All about kitchens for apartments and houses

Suspended ceiling in the kitchen: a photo 100 ideas


Stretch ceilings - a popular option finish. Kitchen area has a specific climate and at the same time is not only a place for cooking: We gather here not only for eating, but also for communication. Therefore, it is important to create a cozy atmosphere with the help of smart design premises - and ceilings including. The variety of cuisine options from the stretch ceilings can be seen in the accompanying photo examples below.

What good ceilings

Stretch ceilings in the kitchen - ideal, allowing to realize any design: by academic white ceiling to the fantastic diversity of ornaments, paintings and photographs. They have a number of advantages compared with traditional coatings:

  • beautiful and spectacular view;
  • the variety of design options;
  • rich colors;
  • kitchen fit any size and style;
  • simple and fast installation;
  • the ability to install at any convenient time;
  • practicality and ease of care;
  • long service life;
  • in some cases retain water during flooding top;
  • reliably hide the disadvantages of the existing ceiling, and various communication;

All kinds of pictures of suspended ceilings in the kitchen reflect the beauty and dignity of this type of finish.

small flaws

Based on the above it, ceilings in the kitchen - a real find, but there are a couple of negative points. The first - when mounting structure a few centimeters concealed ceiling height. The second - the tension ceiling canvas weak-stable to mechanical damage, such as cuts and punctures.

Varieties of suspended ceilings

Depending on the material used are two types of: film and fabric. Each allows to make countless variations, since the materials produced palette pleasing variety of colors and textures. They can be combined or to place fabric in a shaped multi-layered structure. To properly select the desired option from the proposed variety, to begin to better understand the views and see samples of suspended ceilings for kitchen.

material options: advantages and disadvantages

Modern the kitchen ceilings of film and fabric have different characteristics, its advantages and disadvantages. If you decide on the preference of a particular material, you can start from the price - at lower of film products.

PVC, or vinyl - glossy, dull, transparent, invoice

polyvinylchloride (PVC) or vinyl ceiling is also called the film. PVC surface is glossy, matt and even textured. Therefore, the kitchen ceiling tension of the film lead to the unique design.


  • affordable price;
  • water resistance and impermeability;
  • ability to withstand water leaking from above;
  • possibility to combine with other materials.


  • glare;
  • low resistance to mechanical damage;
  • crack at subzero temperatures;
  • the presence of a seam in the manufacture of blades for wide spaces (>3,5 m);

The most popular version of the ceiling - glossy. brilliant, almost mirror surface has a high degree of reflection. This means, glossy stretch ceiling in the kitchen visually enhances and elevates space. The ideal solution for small spaces.

Matt ceilings reminiscent of the usual finishing plaster or whitewash. Advantages of this surface:

  • no glare;
  • similar to the way satin;
  • demokratichnaya price.

Vinyl has a translucent structure - thanks to this property creates luminous suspended ceiling, placing a film lighting. This technique will help to get interesting effects, Add Room airiness.

Textured or textured ceilings - the fashion trend. Allow to imitate any texture: the cloth, skin, tree, marble, metal. It helps present premises in winning form. Any variations of suspended ceilings for kitchen using a variety of hit films.

Fabric - satin matte texture

Fabric tension mat ceiling in the kitchen looks stylish and expensive. Made of special mesh, impregnated with polymers. Such material has the advantages:

  • beautiful and noble;
  • "breathing";
  • wide yardage - it is possible to carve out a ceiling of any width and shape;
  • stronger polymer film due to the impregnation;
  • antistatic;
  • can be painted;
  • low temperatures do not afraid;
  • resistant to mechanical damage.

Lack of tissue: expensive.

Stretch ceilings in the large kitchen is convenient to do it in satin - a broad canvas to create a surface with no seams and joints.

The number of levels - how much and how to position


Popular easiest sibling suspended ceiling in the kitchen, pictures which show all the diversity of this simple, but beautiful design. This ceiling is concise and easy to install, even with their own hands.


More refined version - duplex, or bunk stretch ceilings in the kitchen do not less often, than single-level. This method makes it possible to allocate premises area more clearly and varied lighting.


they, who prefers luxurious and extravagant solutions, establish more complex structures. This multilayered suspended ceiling in the kitchen has its advantages:

  • hides major elements of communications and basic flaws of the ceiling;
  • It gives the interior a unique;
  • brings flavor to the proportions of the room;
  • It allows zoned space.


This type appeared not so long ago. On the ceiling cloth cut holes of different diameters, through which the light is soft and unusually scattered throughout the room, creating a special atmosphere.


They represent a combination of different materials ceiling, colors and textures. They may consist of a single, and several levels. Particularly relevant ceilings combined with a blend of gypsum board in the kitchen.

color ceiling

White ceiling - it is a classic and versatile option. But if you want to diversify the range of colors over his head, it is possible to give the canvas ceiling any color or pattern applied to your taste. Color and artistic ceilings in the kitchen (a photo) reflect all possible color palette.


Monochrome colored fabric is not difficult in manufacturing. Ideal one-color glossy ceilings for a small kitchen.

With photo printing

With photo printing on canvas manufacturers are able to portray any image. At the same time it provides good color rendering, and the pattern is not deformed during installation.

A variety of lighting for suspended ceilings

Any variants of a stretch ceiling for the kitchen would be unthinkable without the use of lighting: with the help of light can provide separate premises area. Luminaire selection is extremely important and complex due to the diversity and range of installation methods. must be considered: ceiling material and features of each type of lamp.


Depending on the location of lamps spotlights for ceilings are of two types: built and overhead. They are all easy, economical and easy to use. Possible combination with other types of lighting.


Various chandeliers good as the primary light source. When you select should pay attention to specifications:

  • chandeliers design should avoid direct contact with the ceiling cloth;
  • preference for models with the direction of the lamps down or sideways;
  • energy saving lamp applied with the low emissivity;

Light bulbs for ceiling lights

The operating principle of divided:

  • incandescent - cheap, eco-friendly, but it is limited in scope stretch ceilings: chandeliers overhead or at a safe distance from the ceiling;
  • luminescent: They have a high efficiency, small size, low energy consumption, does not generate heat - ideal for ceilings made of PVC;
  • halogen: adjustable lighting angle, different colors, long life. Minus - generate heat, high energy consumption;
  • LED: natural light, economy, Adjust the brightness and chroma, do not heat up, long working life;
  • LED Strip Light: It used to flush, additional lighting, at least - as the main lighting. Ideal for creating a luminous ceiling.

ceiling design as a reflection of style cuisine

For kitchen, decorated in any style, you can pick up the ceiling, emphasizing and complementing the style of the room. Stretch ceiling for classic dishes usually do classic matte texture. But the gloss and the use of color is also quite relevant. Unusual and bright texture diversify minimalist styles, reserved - emphasize the spirit of industrial high-tech.

A variety of ceilings in kitchen design photos to help identify and make the right decision when choosing your ceiling.

How to install the ceiling with his hands

Stretch ceilings in the kitchen, you can install it yourself, but in this case it is necessary to carefully study the characteristics of their installation. When everything is ready, you can gradually start:

  • consider the location of fixtures, to prepare a base for their;
  • measure the size of the canvas to the ceiling with a small seizure;
  • secure profile as closely as possible;
  • the temperature of the room air during installation PVC should be 40 ~ C;
  • PVC fabric to warm up 60 C. a heat gun or hair dryer construction;
  • strengthen the fabric in profile with a pitch of about 8 cm diagonal principle;
  • distribute canvas, even pulling around the perimeter, and tucking trowel;
  • cut off the excess, spread, heating the web through the dryer construction.

After normalization web temperature equalized.

But the self-suspended ceiling is best not to mount, and to entrust this matter experts, that will produce a quality installation with a guarantee. This will help to avoid many troubles, that may occur when working on their own.

Care for ceiling: you wash or not wash

Suspended ceilings in the kitchen has a hard atmosphere: they are subjected to negative influences of high temperatures, moisture, food fumes. Usually, in materials for ceilings, special antistatic added, repelling dust from the surface. However, possible contamination of the surface for some reason. If over time the surface has lost its shine, then restore the freshness is not difficult. It is enough simply to wipe the canvas with a soft damp cloth and a mild solution of vinegar. If heavy soiling is allowed to use detergents, containing no active chemical substance. It is strictly forbidden to use abrasive materials and tools with dyes.

Fabric ceiling is not recommended to be cleaned with detergents. In an extreme case,, allowed to make a foam soap solution or detergent powder. For regular maintenance is necessary to use a soft brush or by periodically vacuuming the ceiling, being careful.


Fitted stretch ceiling to preserve the beauty for years to come: ceiling serve, least, 15 years without the need for special care: no painting, no replacement of elements. The frequent cleaning cloth and does not need.