All about kitchens for apartments and houses

Kitchen with a window sill and aligned


Kitchen design with a window It can be very different. Plenty of room for imagination is unlimited here. If a creative approach to the selection of furniture, household appliances, kitchen area becomes comfortable with window, showy. Interior is selected depending on the size of the room itself, the value of the window, its location.

kitchen with a window sill

Very nice look partially eaten food from a window sill in the same space with built-in sink or cooktop, it is convenient and practical.

3 basic rules of operation of the kitchen windows:

  1. Under the window should not be cooktops, toasters, ovens, microwave ovens.
  2. In the house with small children the window should not open easily.
  3. If in the opening set nets in the summer, the outer side should be covered with a protective grille.

More often, kitchen and the window can not do without each other. In this case, for registration in a private apartment building and different requirements. So, eg, if the wall with a window is located on the first floor of an apartment building, then opening automatically, "dressed" at least 2 kind of curtains (day and night light tight). If we look into the window of curious neighbors will not be able, it is sufficient to use the short air curtain, jalousie.

Kitchen furniture in the window must not:

  • block heaters;
  • to capture a portion of the window opening;
  • interfere with the free movement of curtains.

The window in the kitchen with a window sill - a source of light and fresh air, opportunity to improve the interior by means of artistic accents.

Decide how best to make the countertop instead of a window sill in the kitchen, It depends on the size of the kitchen renovation and budget.

The standard height of kitchen units (and countertops) — 85 cm. But sometimes it is made higher due to the height-adjustable legs and an enlarged base. The correct height of the working area - 15 cm from the bent elbow. Consider this, ordering the kitchen.

When the sill height is approximately equal to the height of countertops, plus or minus a couple of centimeters, just keep working area along the window. The battery can be left at the bottom of the open setting decorative lattice.

Kitchen design with a large window in the center of (a photo)

kitchen, round window (a photo), occupying a large part of the wall, It is thus, to parallel to a working area located. This helps to save space in the room, It makes ergonomic space, thoughtful. Can be positioned around the kitchen window so, to an opening surrounded by beautiful facades, combined with top and integrated sink. Good solution - custom-made furniture, which fits perfectly into the room.

A large window can become the main element of the "rolling stock" room decor. If furniture and appliances, usually, bought a few years, then using tyuley and curtains, You can continually create a sense of novelty.

The perfect solution to arrangement of the sill - bright curtains under strict facade in classical style. One or two "spots", harmony with the decoration of windows (cushions for sofa set, vase on the table, picture), and the kitchen is transformed.rabochaya-zona-u-okna

washing, work zone, worktop under the window

Kitchen Design under the window of a large size requires functional use. From the idea to establish here the hob should be categorically reject both from the point of view of safety (curtains on fire), and from the aesthetic positions (sweaty window, covered with grease spots). However, a zone for cooking and washing - quite appropriate, especially in combination with short curtains or roman blinds, allows you to leave the lower part of the window opening open during the daytime.

With the door in front of the window in a private house or apartment

In private homes, kitchen with large windows and an opposite door, They do not require special treatment. However, for an apartment in an apartment building is the location of windows and doors is fraught with reduction in safety. Protect personal privacy and does not publicly display furnishings, indicating the social status of residents, help properly fitted curtains. In some cases, it is advisable to install the window lattice wrought iron.Sink in the worktop window

For families with young children it is important to ensure that, so that the window has been fitted with additional protection.

stove under a windowkitchen studio: blinds, a window in the middle, along the wall set

For relevant options kitchen-studio: kitchen wall around the window or window between the kitchen unit. Compact setting furniture, You can use the space as a dining room, freeing up the rest of the space for other purposes. In such apartments windows are seen as additional, rather than the central part.

When choosing curtains need to look at the compatibility of colors with facades, household appliances, overall styling. It is appropriate as light and light, and heavy curtains. Their combination will create the atmosphere, to-date on the current time.

Kitchen with a table by the window, located in the middle of walls and occupies a large part of, It will create the illusion of a large area, than you can use in creating interior. Pavement tile around the window will look good, if the opening is not different bulkiness. You can play as a space, make it seem, that there is a window in the kitchen set, but he is not around.

Wall with two windows in one kitchen

Two windows in the kitchen - not a problem for the imagination of most housewives. If the windows are located mainly in the lower part of the wall, above them can be hung cabinets or decorative shelves. Kitchen above the window (a photo) It looks nice and neat. The idea is perfectly combined with different styles: rustic, ethno, Provence. On the issue of how to arrange the kitchen with a window or two windows, It should focus on the parameters of the room, interior, presence or absence of a dining area here.

Small kitchen around a window or two windows placed so, that with minimal use of space centimeters, Get the most feature-rich area.

How to use a narrow space near the window

Kitchen with a window and a battery is left a narrow space free. This zone can be decorated, Using such elements, as rattan. If "hide" in a beautiful grid of cast-iron battery, many want, the modern radiators in perfect harmony with the interior and do not require additional manipulation.washing the window

The windows can thus hang in a floor of curtains, which will close the heating devices, but did not become an obstacle for the distribution of hot air. Using magnets and special fasteners, in curtains can often change the number of folds and waves.

The kitchen and the window, design which implies the presence of a small unoccupied territory, It may look interesting from the windowsill bar installed in parallel.

Corner windows in the interior

Kitchen angular window is so, that in the corner was a sink, and under it, behind the beautiful facade, a bucket of garbage and hygiene items. The optimal option in this scenario - the use of Roman blinds.

Design and interior of kitchen with a window can be harmoniously fit into any style. The very opening is used as a decorative component of the space and the source of daylight. Window niche not standard, They may be located in different places of the wall, They have a variety of shapes and sizes. This allows each owner to make your kitchen is not like other.