All about kitchens for apartments and houses

Making the panels on the kitchen svimi hands: the best


Panels on the wall - a universal element. He also decorates and protects the surface from aggressive external influences. interior decorating, it becomes a highlight. More likely to buy ready-made decorative items.

Mural on a wall in the kitchen
Excellent design solution for kitchens

But it is possible to make panels with their own hands. Interesting work on creating a unique pattern will save the budget, freshen the interior. applying fantasy, create the main element of decor.

varieties panels

There are many ways to vary the bare walls in the kitchen. For example, It can be done panels of gypsum their own hands. Material is applied either on the wall itself, either prepared for this frame. The second option - lightweight, so popular.

In addition to panels of plaster on the wall, with his hands to perform other decorations:

  1. Of puff pastry. After staining creates a three-dimensional effect.
  2. Wooden panels on the wall using other materials. It contributes to the appearance of comfort.
  3. From multi-colored piece of cloth. depict abstraction, small animals or food theme (fruits, vegetables, dishes, etc.).
  4. BAGS. It is the basis, as the decor is rarely correctly activated.
  5. From paper. Such a panel is easily done, but it is short-lived. But do not bother.

Each variant operate independently, or order / buy the finished product. By the manufacturing process can involve every member of the family.

Panels made of gypsum
Panels can be quite varied - everything depends on your imagination

Options tile panels

It meets several visual options panel from ceramics:

  1. Frisayz. This type includes several rings with one background, appropriate under the basic tone of the walls in the room. But they applied the additional drawing. Usually tiles built in a vertical or horizontal line, but are rarely exceptions.
  2. The photo. Such ceramic panels to the wall will reflect the resulting pattern. Use mosaic of different sizes. Whole picture creates a sense of presence. Allowed the production of custom-made. You can still manually create an artistic picture of the defective tiles.

Some panels of ceramic tiles in the kitchen are made with a smooth surface. They look beautiful, but household pollution is strongly noticeable. they are also able to visually expand the space. Therefore it is possible to sacrifice personal comfort for beauty.

Mounting panels: step-by-step instruction

As best mounted ceramic tiles by special mastics, calculate the plaster on the wall easily, it is necessary to use standard methods. On 1 It requires about 1kg mixture. But the right to hold, if the surface is smooth. For the removal of defects need to increase the amount of filler.

After aligning the laid panels of tiles on the wall of technology:

  • Mastic is applied to a flat side of the trowel, then evenly distributed on the toothed area. The solution does not need a lot, for 2-3 tiles;
  • The product is pressed and held by a couple of minutes. Between filler or primer (dependent on primary finishing) forming an adhesive layer;
  • If the reverse side of the tiles has an uneven surface, then desirable to apply the adhesive and it also;
  • If the adhesive on the wall already seized, Then the tiles are not laid, tk. grip weakens. She subsequently depart;
  • After installation, the remnants of putty knife to remove ostrozatochennym seams and front of the tile. Because of these cracks.

other decorations, for example made of plaster panels with their own hands, appear on the wall otherwise. They are applied by means of a molding, stencils or embossed graphics. Here there are different profile: flat, three-dimensional, accentual.

Mosaic tiles
Beautiful and difficult in the performance of panel

Material requirements

Panel of tiles in the kitchen is not only for decoration. We can not forget about the area and the effects of. The coating has a direct impact on its functionality. Finish - diverse, but the criteria for selecting the same material:

  1. minimum porosity, homogeneous structure with high density. Otherwise, the surface will absorb the fat and soot gas stove.
  2. Protective covering (designated by the letters "AA" to "On" in the resistance of the order). Chemical reagents, available in detergents, adversely affect the surface of the material. Therefore it is necessary, so that it protects
  3. Strength, Resistance to abrasion. Some household pollution is not removed without abrasive and mechanical action. The surface is also deleted in the process.

Panels of tiles meet the criteria. But there is a major drawback - it is difficult to stack.

BUT, eg, panels of plaster on the wall (or similar materials) also nice, however, its use in the kitchen, especially - in the working zone, impracticable. Therefore, it should be placed away from the plate, if not in another room.

Panels of tiles
Option of tiles is quite popular among the people

Preparing for tiled wall panels

The wall must be prepared to, to put on her tile. To do this, take into account factors:

  • It is impossible to use the standard solution of water, sand and cement. Especially for the panels sold mastic;
  • It is necessary to thoroughly clean the wall degreasers, or soap. There shall be no outright filth, grease stains;
  • plaster is used for the primary finishing Drywall;
  • It does not require a perfect surface leveling. The presence of irregularities (no more than 5mm) It contributes to a better fixation with wall tiles.

To prepare the plaster for walls, it is recommended to adhere to the instructions package. Usually it includes a pair of stages: pour water into the prepared solution, interfere with a few minutes, instruct about half an hour. Once you can immediately get to work. The thick solution was obtained, the faster it will harden.

Not necessarily to buy a beautiful mural on the wall, they can do personally, the main thing - to use quality materials and to use their own imagination.

Laying tiles on the wall

Laying tiles It begins with the preparation of the wall. If you are redecorating, it is sufficient to work with plaster. If the surface of the substrate becomes a bare concrete block, then the surface is treated with a sand-cement mortar.

It is necessary to clean and degrease the surface. For this purpose, metal brushes are used. When the drops of solution are, clean spatula. Immediately before installing the wall panels primed.

Can be glued tiles on gypsum plaster or standard sand-grout. But builders recommend the use for this purpose special mastic. This adhesive mass, preparing mixtures of. Sometimes, in order to minimize costs mastic interfere with the solution. But it absorbs the liquid. In winter, at low temperatures the mixture expands, because of what otkolupyvaetsya tiles.

Another piece of advice of professionals - before laying the slabs on the wall, drawing it is necessary to lay on the floor. Especially if the panel was done with his own hands. This makes it easier to carry it on the wall.

tile panels
Panels in the form of village creates extraordinary comfort

Panels in different interiors

Decoration located in zones, to be allocated. But the accent or detailed decorations should always be the same in color with furniture. Then the selected style is maintained.

tile options suited to different designs. Panels of wood on the wall - classic, in harmony with the same style. But if you dilute it with herbarium, natural stone or kitchen utensils, then get the perfect combination of a country.

Apron from finishing with standard dimensions (10×10) in harmony with the French or the English style. It is advisable to maintain it in pastel colors with minimal texture.

Panels of fabric on the wall is suitable to two styles - country, Provence. Here the main thing correctly to withstand colors.

Panels made of plaster - universal version. Combined with a number of styles, depending on the cladding (SLR, ceramic, tile, etc.).

Homemade or purchased panels, if it is made of tiles in the work area, must comply with the parameters of beauty and functionality, tk. otherwise it defeats the purpose of using it.


factors hygiene, surface protection not covered by the aesthetics. The highlight of the interior should be practical. Now you know, a panel of the kitchen to choose.