All about kitchens for apartments and houses

7 varieties of kitchen aprons: choose appropriate


Recently kitchen aprons (or screens) acquire enormous importance in home kitchen design. In fact, this area above the work surface, not only protects the wall from contamination, but also involuntarily attracts attention. therefore, if the kitchen apron made in accordance with the fashion trends of interior design, it will be one of the main kitchen decoration.

interested? We decided to, that your area needs a transformation of the working surface? Then read more article, because you will find it a suitable option for you.

What should be an apron

What is the apron on the kitchen headset? it, first of all, Wall protection from dust, moisture, fatty plaque. But do not forget about the design of this part of the kitchen, since the apron forms a general view of the room.


But how to choose an apron for the kitchen? About materials talk later, but for now let's deal with its size. Yes, yes, it is this parameter will provide a convenient location in the kitchen apron conditions.

What should be guided at the size selection?

  1. plate parameters
  2. Type hob (gas or electric hobs)
  3. The height of the kitchen pedestals and hanging cabinets
  4. extraction device
  5. Height owners, often enjoying working and cooking zones

But when measurements need to be taken into account that, that part of the kitchen apron should extend beyond the table top.

If we take the example of a standard height of kitchen furniture, equal 85 cm, it means an apron in the kitchen headset must be located at a height from the floor 84 cm.

The width of the kitchen detail - is the distance from the top to the bottom edge. Some call this parameter height. In the selection of appropriate width following factors are considered:

  1. Ceiling height
  2. The height of the cabinets and appliances
  3. A method of opening doors hanging cabinets (up or standard "on")
  4. Height cuisine owners

Calculate ideally suitable width kitchen apron follows:

Vymeryat height outdoor tables Headset, with the built-in equipment. If the headset is integrated washing machine or dishwasher, the height from the floor to the edge of the countertop will be 90 cm (under standard parameters kitchens). And at such a distance metric between the upper edge of the table top and the bottom edge of wall cabinets should not be more than 110 cm. Based on this, the width of the skirt must be 112 cm (no more), of which 2 See - this is the edge, penetrating the edge of the table top.

If a standard kitchen unit is installed without the built-in equipment, the height of the lower pedestals 85 cm. In this case, apron on the wall in the kitchen should not be more 117 cm width.

And one more thing in choosing the right screen for the kitchen unit - it records the location of outlets in the wall above the work surface. In this situation it is necessary to deform a little screen, by cutting it in a connector socket.

What materials are used

Make aprons on the wall for the kitchen made of various materials. So there is problems with the choice does not arise. Focus only on your preferences and financial capabilities. But still, Let's look at each material separately.

Tile - the beauty of "too expensive"

Tiles for kitchen furniture is one of the most popular materials in the design of. In popularity this material gained through the following:

  • budget option registration
  • durability
  • good resistance to moisture
  • wall protection from fire and strong chemicals
  • perfectly clean without reference spots
  • ease of assembly and dismantling (it is possible to lay out their own)
  • versatility for virtually any design
  • diversity in the choice of

Tiles for the kitchen is not without drawbacks:

  • consuming process when laying
  • Hard money-tile joints (seams)

Glass: emphasis on modernity

In kitchen with an apron, made of glass it looks very stylish and modern, especially if it is attended by a photo image.

The glass material is quite in demand for home kitchens. It is made not from a simple glass, and tempered, ogneupornogo, also resistant to shocks. The safety of this material is high and, even if we manage to break the glass apron, the fear of cuts from its fragments is not necessary, because glass does not crumble into pieces, and crack into small pieces (by type of broken car windshield).


Besides, Kitchen screen glass guaranteed to last a 10 years old, and with careful regard - even longer.

Clean "accessory" is surprisingly easy and not fussy to detergents.

Glass apron demand do not detract from its disadvantages:

  • dearness (from 5000 rubles per m2)
  • Installation is performed only by professional artists
  • glass apron does not have standard sizes and are made only on individual parameters. Measurements must be carried out accurately, because in the process of installing trim apron is no longer possible

Plastic: Budget apron for a budget repair

Kitchen plastic screen - ideal for the repair of economy class or for the kitchen in a country house. Well worth it for a very reasonable price, so you can change it on a regular basis. Not fussy material to the sink and installation.

However, this accessory will last long: scratch, zapping, burns - all this will significantly reduce its lifetime.

mosaic: space for imagination

Mosaic - it is rather a type of design apron, sold already assembled on a special grid. A material, from which it can be manufactured mosaic sorts: ceramics, glass, a rock, granite, metal, and on a separate request all of these materials can be used simultaneously in a grid.

This design kitchen apron has a high quality, strength, it will last a long time and reliably.

The uniqueness of this type of screen is, that it is possible to cover, as a perfectly flat surface, and wall irregularities: peaks and valleys. And, by mosaics can recreate any composition.

By cons include: dearness (compared with ceramics); a large number of joints; long period stacking, particularly complicated pattern.

A rock: Elegance is in the details

Stone - a noble material, perfectly with the design of the kitchen with an apron in a classic style, combines the rigor and elegance at the same time. The most popular stones, of which spread aprons - a granite and marble.

But, worth considering, the stone - expensive material, which the, in addition, It requires a highly professional installation.

There is also an analogue of these stones - an artificial version, called agglomerate. It is cheaper than marble and granite, but in no way inferior quality. A marble even surpasses the issue of washing and attract dirt.


Mirror surface of the work area is excellent "fit" in the style of high-tech or modern. But be ready for the regular care of unusual kitchen apron mirror type.

Mirror Glass - a material way, very fragile and not practical. But, if the finance question for you is not a problem, the replacement of damaged material is not difficult.

wood material

Connoisseurs and lovers of natural materials, It fits in perfectly with the style of rustic or country, will prefer the apron in the kitchen under the tree. But, there is one "but". Use materials made of pure wood - it is not safe and is not practical.

Why? The thing is, the tree is highly flammable (if you do not burn, it burns remain), unstable to moisture (treatment substance from moisture depleted over time), fastidiously cleaning the. Yes, and expensive.

But, there is a way out - an apron for the kitchen in the wall made of chipboard or MDF.

design kitchen with an apron

Needless to say, that the design of the kitchen aprons can be all kinds of. Everything depends on the "flight of your imagination".

Apron you can pick any color, and pattern computation method.


design kitchen with an apron incorporates a combination of colors or surface countertops kitchen cabinets with area above the work surface. Do not ignore and the combination with the walls and small accessories.

Do not be amiss to take into account several nuances:

  1. Dark apron in the kitchen is better not to choose. All flaws: dust, water stains and traces of drops, grease stains, scratch - everything will be very noticeable
  2. Bright aprons for the kitchen will pull all attention on themselves and become a focus in the room. Ideally, they will look at "fresh" or neutral kitchen
  3. Apron in the kitchen with apples or cherries will be unusual and topical solution textured, which will give the room "juiciness"
  4. horizontal lines, image on the screen to visually expand a small room

Photo options combinations apron with kitchen design

Further, we will present the options, to help understand, the look and fit screens.

Sectional mirror surface

Screens with a pattern on a wall

mosaic design

Tiled option

noble stone
