All about kitchens for apartments and houses

round sink (sink) on the kitchen: absolutely secret information


Round sink in the kitchen is not a classic of the genre, but not inferior position square fellow. She organically fit into any design and give the kitchen interior elegance and lightness. Light touch and a spacious round sink is not worse than the competition in terms of functionality and durability.

Round sink in the kitchen
Round sink in the kitchen, very organically will complement your interior

round sink: special features

Among the functional features of the separate attention is deserved excellent hygiene products. Rounded forms do not allow dirt to accumulate in the corners, since they are not. This sink is easier to wash. Special care is not required.

To select the depth of the bowl the same requirements apply, as for the usual square or rectangular. The optimum height of the side walls - from 16 centimeters. The deeper bowl, the less water will fall on the working surface countertops.

The radius of curvature of the side wall to the bottom plays an important role and impact on the functionality of the product. The closer the angle to direct, the harder it is to take care of the sink. But this version looks very stylish.

Round sink is not limited to one cup. They may be more. When choosing a sink with two or three bowls need to remember, that take care of it will be more difficult. Pre-need to think about the mixer - the usual crane does not fit. It is better to buy a faucet with pull-out spout. This model is equipped with a special hose, able to extend from the crane and a half meter.

round sink
This kitchen sink will give an individual character

What made

round cleaning kitchen may be stone, granite, stainless steel or ceramic. Which to choose a sink, It depends not only on Performance, but also the design of the kitchen. What is different materials for the manufacture of shampoos show comparative characteristic.

Fake diamond. Among the advantages of this material - abrasion resistance. If small cracks or scratches still appear in the use, shell grind. Simple procedure and kitchen sink made of artificial stone gets its original appearance.

When choosing a stone product should pay attention to wash polygran. This stone is on 80% It consists of crumbs and 20% polymeric binders. On the strength of the stone is not inferior natural, and cheaper.

Kitchen sink polygran especially resistant to moisture. This is due to the absence of pores on the surface of the product. This feature increases the usability and facilitates maintenance. Spills on leave traces on poligrane. Artificial Stone does not limit the design realization. He can make almost any color and pattern.

granite. The granite articles have increased strength, no fear shock and temperature changes. These sinks for the kitchen are very heavy and require special conditions for installation. Granite - a natural stone, respectively, not very resistant to moisture. To improve this indicator, product is to be treated with special water-repellent composition at least once a year.

Round sink made of granite
Granite wash sector fills the room response chic

Stainless steel. Round sink stainless steel kitchen - one of the budget and very common options. obvious advantages:

  • Versatility: round sink stainless steel fit into any design. Of course, they will not be snow-white or bright orange, but gray and glossy surface is not strictly required. If your decor is more appropriate brown color, and a modest haze, stainless adapt to your requirements.
  • Durability: round kitchen sink stainless steel is not afraid to temperature changes. Steel does not rust, not covered spots and tarnish with time.
  • easy care: Stainless steel is characterized hygienic and does not require special household chemicals. After using the product better to wipe with a dry cloth, otherwise remain water stains.
  • budget: round stainless steel sink for the kitchen - great. As compared with other materials, it is cheaper, design and realization is not inferior to the number of other options.

Round stainless steel sink - is not only a solid pros.

steel sink drowns the sound of running water. During use, it makes a lot of noise. To reduce the noise level is better to choose thick products.

Ceramics. This material will transform the everyday cleaning a work of art, emphasize the elegance of the circular shell. Ceramic sinks are rich in a variety of colors and shades. No matter how beautiful the round kitchen sinks made of ceramics strength, resistance to aggressive environments and hygiene they acquire a special coating. It enamel plays a role in the functionality of the product. The main disadvantage of such a shell - its fragility.

installation: features and secrets

Flush round kitchen sink mounted just. required tools: pencil or chalk, Phillips screwdriver or screwdriver, jigsaws, screws sink mounting, silicone-based sealant to protect joints, roulette, knife and Construction Area.

Round sink on the countertop installed in several stages:

  1. Flip cup, and cut around the pencil or chalk.
  2. Measure the distance to the bolts and make appropriate markup.
  3. Delineate inner circle with the distance to the bolt.
  4. Stick adhesive tape in a special recess under top edge (curved edge products).
  5. Apply sealant to the space.
  6. Insert cup into the hole.
  7. fasten the screws.

Hole washer must be less than its outer edge! Landmark - screws for fixing. During the installation of a sink fixed by a special fixture. The main thing - very tightly fasten the sink to countertop.

To set the sink is necessary to bring water and sewer. Photo can be used for corrugated polypropylene tube. To summarize the water is more suitable Metal-version.

Installing a round sink
Installation will not take long, if you do everything right

Round sink in kitchen interior

The kitchen with round sink want to do especially cozy and comfortable. One of the designs - sink near the window.

Advantages of this accommodation:

  • When working in the kitchen light is used for longer, pleasant and helpful eyes.
  • Due transfer sewer and water pipes under the sill saving kitchen working space.
  • Monotonous work by housewives washing dishes turn into a kind of relaxation.

Disadvantages of such redevelopment kitchen area are likely in the complexities of the project. In addition to work on the transfer of washing under the window will have to spend much time on coordination of transport sewage, plumbing and heating to a new location.

Kitchen with a window and a round sink beside him - an attractive idea for interior decoration. But in high-rise developments burdensome. But in private property restrictions for decorating the kitchen space is practically no.

For small spaces perfect solution - installation of a round sink in the corner. You do not have to carry water and sewer, because the standard layout of the kitchen requires just such an arrangement shell.

Ergonomically round sink is convenient to wash dishes, because it repeats its shape. The main thing - to choose the right size products.


It is worth to make the distance from the wall to wash a little more and the surface is ready for drying and storage of constantly used household chemicals. It does not and is always at hand.