All about kitchens for apartments and houses

Decorate the kitchen with the help of craft paper and eggshells


How often do you have a desire to change the interior of the kitchen? Make it bright and friendly. But a complete upgrade of the room design - a long and expensive. In this case most of the time it will not be used.

Decor for the kitchen
We decorate the walls - changing mood food

Therefore, experts suggest wishing to turn their attention to tricks, that will easily change the mood in the kitchen. You can make decorations out of paper with his own hands using improvised tools and materials.

decoupage Making Kitchen

An interesting piece of furniture can become a panel in the technique decoupage. It is a conventional decorating items thus, make them look interesting.

Performed decoupage paper, eggshell, macaroni, other details. For these purposes, it is also used sand and other bulk material, including cereals. By using acrylic varnish, paints and napkins transformed kind of kitchen accessories and décor items. Objects to decorate their hands are flower pots, cutting boards, breadbox, containers for cereals, facades of kitchen furniture, etc..

Panels made of shells

A prime example of this technology is the production of wall panels on their hands through the eggshell. For what it may be useful? If you use it properly - you will get a bright decor items. you will need for the manufacture of:

Panels in the kitchen
Panels for the kitchen - one of the easiest ways to create a refined interior

  1. frame. Suitable piece of hardboard;
  2. Eggshell;
  3. Thin paper or cloth;
  4. Decoupage glue and PVA;
  5. acrylic primer;
  6. brush, sponges;
  7. File;
  8. For podrisovki shapes - acrylic paint.

first, you need to do - to prepare the surface of the carcass. To do this, the smooth side hardboard treated soil and allowed to dry completely. Then superimposed second layer of soil - White.

egg Crackle

Crafts from the eggshell - interesting and colorful decoration. They do not require special skills. first, what do you need - to prepare the shell. You have to chop it into pieces. To do this, wrap it film and puncture with a needle or toothpick. In places, puncture - it will burst. Thus creating pieces of the required size.

To film the best shot - remove immediately after breaking the shell. If you do not have time to do it - soak in water harvesting. The film is softened and easier to star.

egg crackle
Crackle egg - is the use of raw egg shell

Finished pieces of shell decompose with a toothpick on the frame. If the eggs have a green stamp - part with it is better to remove immediately, because after processing the paint tread. After completion of the patterning shell covered with glue PVA. It is necessary for the reliable bonding pieces with hardboard surface. Then a blank for the wall panels should dry. To do this, it will take several hours, and it is better to leave at night.

The dried preform breaking out of the soil with a soft sponge. Hereinafter - again drying step. To accelerate this process,, use a hair dryer.

Application fragment

The next stage - a direct overlay of fragments. In the role it used any segment of tissue paper. Table napkins also nice. In the end, the choice depends on the pattern, which you want to transfer and make panels with their own hands. Drawing on paper or a napkin and will be on the product image. In this case the egg layer is used to impart film convexity, the volume.

Decoupage egg Crackle
work, made of eggshell in the art crackle very strong

Ready fragment file is covered on the front side. Then for decoupage paper uniformly wetted with water. To avoid falling into an excessive amount of water - use a brush. This will allow the paper to moisten evenly.

Fragment accurately transferred to the workpiece. note, under the paper to leave no air bubble. To smooth the fragment, use your hands or a roller. After the completion of this phase, you want to remove the file. Better do it slowly, so as not to damage the product.

After drying the preform for decoupage, it breaks the adhesive. To do this, fit an ordinary or a special PVA, designed for this type of work. In the store it is called - for decoupage. On drying this layer will take several more hours.

If you have the skills - to shade the contour picture, Adjust, Using acrylic paints. So the panel looks more expressive.

The last stage - varnishing. This is necessary in order, to save the image. It is better to open a panel with three layers, and then polish the surface of zero nazhdachkoy.

Panels made of newspaper tubes

Panels made of newspaper tubes
Making crafts from newspaper tubes - a very interesting handmade equipment

decoupage technique makes it possible to use different materials, including making crafts from newspaper tubes. An example of such a product will be another panel. need for him:

  • PVA glue;
  • newspapers;
  • Paints;
  • napkins;
  • varnish;
  • Hammer;
  • brush.

Of newsprint do thin tube, twisting the sheets. piece size affects the length and thickness of the workpiece. it's easy to, so the crafts out of paper tubes with your hands and do adults, and children. The tips of the leaves are glued, preform to not untwisted.

Of finished tubes turn off circle. Gradually spread layer by layer, like a spiral. Crafts from newspapers fragile, however, each layer carefully glued, as a duct between. The diameter of the circle depends on your imagination and needs. after drying,, workpiece processed with a hammer. Thereby, it becomes a flat surface, without bumps and irregularities. Then painted in a single color.

Panels made of newspaper tubes and thread
Creative panels of newspaper tubes

For expression products, edge panels covered with paint, a darker shade of the, that the center. At the finished panel glue drawings and autopsied varnish layer. For decorative suit and other items, depending on the style in which the interior is maintained.

As you can see panels of materials with their hands do not difficult, but such products are cozy, they breathe life. It is also used as a gift idea.

What else to decorate the kitchen

To change the kitchen suited not only to make crafts out of paper with his own hands. various kitchen items suitable for this purpose. Even forks gain a second life - they make a hanger for kitchen towels. Sufficient to fold the leg, remove the middle teeth or bent in opposite directions.

Make the panel with your hands, you can even from old wallpaper. The segments form fold in colors and laid in a single layer. He is covered with cling film and opened varnish. Top is still one or two layers. The finished product is inserted into the frame and looks, as an interesting object of decoration. And most importantly, that make crafts out of paper interesting and fun. In this process, the children will participate with joy.

This style is easy to do and with their own hands New Year panels. Layers used for pictures with Christmas trees, snowflakes and others in this topic. Advantageous looks and fir branch, bonded to the panels and lacquering.

When making use of a kitchen interior and crafts from paper napkins. It is an excellent material for making furniture items. But they themselves have become a decoration, if they made with their own hands.


Another option - handicrafts made of crepe paper with his own hands. They are executed in the form of flowers, butterflies, pompons and even paintings. It depends only on your imagination. Make the kitchen a homely.