The coating for the walls in the kitchen: Decorator secrets
kitchen renovation can not be considered complete without the final decorative wall decoration room. And this is a very important stage, select as a finishing material must thus, that as a result of cooking its decorative features have not lost. The fact, that predominates in the kitchen are often elevated temperature and humidity, as a result of cooking on a gas stove allocated soot and combustion products, able to settle on the walls and ceiling. So the question, better to finish the walls in the kitchen, very relevant. Let us examine, What are the options for finishing the kitchen walls, and which one is the best.
Review of materials for finishing the kitchen walls
Modern materials for wall decoration in apartment very diverse. Depending on individual preferences and style of the room using wallpaper, tiles, decorative plaster, paint. More creative masters prefer to decorate the room by using a lining, panels and even decorative stone.
Talking about, what materials you can decorate the kitchen, it should be noted zoning area. For easy organization of the work area and the aesthetic component, kitchen wall is divided into two parts:
- The main part represents a key part of the visible kitchen walls. It often emphasizes using decorative materials.
- Apron - section of wall, located in the vicinity of the cooking zone: kitchen stove, wash. From practical considerations coating for walls in the kitchen in this area is carried out by means of washable, moisture- and heat-resistant materials: tiles, stone, glass panels.
Consider than to decorate the walls in the kitchen, taking into account the division of space into two components, respecting practicality and style trends.
Gets off the main part of the room
As a material for finishing the kitchen walls in a private home or apartment are most often used:
- Wallpaper. In this paper, this material is quite simple: paste over the wall in the kitchen with his own is not difficult. Decorating possibilities are enormous, due to the wide selection of colors and patterns. However, attention should be paid here as wallpaper. paper wallpaper, no matter how beautiful they may be, it is not necessary to use, because they are prone to absorb odors and moisture.Kitchen the best one will be vinyl wallpaper. Thanks to durable and washable cover, This finishing material is protected from soot, kapelek acorns, the sun. When the excess humidity they were peeled off, unlike paper analogov.Esche one suitable option - non-woven wallpaper. Due to the strength of the material, they withstand humidity, suitable for dyeing and washed repeatedly with a brush.
- Painting - the second most popular material for finishing the kitchen walls, thanks to the affordability and variety of shades, allows you to create a unique design. When you select should pay attention to the waterproof version of the product, because in the kitchen there is a need to wash the surface of the settling of soot and fat inclusions. Another important aspect - the choice of the type of paint: matte or glossy. Matte the preferred, that masks the unevenness of the wall. Gloss can be used only, if the walls are pre-aligned and have no cracks and potholes. At the same time, it is better to clean matte.
Painted kitchen with decorative elements - it's your will - Decorative plaster walls - popular, but more expensive option walls in the kitchen. It hides the possible surface irregularities due to its textured. one tip: before applying the plaster do not forget to prepare the wall: zashpatlevat and primed. This will create the desired flatness and surface finish. Thanks to manufactured types of plaster: Structural and textural, aqueous and anhydrous basis, you can create an individual style of interior. Less plaster - difficulties during removal if you want to repair in the future.
- lining. Option walls lining the kitchen in the apartments are rare, often this style is inherent in country houses and summer cottages. The fact, This material does not differ practicality, but, Besides, It requires a corresponding interior design. meet the following types of lining for decoration: wood, plastic, glass, of MDF. The wooden battens in urban apartment kitchen can not be considered suitable for this, as the tree reacts negatively to humid air. In the conditions of small apartments kitchen air, comprising a pair of plates, soot and moisture, It promotes deterioration such vagonki. But fiberboard (MDF) Thermal shock resistance, moisture resistant, impervious to bacteria. This material is rich in a variety of colors and textures, therefore suitable for premises, made in a variety of styles. This kitchen of lining their own hands will decorate the apartment.
- Decorative камень в отделке кухонь not too common, but the advantage of this material - natural and ecological. At the same time it is not a budget. Sheathe the walls in the kitchen artificial stone in several ways: decorate an entire room with this material or highlight a few specific areas. finishing option depends on the financial possibilities and the user wishes. When using artificial stone for the purity of the walls do not worry: This material was purified using detergent and damp cloth or brush. Due to this property the decorative stone is not only used for decoration of recreation areas, but also for the organization of the apron.
Consider materials, suitable for finishing working zone of the kitchen space.
The decor apron
The kitchen has space, where the housewife spends most of the time - a work area, which includes a cooker, washing and other devices, help in cooking. The material for the walls in this area requires moisture resistance, heat resistance and susceptibility to washing. This does not mean, apron that would be kind of ugly, thanks to the abundance of finishing materials, this area could become a key element of the interior.
There are the following ways to trim Khrushchev in the kitchen, Stalin or building:
- Tile. Finishes kitchen tiles are known for several decades, but they have not lost their popularity. ceramic tiles are the pros: resistance to high temperatures, easy care, abundance of forms, sizes and colors, ease of tiling. Besides, if the old coating bother, not necessarily disrupt it and to come up with something new, sufficient to refer to such an embodiment, as painting tile.
- Glass apron - a relatively new material, known such qualities: durability, ease of operation and maintenance. Thanks to a special processing technology, glass, used to cover the walls of the kitchen work area, heat-resistant and impact-resistant. The range of this material includes tinted, SLR, colored products, surface with an engraved or patterned. The cost of glass apron depends on the material quality of treatment.
- Wooden panels thanks to a special treatment, during which they acquire the properties of moisture resistance, used to organize the cooking zone. To enhance the strength and safety of them is further coated with a colorless varnish.
- Metal stainless steel plate - original material for finishing kitchen apron. Glossy shine and a smooth surface finish to decorate the kitchen in a minimalist or contemporary style.
Ways to finish the walls in the apartment are many. And to implement them in life not necessarily to use the services of specialists.
Most of the materials are easy to handwritten application. The main thing - to decide, What you want to see the kitchen in the future.
Now you know, than to decorate the walls in the kitchen.