All about kitchens for apartments and houses

Top-10 columns. Choosing a device for heating water


Immediately is impossible to determine what the best gas for the house speaker. Before buying the equipment it is important to take into account its technical features, then water geyser is properly matched.


Because, In many villages and towns there are a hot water supply of homes problem, there are special devices, heating water. Gas water heaters for apartments will help improve the situation. But the heated water can be not only in the apartment, Gas for private house speaker is also commercially available.

Gas boiler for the flat consists of the following elements:

  • housing
  • Burner
  • heat exchanger
  • Automation

Flow and storage devices low pressure

The equipment presented 2 species: storage or flow. Recent devices easier, installed relatively easily.


Low pressure water geyser called accumulative. Such models are able to heat large quantities of water. The only disadvantage of products in their high cost.

What types of ignition are

Depending on this parameter columns are available with automatic and semi-automatic mode. The latter option is typical for burners with piezo.

Kindled by pressing, which is located on panel. Typically, ignition is carried out once per day, and then just turns, when the valve is opened. Usually, models are equipped with a regulator. It helps to choose the height of the flame. It depends on the height of the flame temperature of the water.

Automatic water column equipped with electronic ignition, which is more economical, since fuel is not wasted constantly. Gas column machine work from a network or using the battery. If interruptions in the power supply does not happen, then it is possible to acquire a network model.

Automatic modern gas water heaters for apartments electronically controlled. Inside the device the microprocessor. It is possible to adjust the water temperature. For this purpose the panel. The only disadvantage of such devices: they do not work without electricity and are expensive.

What does it mean productivity of the equipment for heating the cold water

Performance shows liquid volume, which gas water heater to heat the hot water manages. Measured rate in liters per minute. Miscellaneous equipment use water differently. for example, washing consumes 4-5 l / m, shower - from 7 to 10 l / m. Thus it is possible to calculate and understand, how to select the column in the gas depending on its performance.

How do I find the device power

Before choosing a gas column for the apartment is recommended to deal with its power. Power for the flat gas column indicates the amount of heat, which is able to highlight a column. This parameter ranges from 7 to 40 kW. How to choose a gas column for apartments? To answer this question you need to know the amount of equipment.

For one need a gas hot-water heater to power 19 kW. Power for the gas column 2 to 28 kW. from 3 more - more 28kVt.

What are heat exchangers

For water heating device requires heat exchanger entitled. It looks like a trumpet, liquid runs inside it. the metal pipe. From the heated metal water, flowing in, also warms.

The equipment is made of different materials, among which:

  • Stainless or galvanized steel
  • Copper

The cheapest option - a device made of galvanized steel. Copper is the most efficient device for heat transmission. Models Stainless worse conduct heat, but they are the most durable of all presented.

The heater can be operated with a chimney, as well as some models of cost and without. Gas column in the apartment with a chimney set is problematic. This is due to the fact, that the houses in our time make impossible chimney. Then use a different kind of speakers - turbocharged. The fan creates a pressure and promotes forced conclusion CO. The exhaust is removed via the pipe, attached to the device.

Dimensions of water heaters for houses and flats

What are geysers? Devices relatively small. The average size of the device fluctuate around:

  • height from 55 to 65 cm
  • The width of 30 to 40 cm
  • The depth of 20 to 30 cm

You can also get models geysers narrow, extensive, deep or flat. Here it all depends on the location and features of the room.

How to protect yourself from gas explosion

Good gas water heaters must be safe. Models additionally equipped with different numbers of sensors, which, if necessary, stop operation of the device.

Sensors combustion gas supply is stopped. This occurs during the flame extinction. In order that the device does not overheat, also has a special valve.

thrust sensor is installed in order, to prevent gas poisoning. Sensor stop gas flow when, eg, clogged chimney.

How to choose the burner, which provides hot water

How to choose a gas column? It is recommended to consider in more detail the following characteristics:

  • ignition method
  • power level
  • Removal of combustion products
  • Controlling the water temperature

Having examined each item separately, choose the equipment will be much easier.

Equipment not included: main reasons

Gas water heaters are sometimes not included for the apartment or house. The reasons for this are many. Consider the most common.

violation of traction

In the absence of thrust will not turn on heater. Many devices have special sensors, showing thrust level. One reason may be a clogged chimney, whereby the combustion products have nowhere to go. That is why they are in the combustion chamber and contribute to, that the flame is extinguished.

Water pressure: bad water flowing

Another reason for not operating device. If a draft is all right, possible lack of water pressure. Fix this problem can, adjust the pressure on the instrument.

Council! Always turn off the gas, when the self-repair the equipment.

The heater does not light up because of the low gas pressure

In this situation, to repair the device yourself not to turn. Insufficient pressure can be eliminated only by specialists. You can call the gas service and describe the problem.

dripping water heater: It occurs water outlet

If the water flowing from the device, perhaps the reason is the supply hose. They can be damaged or not securely fastened. Besides, internal breakage column can trigger water outlet.

The device does not work due to hard water

Severity level of water in cities and towns can be different. Due to the hard water can clog filters and pipe. To get rid of the problem, you need to clean all the elements.

Top 10 columns in 2019 year

The store offers a huge amount of gas water heaters of different firms. How not to get lost in such a variety of goods? Consider the best gas water heaters for home 2019 year.

Ariston Gi7S stable temperature maintenance

The model has a stylish appearance. The device operates almost silently. All information can be seen on display. The model has an improved protection system and additional functions.

Ariston Fast Evo

A relatively small model, a separate combustion chamber. Besides, device is provided with sensor, which is able to control the flame. The heater does not overheat.

Bosch WR, water temperature regulator-equipped

Burner operates noiselessly. The device is equipped with automatic shut-off. Such a model is practical and convenient. The pressure drop will not affect efficiency of the heater is not.


Russian production of the models among the best models place of honor Ladogaz HSV 10E. Column manufactured using modern technology. It is equipped with a special protection against limescale, and economically consume gas and water. High-level security system, gas leak is excluded. At low pressure, the device works perfectly. The model is provided with a copper heat exchanger.


Another column of Russian production. It has a small footprint, thus saving space and set it in the bathroom or kitchen. Neva is a model of economy class, but, despite it copes with the function of water heating.

Mora Vega

Model Czech production. speaker quality is beyond praise, but the price is appropriate. Of its class, it has the highest levels of efficiency. The model is reliable, therefore serve for a long time. Quality assembly device and decent security force to stop the choice on this model.


Zanussi GWH

Gas heater capable of heating water to the desired temperature within seconds. At low pressure device operates perfectly. Reviews indicate the efficiency and quietness of the gas column. It looks concise and fit into any decor. Zanussi column performed in a different color, what distinguishes the model from the rest.


Roda is the German model, but collect them in China. The whole process is carefully monitored, and in the end being tested, so that the quality of gas water heaters Data not questioned. The cost model is low, it is equipped with an electronic display.


The model is suitable for an apartment or house. The classic design of the body allows the water heater in the room, any style. Shortcomings is practically not observed, model will last a long time. Failures are rare. All this deserves attention.

Bosch W 10

Another submit Bosch. A gas water heater able to heat up to ten liters per minute. model quality at the highest level, and the aesthetic appearance will please everyone. Column copes with his work.

Understand all the technical characteristics of the water heater, select the desired model is not difficult.