All about kitchens for apartments and houses

kitchen fully brick: secrets of the fashion trends


Fickle fashion dictates its own rules everywhere, including repairs. some materials, used not so long ago, leave, and they were replaced by new ones.

kitchen fully brick
Brick mixed feelings about the right style

Recently it became popular new material for the walls inside the house - brick. it, of course, It is not the same material, from which they build houses, and decorative bricks for interior decoration. Such a design could become the main design idea with kitchen repairs, its chip. It will draw attention, and in addition to visually divide the kitchen area into two functional zones - working and dining.

Such a decorative material does not require additional finish. He is an unusual interior design.

kitchen fully brick

Modern kitchen decoration: interior design option

Modern construction techniques allow the use of materials for walls, that structurally resemble brick:

  • building panels;
  • clinker tiles;
  • decorative plaster under a brick;
  • wallpaper.

they are all much easier to decorative bricks and have a smaller volume, which it is very important for a small kitchen. The most popular decorative panel under a brick for interior decoration.

To choose the right finishing material, you need a clear idea of ​​where in the kitchen is located a brick wall.

Kitchen under a brick
The old and the new trend in the fashion style of the room in one

Note, which side of the window are arranged and how the light falls. Answers to this question, you will understand, where better to perform a laying of blocks. Winning option to split them other materials. It looks great ornamental columns of bricks, separating the wallpaper and plaster.

The advantages of brick

Like any brick building material for interior walls has advantages and disadvantages. Consider first the disadvantages, not so much.

  1. Brick finishing option impractical, as the dust clogged in the joints and accumulate there. Removing dust from the cement is complex solution. It is better not to apply a finish to the work area.
  2. If the finish of the walls under a brick is used for the entire room, then be prepared for the sensations of discomfort and lack of the usual for comfort food. Over time, will be feeling, that you are not in the kitchen, and in basement or unfinished room.
  3. To highlight how the brickwork require additional lighting.

kitchen under a brick

As you can see cons are not so essential, a reasonable approach to the decoration of the walls will be able to neutralize them at the expense of superiority following advantages.

  1. Saving money, because it does not require additional finishing.
  2. Wall under a brick in the interior of the room focuses on subjects, disposed thereon. each element (shelf, cupboard, picture, pots of flowers) accentuate.
    Shelf on the background of brick
    Accessories and kitchen predemety with brick texture - it is comfortable
  3. The clear structuring of the premises, based on the nature of bricks.
  4. The combination of the main technical characteristics of the material (humidity, thermal conductivity, insulation).
  5. Wall masonry attracts attention and thus the boundary between functional areas of the kitchen stands out clearly.
  6. It does not require much skill and possession of a special technique, masonry can be simple.
  7. This material is available to all, so it does not require a significant investment.

It can be used for laying natural brick, but it is better to do it during the construction phase. In all other cases it is reasonable to buy decorative panels, made of lightweight materials.

We spread the brick wall yourself

modern decoration kitchen under a brick

For the original interior use different types of finishing materials. What kind of prefer, to simulate a brick in the interior of the apartment? Consider the common finishing materials for brick and their features.

The leader among such materials are the building panel. They possess high strength and do not absorb moisture, that is suitable for the kitchen. Such panels manufactured from plastic, so with them easy to remove dust and dirt. For them no problem entering acid or hot fat. Wall of brick in the interior using the building panels can be easily mounted with their hands, due to low weight construction. Plates are mounted directly on the wall using a drill and screws. But some types of construction panels require the installation of lathing. These boards should not be used for installation on small-sized kitchens.

Spread the brick wall
Laying flat material - it should be at the forefront

Figure panels are selected based on the method of attachment - horizontally or vertically. Application of building boards is convenient, it is easy to replace the damaged section, without dismantling the whole structure. Look building boards in the work area, as wall decoration.

The next type of finishing material - clinker tiles. This is a man-made bricks for interior decoration. Available, as an ordinary brick from raw clay, coated with a special solution (glaze). Due to this, it becomes stronger and more resistant against burnout.

Perfect as masonry in the interior, It has a porous structure and good heat holding.

style kitchen under a brick

Unusual and impressive looks decorative plaster for interior walls. Make a decorative plaster can be their own hands, and this is a weighty argument in favor of this type of material. Besides an excellent insulation, It is made from environmentally friendly materials, with a wide range of textures and does not require extra care.

Such a brick wall in the interior of the kitchen offers creative freedom for the designer and is suitable for those, who will appreciate the flight of fancy. It may be located in different places:

  • as the framing of the door opening or niche;
  • as a fragment or colored decorative element, or wallpapered wall;
  • Finish the whole wall.

For those, who wish to use a decorative brick in the interior, but the above types of finishes did not come, worth a try wallpaper "Brick".

Kiripichnaya wall in the kitchen
Wallpaper with a pattern of bricks also suit

Tiles and panels in

There is no time or lack of finances, imitation brick walls with his own hands with the help of wallpaper best way. These wallpapers are glued easily and have a number of advantages:

  • do not reduce the useful floor area, which is important for a small kitchen;
  • available for each price;
  • allow the wall to breathe;
  • not a lot of garbage, as when using other types of finishing materials.

Very impressive looking 3D wallpaper with imitation brickwork. However, it should be remembered, that when using wallpaper to design an apron in the work area can be difficult, when removing grease stains wall surface.

Another option imitation masonry - painting. There is a possibility to choose the color according to the selected style cuisine, and the type of paint to choose, Depending on individual preferences.

Elastomeric paint will eliminate cracks, formed after the buildings shrink, and protect the walls from moisture.

Acrylic paints, as well as water based paints have a wide color gamut, as a creative space for multi-color decoration.

style under a brick

wall, colored paint under a brick, It has a number of shortcomings. Over time, the paint is cracked and poorly resistant to mechanical damage.


Decorated under a brick wall, regardless of the selected material for finishing, It looks stylish and impressive, capable of making a flavor and personality to the kitchen design. A brick wall made with their own hands will add a sense of satisfaction from the outcome. Here such it is a simple and interesting - Kitchen fully brick.