All about kitchens for apartments and houses

Create a kitchen in pink: secrets designer


pink kitchen - a rare phenomenon in modern interior. It is used for decoration of children's and girls' rooms, romantic bedrooms, partially used in the design of living, shop windows, in preschool. How to correctly use the pink hues, to avoid the impression of levity and frivolity of excessive in the house and what are the secrets of the kitchen color effects on human?

pink kitchen
The pink color in the interior of the kitchen

color value

Pink is derived from the brightest, fiery colors in the spectrum - red. U care 26 shades among which the interior decoration of the use of its bright and pastel shades:

  • peach;
  • ashen;
  • cherry;
  • Fuchsia;
  • coral;
  • steel pink.

They are perfectly combined with beige, white, black, blue and cream. This color is encouraging, easy levity, restores vitality. Since it is good to start a new day. In the interior, it reflects the dreamy nature of the hosts and creative profession. It allows you to feel safe from any negative. color value on the kitchen, if it is properly matched - a positive emotion, pleasant and cozy atmosphere every day.

Implementation of pink in the kitchen area

Kitchen design in pink color requires a proper choice of companion colors. The smaller the room, the more it should be light colored and vice versa, a large kitchen, you can experiment with intense colors. Here fit all shades of pink. The main rule - to use them a little less, than the previously selected background. His role is played by a white, Gray, creamy.

Kitchen in pink
This is perhaps one of the most sensual and delicate colors


Kitchen in pink color - a spacious light room, As the colors tend to increase the volume without weighting. Furniture will seem massive, but not cumbersome, high ceilings, and the walls are wide. To make the pink walls in the kitchen, their glory into the solid, pastel, peach, less steel-pink or fuchsia.

Nordic dishes using salmon color of the walls, shades tea rose and powder. They will make the room warmer and cozier. In Provence, the walls hang wallpaper in the small pink flower, which looks cute and carefree. Decorators recommend to draw in this color 1-2 walls, others make basic white or cream. Against the background of pink kitchen will look expressive and stylish.

Kitchen design in pink and the other may have a contrasting color of the walls. For a large room suitable chocolate, deep gray, dark beige. Optional, but stylish looks black on the wall. They emit very small area of ​​the wall or large. With the help of some materials better to make out the walls in the kitchen?

Glamorous pink kitchen
Pink color and interior styles

  1. Washable wallpaper non-woven or vinyl.
  2. Glass fiber.
  3. metal wallpaper.
  4. Fake diamond.
  5. Latex based on silicone.

All of them are resistant to steam and high humidity, they can be washed or wiped with a damp cloth, have a high service life, beautiful and easy-to-pasting or application.


The kitchen is bright pink in color requires sex.

It can be white, beige or gray ceramic tiles, combined laminate flooring of natural wood tones in the dining area and in stoneware cooking. If you perform a floor of dark or bright colors, Pink kitchen interior lose the lightness and optimism, It will be more mundane and boring.

Combine different types of flooring is possible only in those areas, where there is enough for this area and provides a podium. For small kitchens use the same material, eg, ceramic tile. it is durable, easy care, not afraid of moisture and temperature changes. The colder the color of kitchen units, the warmer it should be half.

Sex in the kitchen
The design in this color can help relieve stress and relax


White, the black, cream suit for the decoration of the ceiling of any kitchen. We are talking about the stretch ceilings as a practical, durable and beautiful design methods. They reflect and highlight any other color in the room, or take a neutral position. Pink stretch ceiling - the decision of the ordinary, but like all bold is a lot of impressions. It is visually make higher and fresh cuisine.

In the modern interior using combined methods finishing the ceiling. There is one winning pattern: the central tension of the ceiling is carried out in the same color, that kitchen facades. The perimeter of the ceiling can be simply plastered and painted white or cream color. Against the backdrop of pink expressive look white lamps with multiple light sources, eg, mnogorozhkovye chandeliers.


Fuchsia more often used when choosing facades for kitchens. This is clearly, fashionable and easy. The combination with the white is used to distinguish between the upper and lower boxes. Black and pink kitchen is not less popular combination. In the first embodiment, the tabletop is performed in bright colors, second, on the contrary - in the dark.

Clever arrangement of lockers
Make a convenient location lockers

Choosing furniture for the kitchen come from its area. It is less than, the easier and more functional group selected dining and other furnishings. This may be a square white table and chairs transparent purple plastic streamlined. Table can be enlarged sill, which naturally placed bar chairs with colorful upholstery.

The spacious kitchen is enough room for a full dining headset with an oval table and chairs with padded seat. Such a group may be white, beige, dark brown and black colors and constitute a separate kitchen area - living. The apartment, kitchen area which does not exceed 12-14 square meters is used in the reception flowers repetition of furniture. It means, that the color of the kitchen countertop headset goes unchanged for dining group. When there is a possibility, best to book a dining table, together with the kitchen.


Colors can change our lives and attitudes, so psychologists so much attention paid to the choice of the colors, in which man is most of the day. Pink - the color of the positive, should not be afraid to use it at home because, he was associated by many with levity. With proper layout and combination with other tones, It transforms dull and pessimistic interior, breathe new life into it.