All about kitchens for apartments and houses

Apron in the kitchen under a brick: manufacturing materials and their characteristics


Widely used in recent years was a way to decorate the work area in the kitchen with the help of masonry, simulating real brick. This method will fit into any room and make it unique and stylish.

Making the work area in the kitchen

Apron from bricks to the work area in the kitchen will not only be practical, but also serve as a decoration. It can be matched to any interior. Material varied, that allows to realize any design ideas. Besides producing material aprons different way clutch and color scheme.

What material to buy to emulate

Decorate the work area to help in the kitchen apron. Imitation brick for this purpose is quite common. This solution is suitable for any interior. In choosing the material necessary to take into account their particular, they must have the following properties:

  • Strength
  • Humidity resistance
  • Easy care
  • Resistance to high temperature

In order to arrange an apron for the kitchen from brick, the most suitable materials will be:

  • Tile
  • decorative brick
  • gypsum tile
  • Wall panels MDF and hardboard
  • Wallpaper


Apron for kitchen tiles under the brick to be the most practical and convenient one for registration of the working zone. The reason for such widespread is this material lies in its merits:

  • Durability
  • Easy to install
  • Resistance to water, Chemicals and temperature extremes
  • Wide range of

Tiles can be the color of natural materials or unusual color, glossy or matte, smooth or rough. With its help, do a variety of masonry layout.

decorative brick

Decorative brick as an apron for the kitchen can be designed in different colors. Besides, its texture is smooth and rough. It looks as, as natural material, only thinner. Laid as a normal brick. The only drawback is, that seams quickly accumulate grease and dirt. To eliminate them, You have to use special means.


Apron from decorative brick in the kitchen has a moisture resistant properties, protected from mechanical damage, suitable for any interior. Besides, it is extremely easy to care for, Cleaning use any detergents.

gypsum tile

Brick apron for the kitchen from plaster tiles will be a budget option. In addition, it is ideal for the independent production of bricks. In plaster models porous structure, so they are very similar to real brick.

The disadvantage of plaster tiles is intolerant of moisture, but at the same time it is treated with additional polymer paints and silicone compounds. This action will extend the service life. Economical way to transform the space will allow a minimal cost.

Wall panels MDF

MDF panels are often used to decorate the kitchen interior. brick like an apron in the kitchen made of panels cost is not expensive, but it will not look like a natural.

On sale there are different colors aprons. Plus a lot of MDF, the main ones:

  • low cost
  • Easy maintenance
  • Easy installation
  • Large selection of colors and patterns
  • Humidity resistance

Panel to the apron in the kitchen under a brick have drawbacks, consisting in, that the strikes are dents or holes. From exposure to high temperatures can warp.

Wallpaper under glass

In addition to the above methods of decorating the kitchen, there is another - pasting wallpaper. the kitchen painted by a brick for the apron is no different from previous versions. He just looks like a natural stone, the only thing, you need to do - take care of the protection wallpaper from water and high temperatures, and aggressive substances. "Hide" wallpaper to help special polycarbonate screen or glass.

masonry, color material

Brick as an apron in the kitchen spread in different ways: classic way, offset design or art style. Color often choose monophonic.


Apron for the kitchen of the white bricks decorate any room. Advantageous to look to him potted plants and wooden furniture. Apron for kitchen white brick effect artificially aged surface will create a unique atmosphere. White kitchen with an apron made of bricks is typical for rustic style, provence. An apron of white brick in the kitchen some seem too boring, but it is not so. You can freshen up the interior, make brighter with additional elements.


The loft-style country and is commonly used red material. This apron decorative bricks perfectly complement the white furniture and marble countertop. To create the perfect interior floor should be wood, and decorative items to help supplement the full image. Suitable indoor plants, glass jars and lamps.

natural colors (sand, coffee)

Tiles on bricks apron is often used in natural color. Delicate coffee "antique" tiles on the apron under a brick fits perfectly into the kitchen in a retro style.

Carrying out works

Apron in the kitchen of the brick you can make yourself. The technology is absolutely identical to the conventional brick masonry. The process of making their own hands consists of several stages:

  1. surface preparation
  2. masonry
  3. Grouting

First of all remove the previous coating off the wall and remove unnecessary nails, close up a hole. After that line the walls and the ground. When the primer dries, applied plaster. The layer thickness should be 1-3 mm.

Install guide bar. To fix it straight, use level. For, the joints between the bricks to get a smooth, the gaps are inserted special crosses.


The final stage - the grout joints with a special solution. You can buy it in any hardware store. For the convenience of the application using a rubber spatula.

In this way, you can create a unique atmosphere in the kitchen. The work can be left to professionals or do-it-yourselfers.