All about kitchens for apartments and houses

How to decorate the kitchen in country style: design secrets


Country style became popular in the past decade. Before that were in fashion ornate interiors, framed luxury, nobility and elegance. Country style is unique. He is not like other styles. It fascinates comfort, comfort and serenity. Most often in this style are made cuisine. After all, within that space the whole family gathers every day, so the atmosphere should be pleasant and unobtrusive.

trapeznaya kountry
Country-style kitchen is a vintage image of the refectory

The birthplace of Country - America. The Americans have come up with such a homey and comfortable style. Country is often called rustic interior for its simplicity. But despite the simplicity of design, elegance and nobility in this style does not hold.

Country Kitchen Design

Country fans are the people, willing to spend time alone, comfort and coziness. If you choose from all styles, Country is the most suitable for couples, tsenyashtih comfort and relaxation.

In each country, this style is a little different. The thing is, each mentality added to the interior of their national attributes, therefore, there are several types of this style.

In the UK, dominated by the furniture in the English style. French Country is striking in its pretentiousness, while Russian offers tranquility and concise.

stylish kitchen

How to create a country-style kitchen

When the decision to create a kitchen in the interior need to adhere to these rules in the design of stylistic:

  • The presence of natural materials in all of the interior attributes. This applies to furniture, textiles, kitchen units, walls and floor.
  • The presence of unobtrusive simplicity and aged effect.
  • Kitchen in a rustic style is made in soft pastel colors. It is inadmissible to apply the bright and flashy colors. You do not need to focus on something. The main rule when placing - the monotony. Nothing should irritate, stand out, strike the eye.
  • The presence of hand-crafted decorations: tablecloths, curtains, painted glassware, ikebanы.
  • The presence of a national style.

Style does not tolerate artificial materials, contemporary decor, glossy surfaces.

west style


List all the varieties of styles can not be. In each country, this style is called the village on the basis of national paraphernalia, the nature of the population and traditions.

Before the design is selected in Country style necessary to determine the national motives, because each country is different style:

  1. English. In an English Country design style coupled austerity, functionality and practicality. Kitchen design in country style implies a minimum of furniture and eco-friendly materials. Furniture selected in bright colors. The British do not like pretentiousness, so the cuisine styles they are not particularly distinguished. In the kitchen, the Englishman will not meet a lot of decor.
  2. Italian involves the use of kitchen sets, made of elite trees: oak, acacia, cherry. Country decor involves decoration with fresh flowers and extracts of natural stone.
  3. German style is more inclined to the light wood. kitchen design involves the use of white, dairy, peach colors in the design and finishing of kitchen kitchen
  4. Russian reminiscent of traditional Russian national hut. The interior in the Russian style involves the use of untreated solid wood, beams, sacking, samovars, trays and crockery from clay. Often as a decoration on the building of kitchens stoves and fireplaces. But these constructions are only decorating element.
  5. Scandinavian style welcomes an abundance of natural light, big windows, minimum number of textile, cold and restrained colors. Decor is rarely seen in such kitchens. The main purpose of the premises from the Scandinavians - the practicality and functionality. Therefore, the rule has entered the kitchen to make out in strict minimalism.


It is not necessary to combine elements of different nationalities. Russian oven with crystal dishes and the cell will look ridiculous tartan. Therefore it is better to maintain one style.

Special harmony different American style. The decor in this interior is things, made with their own hands. Articles made of burlap with their hands, related mats, embroidered cushions, sewn dolls - all these elements of decor, complementary interior. Americans love variety, so kitchens Country meet various crafts, children's drawings, Natural flowers. Kitchen furniture is chosen from wood light tones.

Swiss Country kitchen design reminiscent of a village house. The decor in the style of Country characterized by restraint and naturalness. natural materials are used for decoration: a rock, tree. Swiss design reminiscent of English decor. In both countries valued minimalism and practicality, so frilly decorating elements are missing.

country-style kitchen

Layout and design

When you create a country-style kitchen is given preference to the colors in the design:

  • Golden.
  • Chocolate.
  • Yellow.
  • Ajvori.
  • beige.
  • Cream.
  • White.
  • Peach.
  • Gray.
  • Light pink.

Initially, a single color is selected for the design of kitchens, which is then "diluted" akin to shades. for example: suitable for chocolate beige, for gold - yellow, for gray - ivory or white.

It is important to comply with design rules: against the background of a dark finish is light-colored furniture and vice versa. with the walls furniture should not be merged into a single.

For registration ceiling selected natural materials, like a tree. As an alternative, a regular plaster or whitewash. The ceiling is light and in one color with finish. It is forbidden to do multi-level ceilings of film, drywall or plastic.


For Russian Country suits imitation beams on the ceiling. For English is acceptable even painted ceiling. The French prefer to make out the ceiling moldings, and the Italians more than adhere to textured plaster decoration.

On the floor is laid parquet or laminate, simulating a tree. It is not necessary to lay tile, linoleum. If present in the interior of natural stone, the floor can also be made of stone.

Decorating the walls are paying particular attention.

Wall finishes:

  • textured plaster.
  • lining.
  • Wallpaper, imitating stone or wooden array.

At registration it is worth remembering, that the kitchen does not look - modern. To understand, imagine, that the kitchen area should resemble the rural house. It does not mean the absence of home appliances in the kitchen and the floor. But use parts of Modernity, Hi-Tech is prohibited.

The windows are not allowed to use blinds or roller blinds. Organically fits into the Country simple textiles, framed patterns or embroidery.

bezhevaya kitchen
Choose your style and let it pleases you and your family

Choosing furniture for the interior little living room in the spirit of Provence

Selection of the headset in the style of Country complicated by the fact, that the furniture should not only be practical, functional, but also to complement the interior. Combine modern appliances with an "aged" furniture is very difficult. Therefore, for such designs is best to book Built-in kitchen, which hide all the appliances for facades.


The kitchen set welcome stained glass, ornamental wood carving, glass painting. But it should not look pretentious and nalyapisto, a simple and elegant.