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How to choose the best kitchen sink. Installation Instructions


Not long ago, the most common were enameled sink. Another material for their manufacture was not used, and therefore sinks did not look so attractive. Rather, they were regarded as a necessary and functional subject. Nowadays, in the age of high-tech all changed dramatically. Sinks are now able to decorate any room.

Choosing countertops for sinks

Selecting the shells is an important point, since in the kitchen every housewife spends a lot of time. Worktop and sink should be not only beautiful, but also easier to use.

When buying a sink, consider all its features. Pay attention to its capacity. If during the day accumulates a lot of dishes, you must choose the sink more. It is better, her to have a few extra sections and wings.

This will improve the efficiency of the kitchen work. From the manufacturing of the material depends on the period of service sinks. Besides, they must be beautiful and easy to use.

types of shells

Washings different manufacturing material, They come in different shapes and installed in different ways. Considering the huge assortment of this kind of goods, you must carefully approach the purchase of Shell. After all, it is necessary not only for beauty, but also for the convenience of work.


In Soviet times did enameled sink, recently used the most practical and aesthetic materials for manufacturing. Each of them has its own characteristics, Advantages and disadvantages. Consider the most popular materials for the manufacture of sinks.


stainless steel

Washings stainless steel countertops are one budget, so how are inexpensive.

Install them can be independently, it does not take much time and much effort. Besides, aesthetic appearance is perfect for any design. Color washes perfectly with the contemporary setting of high-tech style. Sinks of stainless steel durable and will last a long time. They are not afraid of changes in temperature, not be exposed to chemical agents.

Their drawback is the increased noise level and low impact resistance. Sometimes, under the influence of sharp objects can remain dents or scratches. On the surface of the dried droplet sinks visible.


Ceramic products are characterized by a glossy surface. They are beautiful and will fit into any kitchen style, but most of all suitable for classic. Among the advantages of ceramics include the following:

  • Easy maintenance. They are easy to clean
  • self installation. As well as stainless steel sinks, Ceramic sinks can be installed without the help of a specialist. The only obstacle may be a great weight of the product
  • Environmentally friendly material
  • No noise. Running tap water is almost inaudible

Ceramic sinks have disadvantages, among which:

  • High price
  • Care using gentle means for washing
  • Limited colors
  • From a strong impact shell may crack

Fake diamond (shell black, white and other colors)

Built-in sink made of artificial stone countertop may have different sizes and shapes. This allows you to choose the most suitable model for each.

Sink made of artificial stone is combined with a table top and gives the room an aesthetic appearance.

Such products temperature drops perfectly transferred and are not afraid of chemicals.

Among the shortcomings noted:

  • High price
  • great weight. Set yourself, probably, will not work, better to turn to professionals
  • porous surface. It means, that all the dyes can penetrate into the pores and remain there. Due to this surface can partly be painted in a different color.
To avoid this, carefully clean the shell of a colorant with a soft cloth or sponge.

The shape of shells (round, square, rectangular, angular)

Shell shape is the most diverse. Unusual design products may be the most bizarre. Shell should fit into the interior, and be comfortable.

Round sink for easy rinsing. They rarely complemented by several bowls. Establish such shells, and in the middle of the table and in the corner.

Square shells are a standard solution. Rectangular products allow supplement their bowls, wings. The corner cleaning also arranged wings and bowl. Corner sink specially designed to accommodate in a corner.

How to install the sink yourself

There is a sink countertop installation technology. It depends on the type of shell, and the method of its installation. Sinks come in:

  • built-in (Mortice)
  • overhead
  • underbench

Inset sinks are set into a hole in the countertop. Overhead dress on a stand and become a continuation of countertops. Underbench sink are placed below the level of the table. In the latter case, the necessary cleaning of water-resistant material. The best option will be the product of natural stone. Underbench installation method is rarely used.

how to cut (cut it out) an opening in the countertop

First, make all the necessary measurements and mark the line, for which you want to cut a hole. To do this, use the jigsaw. First make a hole at the corners, only then proceed to the cutting out extension. Washing must insert into the countertop. If it is not included, you can fix the edges with a jigsaw.

installation (incut) and mount sink

From inside the washing fastening set. You can also use silicone. During the installation, press down firmly on the edge of the shell, This will remove excess silicone from under the skirting. After installation is complete,, you can start communications connection.

To plug

To this end, the following steps are necessary:

  1. Release is introduced into the siphon sink
  2. To a siphon attached corrugated pipe
  3. Then it is output to a sewer pipe
  4. Check all the elements in the compound

How to embed the sink in the countertop: video case

Set the sink can be independently, important to make correct measurements. Then, carefully cut a hole, Insert washer and securely.