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Top 7 Ways, how to wash the oven at home


Unusually tasty and fragrant dishes are, cooked in the oven. Quite often, we resort to the help of the oven. It becomes dirty from frequent cooking, on the cabinet walls appear fat and carbon deposits. Preheat the oven starts to produce an unpleasant smell of burning, Smoke poured from it. Every housewife wonders, how to clean the oven from grease and soot?

Getting rid of stale grease and soot

To the oven was easier to wash, it is important to constantly monitor his condition and cleanliness, Avoid prolonged pollution. After each use, oven wipe the inside with a damp sponge, remove fat residues. It is much easier to clean the oven while it is still dirty. Otherwise, you must spend a lot of effort, to clean the oven by inveterate fat.


It is not necessary to run condition baking, it should be cleaned immediately after cooking. To wash sell special tools in stores, you can clean the oven at home.

Clean the oven quickly folk remedies

How to clean the oven from the sludge and fat? Facilities, discussed further, They are cheap and affordable:

  • steam
  • Soda
  • Vinegar
  • Alcohol
  • Pasta
  • Vinegar
  • Salt

Materials for cleaning and will always be available in every home. Any hostess to cope with such methods and easy to sort out, how to wash the oven.

A simple method of washing the oven with steam

The easiest way how to clean up the oven at home - steam cleaning. To do this, fill the pan with plain water. If the water is a lot, while boiling it is sprayed through the edge of the pan.

Add detergent, Stir with water. Send in a baking oven, tightly cover the door, heated to a temperature 150

Bring water to a boil, endure for 30 minutes. The steam helps to soften fat. Softened it can be easily removed with a damp sponge.

Be sure to wait, until the oven cools down, Only then wash, or you might get burned.

Baking soda - a popular way to remove grease and grime

Plain baking soda can find each family. Excellent means of fat in the oven. To this should be wiped with a damp sponge wall. Then fill the entire surface of the soda.

Carefully brush and leave this state on 1 time. An hour later surface contamination restrained from.

Especially good soda helps to clean the glass in the oven.

A simple way to clean glass Video

Clean the glass in the oven with the help of a soda can so:

  1. Sprinkle baking soda on the glass
  2. Moisten with a little water
  3. leave on 1 time for impregnation
  4. have a brush

Brown patina wash off easily so no fancy way.

The use of vinegar in the home for cleaning the oven

Clean the oven of a deposit will vinegar. He is soft and gentle means and for enamelled surfaces.

sponge, soaked in vinegar, wipe the surface. Leave for a better achievement of the result for a few hours. By the time of expiry of the vinegar wash with a damp cloth, wipe dry all. In the same way it is possible to clean the grate, pan.

Ammonia in the fight against fat and soot

How to clean the oven by inveterate fat? Another method - using the soot removal of ammonia. Such a method will take longer, than the rest, but the result is worth it.

Wipe contaminated surface with a cloth, saturated with ammonia. Leave in this state until the morning. The next day, with a sponge or cloth with detergent surface is easy to wash off soot.

So you can clean the oven with ammonia.

Pasta against grime and grease

Than oven wash fat and stations? Another method of preparation - special paste. For its preparation will need:

  1. Any cleanser
  2. Dishwashing detergent
  3. Lemon acid

The surface is processed and cooked pasta is left to act on the 1 time. When the time will pass, paste rinsed with plenty of water.

Vinegar, lemon and soap

My oven with vinegar and baking soda. To start rubbed surface using vinegar, followed sponge coated soda, so that it adheres to the walls. The mixture was stand for several hours. Wipe everything with a damp sponge.

Quickly clean the oven will help lemon (lemon juice). In the container water is poured, add the squeezed juice of half a lemon. The mixture is heated to a temperature 150 WITH. It is necessary to boil the solution was about 30 minutes. leave to cool.

Instead, use lemon juice zest of citrus, lemon slices, citric acid.

When everything cools down, contamination can be easily removed with a sponge. The method eliminates the undesirable soot, odor.

You can use soap, to wash the oven grease. Such a method is environmentally friendly. Cleaning the oven grease soap:

  • grate the soap
  • Dissolve in hot water
  • Heat to 150 ° C and leave for 45 minutes

Softened to remove the soot with a stiff brush. We can only wash the surface with warm water several times.

A method for removing soot and grease salt

How to clean the oven with soap via salt?

Easy! There are two methods of purification salt. In the first method the surface is filled with salt, heated. When the salt becomes brown, disable. After cooling scour salt, absorbs all the soot.

The second way: It is put into an oven pan with brine and heated. All boiled over minutes 20. Nagar easily scrubbed after the procedure.

All of these methods are readily available, easy to use, suitable for all types of furnaces.

Than it is possible to wash the gas oven door

How to clean the glass oven? Gas furnace above all suitable cleaning methods, whether it is a method of using salt, paste, soda. open the door, pour salt or soda, a bit wet. Leave for a few minutes, rub with a sponge or brush. Rinse well with water. Done.

"Cleaning" function

If you do not want to constantly wash the plate from carbon and soot, you can buy has a self-cleaning function. Such devices are able to turn residues write when exposed to high temperature ashes. In this way, will wipe the surface with a cloth.

Precautionary measures

The first step to security is to disable the supply of electricity.

To protect the skin from exposure to hand prepared mixtures use protective gloves. Some solutions may cause irritation to the skin of hands. During the procedure to prevent children and pets to the plate.


The door must be closed, If the cleaning process requires heating, boiling. So as not to inhale the vapors, better to stay away. If possible, open the windows, ventilate.