All about kitchens for apartments and houses

kitchen and living Union: sliding partitions and other varinat


On the spacious kitchen dreams of every woman, but there is always the possibility of a separate large-scale space, especially in the studio apartment, where every square meter registered. baffles help to solve the problem of zoning kitchen and living room, which can be not only functional, but also decorative elements.

Kitchen and living room
Total space involves many nuances

Choosing a suitable option

The partition between the kitchen and the living room helps to solve the following tasks::

The partition between the kitchen and living room

  • It is planning decision, when you want to distribute the space properly;
  • It acts as a functional element in the acute shortage of racks, cUPBOARD. Sometimes additional niche, which is decorated doorway between the kitchen and living room, become a place of light sources;
  • The partition is provided in the living room as a decorative element, It emphasizes the benefit design features of the premises.

Depending on the material, the nature of the execution the following basic options for separating structures:

  1. Raised wall. Usually created plasterboard partitions for kitchen and living room in the selection of such a decision. As a result, the installation process is not difficult, even for an inexperienced person in such matters, and zoning element service life of more than a dozen years. If the design of the partition between the kitchen and the living room is required in a small apartment, you can remove the existing door and make the doorway of plasterboard with their hands, providing a narrow separation element at half the height of the room.stylish partition between the kitchen and living room
  2. bar counter. Kitchen living room with a partition of this type - is the ability to immediately "kill two birds with one stone", receiving simultaneously a spatial divider and compact dining table.
  3. Shelves. Plasterboard construction with his hands of this type successfully replace bookshelves and cupboards, become a location for decorative figurines, vases.
  4. glass partition between the kitchen and living room. Making the separation space makes, Using modular design, which effectively emphasize the originality of modern facilities, fixed or sliding transparent doors.

kitchen - living room
You can do without partitions

On the latest version of (Sliding door to the kitchen) should dwell in view of the possibility of significant savings in space and feature-rich mobile delimiter.

Sliding design the most appropriate solution

Sliding partition between the kitchen and living room is appropriate in rooms of virtually any size. Such a decision may be independent or complementary false wall. There are three main options extensible structure:

  • Rail - analogue doors, which is equipped with a wardrobe. Mounting guide rails to the floor is carried out;
  • Sliding partition between the kitchen and living room-threshold type. Is used for biasing the upper suspension, and the construction itself does not touch the floor;
  • Foldable - provided folding in an accordion instead of sliding to the side.

zoning kitchen and living room

Depending on the nature of the execution sliding wall between the kitchen and living room can be transparent, solid or radiused. If the first option is selected, an ideal material for the partition becomes triplex glass, which is characterized by resistance to shocks and spillage in case of damage to the larger pieces with blunt edges.

Separately positioned extendable dining table for the living room, Located at the junction of the guest room and kitchen. On ordinary days for such a table is enough space for all family members, and on holidays it is easy to expand, living room without losing storage space, no trimming kitchen.

rail partition
Rail partition is very easy to handle

Advantages of sliding option

Among the positive aspects of the installation distance elements are present:

  1. The ease and convenience of handling design.
  2. Design of partitions between the kitchen and the living room is not limited to certain materials, therefore, equally successfully used tissue, plastic parts, glass, tree.
  3. Reliable protection with the full closure of the sliding sections of the noise and the smell of cooking food.
  4. Ability to change the external appearance of buildings with a single movement.
  5. Uses for manufacturing a skeleton of aluminum profile, proposed in various colors.

The sequence of partitions mounted

Create beautiful partition between the kitchen and living room, as noted, It can be made of any material. But the most commonly used drywall or appropriate for the sliding door options.

The partition in the kitchen - living room
The original partition option you can think of yourself

The construction of a plasterboard wall

make partition plasterboard can, adhering to a set of recommendations:

  • First, you need to mark a place on the floor and walls for rack mounting, choosing the appropriate options drywall, and rigidly fix the aluminum profile to the floor covering;
  • After attaching to the wall of the guide profile of its aligned, Using a builder's level, and bolted to the wall by means of special brackets;
  • Profile is fixed to the ceiling, paving in the interstices of the electrical cable to create highlights, Drywall sheets are attached;
  • Before, how to fasten drywall to the opposite side, put into mineral wool or polystyrene foam;
  • After mounting Stan shpaklyuyut, grind and spend fine finish.

design partition between the kitchen and living room

Installing sliding design

To separate the kitchen from the living area by a partition in the form of a sliding element, you need to choose the right material, stopping to light and strong embodiments, purchase a set of guiding elements, roller mechanisms. Install sliding partitions can be mounted or concealed body.


If the sliding door between the kitchen and living room are made of fabric, plastic or other thin material, preformed skeleton of an aluminum profile or wooden slats. Especially important at this stage of opening width greater 2 m. When the preparations are completed, secure the compartment door to the kitchen to check the components and, how free is its course.