All about kitchens for apartments and houses

plastic panels: types of ceiling decoration in the kitchen, materials price


Plastic or PVC panels are considered to be one of the most cost-effective materials for finishing the interior, including for the kitchen ceiling. Laid out in the kitchen ceiling panels are very practical, and it's not all his positive qualities. Disassemble the more, why nowadays so popular PVC ceiling panels in the kitchen, we try in our today's article.

Positive and negative feedback on the water-repellent PVC panels

Let's take a closer look, than so take PVC ceilings in the kitchen compared to their peers. Let's start, perhaps, with positive qualities:

  • They are excellent camouflage bumps and the old problem of coverage.
  • Allows you to hide the carcass when finishing wiring.
  • Ideal for mounting illumination.
  • Add some sound and heat insulation.
  • Not very hard to make PVC Ceiling
    in the kitchen with his hands without the aid workers and special skills.
  • Water-resistant and are not afraid of detergent without abrasive.
  • Do not suffer from microorganisms, high temperatures and sunlight.
  • They can be removed and reused.

But such a huge barrel of honey can not but add a spoon of tar, albeit very small. PVC panels for the ceiling in the kitchen have all three drawbacks:

  • being hinged, they steal a little bit of height in the room.
  • It is not possible to make a bend or multiple levels.
  • Completely it disguises the seams you do not succeed.

It should also say, that when working with plastic panels need to be careful, so as not to damage the material.

Types of panels for interior design

All plastic, PVC panels on the ceiling in the kitchen is divided into different types according to parameters, as the size and coating. To determine the appropriate to your model, we look at each category separately.


that sheathe your ceiling in the kitchen panels, you should choose the right size. Standard in stores you can find the next dimension:

  • Length - 3-6 m;
  • width - 25 cm;
  • Thickness - 5-12 mm.

Sometimes you can find a non-standard size or make them to order, but most people use in these models under the.


The front side of panel boards the most influence on the choice of model, because the appearance is very important for interior, especially when it comes about the design of the ceiling for the kitchen of the plastic panels. That it affects, how much will be visible seams between the tiles, and, in turn, divides PVC panel on the seamless and standard. Of course, absolutely not be able to avoid seams, and seamless appearance suggests a very close compound tiles with no apparent gaps. Usually, this type of panels is more expensive.

Styrofoam, MDF or aluminum: what is the alternative choice?

In order not to miscalculate, you need to know all the options, who can offer you the market. The decoration is not only used plastic ceiling tiles for kitchen, mainly as disseminated foam, aluminum and MFD panel. Let's look at each option separately.


Tile panels foam has long been inferior to their more robust counterparts. Ceilings for the kitchen of the panels of foam after a while start to collect the soot and grease, and wash his ordinary mistress is not so easy, easier to just replace. Styrofoam model does not differ a variety of colors and finishes, and their appearance is not spoiled more, than a year. The owners of such ceilings can only console themselves with the, that the cost of finishing the ceiling in the kitchen foamed polystyrene panels will cost a lot more, and then I see in high-quality material.


The ceilings in the kitchen of the panels of aluminum at times more durable in its operation, and self-care requires a lot less. Gather such panel tiles only by the carcass, and, as many as two of its options on the market: rack and cassette. In the first case, the frame consists of longitudinal rails, fixed to the crate by means of latches. In the embodiment, a cassette tape to be installed on the frame, Raika and lower frame. Let this material and these methods are particularly expensive, they will long to serve in the kitchen.


One of the very materials, from which panels for the ceiling dishes made mostly, MDF is. This material is called tile of wood fiber, very strongly pressed from wood chips, Augmented binder composition. Practically the most popular option of finishing, because of its relative cheapness, ease of assembly and a variety of design. Furnish under any tree - a win-win situation in any interior.

metal dowels, panels and other materials: We help to make a calculation for an acceptable cost

If you are going to do for the kitchen ceiling panels, you need to collect the required mounting material, which will be determined by the size of the ceiling. Here are some formulas, which will help you not to be mistaken with the calculation of materials:

  1. For the number of panels you need to split polotka area on one of the panels area, which is sure to be listed on the packaging. Then add at least 15% get the results from the storage and rounded up.
  2. For the number of profiles you need to draw a diagram of your ceiling and strike places, which they will be located in view profiles, that there should be between them 50-60 cm. profiles of the ceiling perimeter length calculated according to just the perimeter of the ceiling.
  3. For the number of dowels and screws you will need to take into account the, that everyone should be located within a meter of the other.
  4. For a number of decorative moldings you need to divide the perimeter of your polotka on 3 m.

The ceilings in the kitchen of the panels are made easy, so that you can do without the services of professionals. How it's done, we now know.

How to sheathe the ceiling with his hands?

Before making ceiling panels in the kitchen, you must undertake some preparatory work. To start, you need to prepare the ground for panel tiles, and then have him self-tapping screws to fix the panels. Cut or pre-bought by the panel frame width. It is important, not to be mistaken with measurements.

The ceiling panels in the kitchen begin to gather the side fillet. It should do it carefully, controlling medial deflection, to flank clearly got into the space prepared for it. Now the first panel must strengthen the broad shelf, staples and nails. All subsequent panel kitchen ceiling mounted the same way.

frame repairs

Using this method, you should first of all collect the wooden frame, metal or plastic. Wireframe method worth using, if your kitchen has a great level of humidity, or if you install important hidden fixtures. The frame is going according to the following steps:

  • Cut size of the rack 10 to 40 of of 40 to 55 millimeters.
  • Excess plaster is removed to create a flat surface of the ceiling. As necessary to align the ceiling should specifically.
  • Perimeter of the room sets the bar, maintaining a distance of 40 cm, It is fixed with screws and dowels.
  • The bars should be installed in areas in the installation of the panels through each 50 centimeters, then supplement their installation rails.

In the metal frame has some features: first you need to tie the UD-profiles, holding weight. Between the roof surface and the bottom of your frame should be left in the distance 25 mm. When choosing any material work should start with windows, ending with the opposite wall. This installation allows you to navigate through the ceiling heating, if the pre-drill the desired holes. It should be noted, that the pipes can damage your plastic ceiling in the kitchen in the region of the openings.


There is also a method of frameless, how to make the ceiling in the kitchen of plastic on their own without training. To do this you will need to fix the tile panels directly to the ceiling or walls. Durable surface can easily allow you to do without an additional frame and intervals, and reliable helpers in this will be the glue, preferably liquid nails.

What is very important for the frameless installation - the room, and in this case the kitchen, It should be dry, as it is necessary to apply a mixture of. For this, by the way, you need to use a notched trowel.


Panel ceilings for kitchen, made by frameless, will serve you as reliable, as if they were based on the frame. Plus this method is, that you significantly save installation time. Big minus is, that you do not get in the future to set an invisible light fixtures and bulbs directly into the ceiling. Seeing the, how much it costs to make a ceiling of plastic panels carcass method, do not think, that in this case you will be able to spend less money. Saved boards or metal frame will be more than filled in the adhesive mixture and liquid nails.