Simple rules of the installation of shear washer
Kitchen Sink - a necessary attribute, as a refrigerator, stove or table. The importance of this equipment is not necessary to prove, but to choose and correctly set - a simple task only in appearance. First of all, There are certain requirements for the external data and technical characteristics. Secondly, There are certain nuances of the installation, the observance of which will make washing dishes and products convenient and comfortable.
What is the ideal washing? It has sufficient dimensions, it was convenient to wash large dishes in it. It withstands high temperature and random mechanical damage, easily tolerate interaction with household cleaning products. What is no less important - appearance of the product is preserved for a long time, regardless of the intensity of use.
To deal with the requirements of the sink in the kitchen is not so difficult. They follow logically from its destination. The challenge for the designer-lover will determine the kind of shell, that together with the functionality to buy a beautiful decor element.
Council: proceed to the choice of washing is necessary after approval kitchen design. This ensures, that the sink will fit into the interior, and is not only beautiful and practical, but harmonious attribute in the kitchen.
washing Kitchen can be the invoice and mortise. The difference lies in the method of installation. Invoices are placed on a special pedestal, Fitting for mortice hole in the worktop sawed.
Characteristics overhead sinks
Invoice for washing dishes, stainless steel is a tandem sink and kitchen cabinet. The shell is made of sheet metal. Stainless steel - perfect, since it is easy to cope with aggressive media (combination of constant moisture and household chemicals). Kitchen Cabinet in this case - is a special cabinet without back wall and shelves. Despite the lack of shelves, podstole sink has a practical application and is used for storing household inventory.
Waybill sink in the kitchen most of the square shape. Dimensions sidewalls standard - of 40 to 60 centimeters. The depth of 15 to 20 centimeters. Three side walls have rounded edges for easy installation, Fourth - Back - slightly higher to prevent the ingress of moisture between the shell wall and.
Despite the seeming simplicity of design, overhead kitchen sinks may have additional elements. for example, second wash (smaller or the same size) very handy for rinsing dishes or food. Special ribbed surface to dry and overhead adds sink.
The product is sold as a separate, and complete with pedestal. It is better to choose the second option. Sink with podstolya eliminate the need to search for a suitable size closet.
The surface may be matt or glossy. Frosted embodiment is more practical, since the hide muddy stains and dirt are less noticeable.
The main plus overlay options - easy to install.
Terms of the installation of shear model
Installation is made in two stages:
- assembly tables.
- installation of sink.
assembly tables
Cabinet furniture body and is, respectively, delivered unassembled. Therefore, the cabinet under the sink with his hands is going to have the host and home, it is not particularly difficult. The kit includes:
- Sidewalls - 2 PC.,
- The bottom of the structure - 1 PC.,
- Frame for rigidity - 3 PC.,
- door - 2 PC.,
- Hardware - loop (4 PC.) and handles (2 PC.).
- Fasteners - corners, screws.
required tools: Cordless.
Instructions for assembling the cabinet:
- Connect the side walls and the front corners of the frame by means of screws and. One frame is attached to the side walls from the top, second - bottom.
- Connect the resulting structure with the enclosure bottom. The front bottom edge rests on top of the lower frame.
- Install the rear frame: attach using parts of the side walls of the middle.
Door cabinet installed after the installation of sinks!
Installing shell
Secure cleaning of stainless steel on the pedestal can be using:
- sealant,
- foam,
- on a special attachment to the L-shaped.
In the first case, install a sink made of stainless steel in the cabinet can only be by means of a sealant, but the mounting reliability is questionable. Sealant puts on the edge stone, top mounted sink. Although the sealant and adhesive combines the functions and protective composition, but the shell must withstand considerable weight loads. Therefore it is better to use more severe methods of fixing or reinforce the bottom of the wooden beams (crate).
Attach the sink to the cabinet using the sealing foam is very easy. It is applied to the edges of the side and front walls, we wait 10 minutes, then put on the sink. foam dries, excess (the, that went beyond the edge) cropped. The foam has a high gluing force, but the shell is, in fact, only the enclosure walls. Structural reliability is questionable.
waybill sink It is set to have attached to it a mixer and siphon. Once done it will be difficult.
If the kit includes a mount for the cleaning bill, the installation it will be more reliable and high quality. To install the washer on a pedestal with screws and special fasteners (brackets) you may need a little more time, but it will be long-lasting and durable.
- Pencil mark places, Brackets - where fasteners will be placed.
- Screw the screws at the marked locations (not all the way).
- Secure the brackets on the screws.
- Set invoice sink into the grooves of brackets.
- Check, even if the shell falls.
- remove the shell. Apply sealant on the upper edges of the side walls pedestals.
- Insert the sink into the grooves of brackets.
- Tighten the screws to lock.
Next, connect the water supply and hang door cabinets.
Council: To connect the water better to use a reliable and durable, flexible tube made of metal.
For fixing overhead sinks sliding the method can be used. In this case the cabinet is equipped with a guide, a bill on the kitchen sink has a special curved edge. Installation is even easier. Curved shell elements are inserted into the guide and it is pushed up to the stop.
Whichever mounting method you choose, one thing is clear - with the installation of the invoice right sink even a novice. It is easy to install and affordable price have made this a popular consignment sink.
successful installation!