All about kitchens for apartments and houses

The kitchen is adjacent to the corridor: how to carry out zoning


The need to create a new partition may arise in the case of major repairs, when the reversed configuration of the interior of an apartment or a scheduling is performed only built private ownership. Erected septum and a corridor between the kitchen must differ strength, aesthetic appearance, durability. Besides, it is desirable to work with minimal cost. What is the option to choose?

The kitchen is adjacent to the corridor
The kitchen is adjacent to the corridor can be done with high quality in a large room

Preparing for installation

In most situations, the zoning of such premises used deaf plasterboard structures, consisting of sheets of drywall, metal frame, insulation, deposited into the gaps between the profiles. To assemble the partitions drywall their own hands, We need a specific tool and a range of materials.

partition plasterboard

Putting tool

Partitions for kitchen going through the following devices:

  • Power in the form of a grinder, screwdriver or equipped bat for screwing screws drill, perforators. In the absence of any personal items in the workshop, you can take the tool hire. Installation rarely takes more than a couple of days, so the use of cost reasonable amount;
  • Roulette and metal gon to control the frame position;
  • Upholstery cord and simple pencil for marking;
  • length rules 2 m, plummet, level;
  • construction thread;
  • Scissors for cutting metal;
  • hammer;
  • Construction of the knife and a set of interchangeable blades, to cut drywall.

The kitchen is open plan with a corridor
The overall design of 2 different rooms - is the secret of the correct placement

Plasterboard walls are erected to the full height of premises, so close to the ceiling for fastening need a stepladder.

Determine the consumables

Installation work is impossible in the absence of at least one of the following:

  • Partition profiles in the form of bearing and guide elements;
  • screws;
  • rapid erection (desired diameter - 6 mm);
  • Special fixture for profile.


If the partition of the drywall in the kitchen is planned in an old house, It should provide a dilapidated walls and directly instead of mounting 6 mm to take dowels, whose diameter is 8 mm, to secure the.

We should also mention the choice of material for the cladding. Due to the nature of the kitchen space it is desirable, to partition plasterboard collected from liquid-resistant sheets, otherwise eventually will peel from the surface finishing materials.

As mounted partition

Step by step installation instruction includes a preliminary stage, which makes the layout for proper mounting rails, and then transferred to the frame assembly, leveling plane, and subsequent plating sheets. If the construction is done on the entire width of the opening, to mark the first point on the ceiling point, transfer them to the floor and is connected by cord upholstery perimeter, to give a solid line. Now you can collect frame.

Partition kitchen and hallway
The barrier may be in various forms

fasten guide

For fastening profiles UW measure the distance between the walls, floor and ceiling, cutting the profile to get the size of. Then existing segments put to the plane of the wall and, using a punch, drill holes, in which are then inserted into quick installation. Thus fastens the entire profile.

In the presence of irregularities on the surface, proceed as follows:

  1. If the cavity is small in size, after fixing the profile hollow blown with foam.
  2. With a very curved surface makes small incisions on both side edges and bend profile. Important, to incisions located not very often, otherwise there will be problems with screwing drywall sheets (because of the pressure on the edge of the screw, which will be deformed due to bending, The shift from the screw).

the partition between the bathroom and kitchen

Once the assembly is over path, begin to mount and align elements Stoev.

We collect and frame sheathe

To beautiful plasterboard partitions are durable and reliable, We need to take into account the nuances of the arrangement of stiles profiles. During installation, provide the location of the center of each stud in 60 inches from the axis of the adjacent element. Such a value is typical for plasterboard sheet width, therefore, other options distances to the change in the up or down simply unacceptable. In the first case, the sheet simply hang in the air, and in the second - will require cutting drywall, that is economically unprofitable and unreasonable.

The partition in the kitchen
Proper zoning creates the right comfort

Cut size on CW profiles are vertically inserted with the specified size at the upper and lower grooves and rails are fastened by means of special fasteners. Then proceed to mount horizontal crosspieces to the uprights in order to increase frame rigidity and receiving ends, to which can be attached to the horizontal edge of each sheet. To cut the jumper to the distance between the posts added 5 cm. This margin will allow each side to form by cutting "lip", against which the edge webs locks in vertical section.

After screwing jumpers mounted drywall itself, sewing up fully one-way, putting into voids insulation and soundproofing and securing the sheet material to the chassis on the other hand. As for the vertical and horizon, check them at each installation of the profile and in the process of screwing the drywall.

If abnormalities are detected after the partition assembly, can eliminate unevenness by applying gentle pressure on the structure.

The partition between the kitchen and corridor
Glass septum can sheathe, mosaics and more than anything


The above-described construction involve the, that partitions the design of plasterboard can be very different - with projections, bends and even niches. Besides, such constructions are not heavier space and serve as a full-fledged space divider. But sometimes the fore material weaknesses in the form of its fragility and lack of soundproofing, can not be installed to light the wall stretch ceiling. In this case, we consider multi-partition of the following materials:

plasterboard partitions with their own hands

  1. Brick. Composed of a material such durable interior walls, but very heavy. Besides, Installation works are associated with high humidity in a home room, feeling of dampness, necessity kneading creating dirt solution. If consider, that the construction of the wall takes at least 3-4 days, obvious discomfort. Also, brick requires detailed finishing, which significantly affects the cost of the final design.
  2. Tree. Internal wall can be made of timber and are used for cladding panels of wooden. In such an embodiment it is possible to quickly collect partition, and provides additional finishing on request. But we should remember about the fragility of wooden structures, particularly in the context kitchen and hallway, where there is always humidity.

To the final design not only fulfill the function of the wall, but looked aesthetically pleasing interior, you need to think in advance kitchen design and hallway, defined with partitions form, its color scheme, decor. Then there arises the feeling of incompleteness interior, and the new wall will look unified whole with the whole situation.