room with light

The ceilings are papered often. Several factors can be identified, which will push select this option: low price of materials, the opportunity to do all the work yourself without extra effort. before, than wallpapering, surface should be leveled with putty and primed. The ceilings in the kitchen, wallpapered, at their correct selection, can be water-resistant and washable. The downside is that the wallpaper, that such a finish is already outdated.

Rack ceiling: what color is best to use in a small apartment

Rack ceiling
Koasivo when the floor and ceiling rack

Rack and pinion ceiling in the kitchen - a set of aluminum slats, gathered together. Usually combined thick and thin slats, which together create the illusion of height unmatched. Excellent complement a ceiling spotlights.

Pinion aluminum ceilings - is the most common option. Sometimes rails made of steel. Aluminum is easy to use, lightweight and durable. This material is resistant to moisture and is easy to clean. Rack ceiling mount even a layman can. The thickness of the strips ranges from about,3 to 0,6 mm. Using different items, you can create smooth transitions, curves and versatility

Rack ceiling can be made in many different styles. Curved slats create a smooth curve. Top coating may cover lag. The surface may be completely flat and smooth. If desired, you can create a de multilevel system with a variety of transitions and spotlights.

beautiful ceiling in the kitchen

PVC-panel embodiment of a tension: convenient and practical material

The variety of finishing materials allows you to recreate virtually any ceiling in the kitchen with his hands. PVC panel - this is the simplest way for the independent production. Plastic ceiling easy to install, it is easy to clean, It does not absorb odors, resistant to moisture and a pair of, inexpensive. Suspension design is made of PVC panels allow easy conceal wiring, and a communication pipe, which abound in the kitchen. In such a material is easily put the spotlights. Imitate marble panels, wood and other materials.

Mount PVC ceiling panels need to very carefully. Ceiling panels are very fragile, because of its small weight. With strong pressure may remain unsightly dents. For such a ceiling would require the panels, mounting profiles, fasteners (screws and dowels), and ceiling moldings.

a simple kitchen ceiling

In commercially available panels of different colors, textures and parameters. What is the ceiling is better - gloss or matt, It depends on the overall style of the room. Opaque panels typically produce white color without any additional coatings. Glossy glossy lacquer coated panel. They cost a little more opaque.


solving, a ceiling is better, tension or drywall, remember, that the tension in the kitchen use is not recommended. Suspended ceilings in corrosive conditions, and moisture vapor, quickly lose appearance. Drywall better to use water-resistant. Internal insulation of the ceiling in a private house with his own hands only possible if the suspended structures, eg, drywall. Underneath hidden layer of glass wool or basalt plate.