All about kitchens

3 stage in the manufacture of kitchen furniture for the garden


Time, when the villa is only considered as a summer hovel, which can rest after exhausting work on the plot, passed away. Now - is a comfortable country house, which has already been taken to pull off unwanted items and furniture junk, which have no place in a city apartment.

Kitchen set made of wood
Interesting design of kitchen furniture made of natural wood

Modern garden furniture represented the widest range, so you can choose a set for every taste and budget. What manufacturers offer buyers?

Chalet suites - the basic materials for the kitchen

holiday table and chairs

Garden furniture can be made from both natural, and synthetic materials. So, raw material for the production of garden and park interior sets for country houses is:

  • Wood.
  • Vegetable products (cane, straw, creeper, vine).
  • Plastic.
  • Metal.
  • MDF (for the manufacture of kitchen furniture fronts).

Uses and compounds of these materials, eg, cane and wood, forging and wooden elements. What to choose from this list - decide, on the basis of financial capacity, the method and intensity of furniture operation.

Furniture for garden

Due to the high cost of, consumers tend to do for gardens and even the interior sets for giving yourself. Below are brief instructions, how to make furniture for cottages and homes with their own hands.

Natural raw materials in the production of cottage suites: pine and other

Wood - a versatile material for the manufacture of furniture of any type, which can be used indoors and outdoors.

Cottage wood furniture (array) It is very expensive, if a, of course, material for it properly harvested and prepared (treated with antipyretics, means, preventing decay and insect reproduction).

Kitchen furniture from solid wood
Kitchen furniture from solid wood looks great and has a long service life

Advantages of wood:

  • durability (with proper care and maintenance);
  • environmental Safety;
  • aesthetic appeal (material as well as possible corresponds to the natural style, which many want to achieve in a country house);

Disadvantages are manifested in her case,, if you try to save on the purchase of, - acquire a headset, where the timber is used or such low grade, which is not suitable for outdoor use, or used raw natural material.

Affordable way to get a suite of natural raw materials, will production of handicrafts made of wood to give their own hands. In addition to the standard benches and stalls, "Rukasty" host will be able to make and a wooden table for the garden.

beautiful furniture to give

For jobs require:

Council! Buy only the dry cells, harvested in the current season; before work they need to double handle and antipyretic antikoroedom.

  • Boards and bars (pine, birch, oak, spruce or walnut).
  • Saw.
  • screwdriver.
  • Drill and drill bits to it.
  • Hammer.
  • Fixing consumables (bolts, nails, screws).
  • Sandpaper (sander).
  • Pencil.
  • Roulette.
  • Level.

Build of the economy class with their own hands

stages of work:

Kitchen IZ lining
For a small space can make the kitchen of lining their own hands

  1. Assemble the frame of a square or rectangular shape, which consists of boards 4. To this end, the material is cut to the desired length and fastened with nails or screws. The frame should not be unsteady, All boards must be secured tightly.
  2. You can begin to assemble countertop. To do this, attach the board to the frame, the gaps between which can be not more than 2 mm.
  3. Then attach the legs products, made of bars. The massive table, the greater must be its support. The bars are fixed angle to the corner of the frame.
  4. Check the strength of the table. It should not be unsteady. If the product dimensional, for better Fortress will have to further strengthen the framework, stuffed additional perimeter boards.
  5. Ready table need to carefully handle with sandpaper. The wood should be as smooth as possible.

The newly created element cottage interior You need to cover or tinted varnish. The same principle can be made and a round table for the garden; The only difference - the board for worktops have round jigsaw. Rocking chair made of wood with their hands can make for special designs, which are easy to find on the Internet.

wicker furniture
Wicker furniture is a great part of the country house decor

A special place in the self-furnishing a country house and the plot takes wicker furniture. This activity not only carries, but also can significantly save on equipping suburban life, because the headset from natural materials expensive.

For these purposes the vine, straw, cane. Popular rattan - dried palm stems. rattan furniture, as well as any braided headsets, "Afraid" of humidity and constant exposure to sunlight. For proper operation (in the shade during dry weather), is 10-15 years old, able to withstand heavy loads. Rattan furniture with his own hands can be made only in a well ventilated, dry and warm room, ideally - in the courtyard of the summer, because the material takes up space.

Besides outdoor gazebos, used wicker furniture for the kitchen, not only as a working headset, as well as a set from the sofa, table and chairs for the garden, used in the nutrition unit. Kitchen furniture to give, as in a city apartment, exposed to intensive use and corrosive environments.

Set of wicker furniture
wicker furniture can be used not only for groups but also for arranging reception space food

Therefore, for its production are selected wear-resistant materials - wood, MDF and chipboard (facades rarely used, suitable for shelves and "backs" sets). If you want to experiment, you can try to make the kitchen furniture to give their own hands. To do this, you must purchase the sketches and patterns, stock toolkit, similar to, that is used to make table, choose material. Inexperienced master unlikely to be able to collect a complex set, but what, who in childhood I was engaged in wood carving, It is the strength.

Well operated and other material for weaving - Vine. To reduce the cost of products, can produce furniture made of twigs with their hands.

Required to work:

  • vine (willow).
  • The bars of different thicknesses.
  • Superglue.

Specific instructions for the work here can not be given, all depends on, a piece of furniture you have in mind to make. Made of vines and tables, and chairs, and sofas, and even a rocking chair.

Cheap plastic furniture - basic characteristics

Kitchen with plastic facades
Plastic kitchen facades gained its popularity due to their resistance to external influences

Headsets of synthetic materials in the interior of a country house of the owners with low incomes, demand. Plastic tables and chairs for the garden has long since ceased to resemble a cheap headset outdoor cafes. If you desire to have an independent manufacturer of furniture of time and there is no desire, and buy ready-made tools do not allow, plastic (polypropylene) It becomes a viable alternative.

its advantages:

  • light weight. In the combined form of sunbeds, tables and chairs for the garden can be easily mixed in a car;
  • thermal stability;
  • the possibility of intensive use.

Cottage furniture in wrought iron and wood

In view of the, the plastic - synthetic material, when buying furniture, should be required to produce a certificate of quality, in a pinch, to smell the product. A sharp chemical smell indicates low-grade product.

Disadvantages - low durability of furniture. Careful use will extend the operating life, plastic chair but will not sustain the weight of obese men, Unlike woven.


Many citizens do not have enough funds for the resettlement of urban dwellings, so order a rich environment for a country house manages units. Quite simply, you can make suburban tables and chairs with their hands, decorate copyright bagatelles.