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Weaving newspaper tubes for beginners: step-by-step instruction


Wickerwork - ancient craft, which brings practical benefits to people. Today it has been transformed into a new kind of needlework - weaving newspaper tubes. Despite, that the material another, Technology remains the same.

How to prepare the paper

The most difficult stage in the weaving of the newspapers - is preparing tubes. If you are going to make a great product - a basket or a box, you need a lot of blanks. Good, today mailboxes lowered a lot of free newspapers, money does not have to spend on them.

For larger objects better to take a magazine heavy paper, because it holds its shape better. Small interior souvenirs is best done from a thin newsprint.

The preparatory phase of the weaving newspaper tubes for beginners step by step:

    1. collection of newspapers.
    2. Newspaper cutting into strips the same width 4-10 cm.
    3. tube formation. Take the needle, begin to fold around the strip at an angle 45 degrees. Secure the end with glue.

Equipment and methods of braiding

There are several ways of weaving tubes. weave type is selected, based on the purpose of the product and its appearance. For boxes and baskets best to choose a dense weave stable. For souvenirs you can take ornamental openwork interlacing.

A simple twist weaving for beginners

Weaving Paper vines can master each person, This is no big deal. The simplest weave - spiral, around the frame rods.

Try to make a circle of tubes for training. To do this, connect 6 rods, to diverge radially, This is the basis. Is bent tube at an angle 45 degrees, as it shown on the picture. If they come to an end, GROW tubes, fixing them with adhesive.

It's best to do the work around the base. This can be hairspray, then you'll have a tube, from which you can make a Christmas wreath. You can take a pot, pot for flowers or other round base.

cotton weaving

Interlacing tubes in product recalls weave. Therefore, some patterns identified by types of tissues, eg, calico.

Calico scheme for beginners:

  1. To the base, which will be the bottom of the product, Attach the tube at a distance 2 cm. The most convenient way to do this glue gun.
  2. Put on the bottom of a cardboard box or a pot, This is the basis. Pick up all the tubes and secure them with clothespins, that they were exactly.
  3. Take one working vine and lay it between the vertical bars, through one. Presses it to the base, turned to trim weave.
  4. When the operating end vine, insert the new, securing adhesive.
  5. Periodically measure the height of the product, it should always be the same.

patterns: a photo

Openwork weaving - the most difficult. Usually it is used for decorating articles made from paper tubes for beginners. Such weave have little resistance, it is best not to make them all the product entirely.

Easy openwork weaving can be made of two pairs of tubes. Start the same, in cotton weaving. But instead of one working the vines need to take 4. Each vertical rack entwine them in front and behind, crisscrossing. The result is a delicate braid.

Weave bottom: step by step master class

To facilitate the work of masters used as the bottom of the product Cardboard. If you want to weave the entire product from the newspaper, You should start from the bottom.

As the weave of the bottom paper tubes:

  • To take a solid bottom 12 tubules. Spread out on 3 pieces and interconnected crisscross, To get the "snowflake".
  • Take the operating rod, go around it around a tube, to happen 2 working late.
  • Perepletayte 2 working around the vine 2 tubules. Watch for a perfect seal of all bars.
  • From this bottom wall products grow, that it looked solid. If we make the bottom wall and separately, lost the effect of a single product.

Types zagibok and lessons on him

Bending the upper edge - another stumbling block beginning masters. Carefully finish product, hide all the ends and give the aesthetic appearance is not that the first time. Training will help you to finish the job quickly and accurately.

Simple Bending edge

Simple Bending edge based on the bending of rods and weaving in the same direction. Bending This is suitable for any product: basket, boxes, flowerpot.


Bending volume gives a beautiful region in the form of pigtails. Such interweaving difficult in execution, but the result is worth the effort. For the formation of a beautiful edge to the uprights need to add additional bars. Of the three tubes woven braid in three adding in a circle. Start masquerades end bars.

lazy pigtail

Lazy braid does not involve the introduction of additional rods. Just weave the remaining vertical tube with each other. Start braiding must also disguise, to spit was a solid circle.


This is good for Bending decorative boxes and boxes. Working tubes are bent inward, intertwined with the uprights and move on.


Bending double edge gives a beautiful volume, it is most often used for baskets. Vertical twigs are intertwined pairs. By the end of the circle all the tubes are bent and hidden.


Bending complex so called, since it represents the edge openwork, which drags strictly according to the scheme. Used for decorative baskets, vases, boxes.

Zagibka rozga

The rod is formed of vertical struts. They should not be cut at the end of the wall weave. Tubes are bent one after another, so formed first row. After that, the tube must be inserted into the holes of the first row, until they run out. The ends must be secured within the adhesive.

What can we weave: candy, caskets, vases, baskets

Weaving paper tubes allows you to create almost any shape. You can paint it in any color, that will fit into your home decor. As a result, you can make any dish, vase, picture frame, Shopping cart, box.

Most often weaving paper sticks imitating wickerwork, used for the manufacture of interior baskets and boxes. If they are varnished, they will not be afraid of the water and become strong.

It can be drawn from newspapers creative product, eg, clutch. It will look like unusual and distinguish you from the crowd. Some masters are made from tubes sofas, chairs and tables.

What and how to paint tubes

Paint the basket from newspaper tubes can be any color, are diluted with water. You can paint the finished product from a container, with a brush or sponge. And you can paint the first tube, and then weave them.

Most often used for painting the water-based stain. newspaper vine, colored stain, It becomes flexible and durable, from it more convenient to weave. The finished product is recommended treated with lacquer, to give it a finished look. You can mix the varnish and paint, and to combine the two procedures.

Video lessons

It is difficult to understand the technique of weaving of plastic tubes from the description. It is best to watch video, where the masters share secrets and show the process clearly.